The Devan Kline Show show

The Devan Kline Show

Summary: If you are ready to stop starting over on your fitness journey, ready to amplify your results and ready to see lasting change, you are in the right place. My name is Devan Kline, CEO of Burn Boot Camp, and I’m here to coach you on taking your health and fitness to the next level. Every Tuesday I bring you my best advice and practical strategies for igniting your transformation. Every Thursday I chat with the top influencers in the industry on the latest in nutrition, health and fitness. I traveled the country in my early 20's playing for the San Francisco Giants staying with host families in dozens of cities. I discovered that "normal" American problems were not the same as I had faced growing up but lethargy and lack of vitality led them to a similar unhappiness. It was so fulfilling to positively impact their lives with my presence! After being released from the Giants at 24 y/o, Morgan (my wife) and I started Burn Boot Camp in a parking lot with our last $600. In the first 6 years, we've generated $100M in revenue and impacted almost 1 million families with hard work, belief, and a relentless drive! My podcast covers my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual philosophy to help you take your life to the next level. It's my life's mission to help you create LASTING change, to "stop starting over", and to maximize your health and happiness! I'm always accessible to you on Instagram, DM me anytime! @devan.kline


 Emily Breeze: Demystifying Exercise While Pregnant, Motherhood, Marriage, Pancakes and More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:07

Sit down with Emily and me.. we talk pancakes (yes, pancakes!), workouts pre, during and post-pregnancy, kids, vacations, spouses and so much more. It's time for you to dictate your happiness and Emily and I walk you through some of our best practices!

 Does Your Personal Brand Need A Clean Up with Devan Kline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:57

Get your notebook out, grab your favorite pen because it's time for a coaching session. What do Nike, Apple, Burn Boot Camp, you and I have in common? I dive into that in this episode and help you align your mission, your legacy, your vision, and more down a path of positive change every single day. Don't wait until January 1st, today is your day to change!

 Drew Manning: From Fit2Fat2Fit - Drew Gains and Loses 75 Pounds On Purpose During His A&E TV Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:46

In today’s episode of Next Level, we’re talking with Drew Manning, who’s most well known for his Fit2Fat2Fit journey where he gained and then subsequently lost 75 pounds. While this may sound like a crazy experiment for someone in the fitness world to embark on, for Drew, it was really about stepping into the exact experience that his clients were going through.

 Why You Need To Get Over Yourself And The Reasons You Think You Can't | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:23

The reason you aren’t succeeding has nothing to do with anyone or anything. The one thing holding you back from experiencing the success you want in your life is yourself. Yes, you! In this episode, I help you break down your barriers and push you to be honest with yourself about how you are holding yourself back.

 Autumn Calabrese: The Art of Meal Prepping and How To Be Prepared For The Week with Beachbody Super Star Autumn Calabrese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:59

The results you see from the gym are 90% dependent on your diet. Although, avoiding unhealthy food seems to be the biggest battle when it comes to living a fitter lifestyle. There will always be an unhealthy food choice readily available to us, making it so easy for us to just “slip-up.”   The solution? Being prepared.

 Your Number One Mistake When Setting Goals With Devan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:44

Most likely, your fitness goals have something to do with losing weight, losing body fat, or losing inches. Everyone’s goals are centered around losing. But in my opinion, the world “losing” has such a negative connotation with negative vibes attached to it. What if the reason you can’t reach your goals is that you are focusing on is bringing more negativity into your life? In this episode of Next Level, I talk you through shifting your goal-setting mindset from "losing" to "gaining."

 Jessamyn Stanley: How To Love Your Body with Inspiring Yoga Instructor Jessamyn Stanley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

In this episode of Next Level, I chat with Jessamyn Stanley who is a true icon for body positivity and a world-renowned yoga teacher breaking all the yogi stereotypes. Jessamyn shares her journey from self-hate to self-love and gives you real-life advice for learning to accept your body.  

 Devan's 5 Nutrition Tips To Make Your Life Easier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:47

When you overcomplicate nutrition, there is no way it will become a lifestyle. The reason we don’t eat healthily isn’t that we don’t know how. We all know what foods we should and shouldn’t be eating. The reason we don’t eat healthily is that it’s not the most comfortable choice. So how can we make eating healthier easier? In this episode of Next Level, I’m giving you my best five tips for simplifying nutrition and helping you develop a healthy diet you can maintain long term.

 Bruce Pitcher: Losing 200 Pounds, Overcoming Sexual Abuse and Becoming A Leading Transformation Expert with Bruce Pitcher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:27

In this episode of Next Level, a well-known fitness trainer and transformation expert, Bruce Pitcher joins us. Bruce chats with me about his journey from weighing 420 pounds and losing 201 pounds in a year. No matter what struggles you face or what tragedies you’ve dealt with, Bruce will give you the empowerment you need to reach your goals, love yourself, and build a brighter future.

 Devan's 7 Ways To Know You Have An Ego Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:39

The greatest thing I’ve learned and my overall message for you in this episode is to speak your truth. It wasn’t until I began speaking my truth and was able to overcome the ego problem that I began to see real success in my life. I learned the hard way that our truth lies within ourselves, and our false reality lies within our ego. That’s why I want to share with you seven signs of having an ego problem, empowering you to cultivate the same awareness, and avoid making the same mistakes I did.

 Chris Downing: Unleash Your Inner Power With Beach Body Super Trainer Chris Downing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:45

No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, all the power you need is already within you; you need to believe it’s there and work to unleash it. In this episode of Next Level, I’m joined by Chris Downing, Beachbody Super Trainer, and motivational speaker, who will empower you to take your health, fitness, and life to the next level through showing you how to unleash the power you already have within yourself.

 My Top 3 Ways To Change Your Negative Emotions | Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:47

In this episode of Next Level, I share three practical and impactful ways to reverse engineer your psychology and successfully change your negative emotions.

 Joel Freeman: How Do You Stop Falling Off The Wagon with Beachbody Super Trainer Joel Freeman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:34

Do you keep falling off the fitness wagon? Rather than just jumping back on the same fitness wagon you keep falling off, in the latest episode of Next Level, expert fitness trainer, Joel Freeman, explains what you can do instead.

 Why Being Selfish Is A Great Strategy to Build Your Body, Business and Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:32

What are the top three priorities in your life? Are you number one? Are you even on the list? If you aren’t, I can promise you, you’re not living your best life. We should all be at the top of our list. In this episode, I want to talk to you about selfishness. More importantly, I want to talk to you about how being selfish isn’t selfish at all. Being selfish is actually the least selfish thing you can do. 

 JJ Virgin: How To Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat with Celebrity Trainer JJ Virgin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:26

Raise your hand again if you think doing a thousand crunches a day is going to help you lose that stubborn belly fat? False! Here's the hard truth: Doing more and more ab exercises is not a practical approach for getting rid of stubborn belly fat. In this episode of Next Level, my guest JJ Virgin, celebrity nutrition and fitness expert, discusses why we have it, why doing more crunches won’t solve the problem, and what we need to do instead. Are you ready?


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