Proven Guilty- Chapters 4, 5, & 6

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Hello beautiful people, and welcome to the newest installment of The Dresden Files! I really am delighted to have started this book, and as much as I cannot wait for RoShawn to reach a few certain parts, I also kind of want to stretch it out because it's going to be over before you know it. <br>These chapters are a lot of setting the scene for things to come. First, Harry is recovering from the hit-and-run, which contrary to what RoShawn was hoping for, does indeed seem to be some kind of direct attack rather than an actual accident. He can't go to the hospital though, and winds up home with Murphy, telling her about the shit day he's had and how the White Council beheaded some kid in a warehouse. Needless to say, Murphy is less than pleased about this. <br>Then, we get to see where so much of Harry's paycheck has gone to, and it turns out that he's building a nice little super-villainy lair in his basement with a map of Chicago that encompasses several miles. He's got models of every building, and pieces of each are imbedded in the models to give them the right energy. If Little Chicago works, Harry will be able to follow people and investigate without having to ever leave his house. <br>I hope that you all enjoy the episode, and I will see you soon with a new one! Thanks for listening!