I Was A Teenage Bigfoot

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Hello everyone! Forgive me for the lateness of this episode. I was away for the week of Thanksgiving, and when I got home I got sick. I always get sick after air travel; I should just start scheduling a sick week into my calendar after every vacation. <br>Anyway, this is a really fun and slightly more lighthearted story from Harry's archives, and I'm always a fan of Bigfoot Irwin because he just seems like such a good-hearted cinnamon roll of a dude. So when I first read this and found out that someone was fuckin around with my boy, I got soooo mad. And then when I found out WHY that person was doing what they were doing, I got even madder. <br><br>Thank you all so much for your patience, and I will see you next week with the first chapters of Proven Guilty!