The Devan Kline Show show

The Devan Kline Show

Summary: If you are ready to stop starting over on your fitness journey, ready to amplify your results and ready to see lasting change, you are in the right place. My name is Devan Kline, CEO of Burn Boot Camp, and I’m here to coach you on taking your health and fitness to the next level. Every Tuesday I bring you my best advice and practical strategies for igniting your transformation. Every Thursday I chat with the top influencers in the industry on the latest in nutrition, health and fitness. I traveled the country in my early 20's playing for the San Francisco Giants staying with host families in dozens of cities. I discovered that "normal" American problems were not the same as I had faced growing up but lethargy and lack of vitality led them to a similar unhappiness. It was so fulfilling to positively impact their lives with my presence! After being released from the Giants at 24 y/o, Morgan (my wife) and I started Burn Boot Camp in a parking lot with our last $600. In the first 6 years, we've generated $100M in revenue and impacted almost 1 million families with hard work, belief, and a relentless drive! My podcast covers my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual philosophy to help you take your life to the next level. It's my life's mission to help you create LASTING change, to "stop starting over", and to maximize your health and happiness! I'm always accessible to you on Instagram, DM me anytime! @devan.kline


 Master Your Mindset: How To Be Selfless and Selfish with Devan Kline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:37

Being selfish is viewed as taboo, but how can you create happiness for others if you're not happy with yourself?  Putting equal emphasis on spiritual, mental, and fitness is a key piece of achieving happiness. Many people put it on the backburner when comes to loving and nurturing themselves, and it negatively impacts your life. Being selfish is necessary to life, energy, and vitality for your entire family. 

 Master Your Mindset: Why Your Biography Is Not Your Destiny with Devan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:42

Your past is part of who you are, but it doesn't need to define your entire life. Many of us have been conditioned by our past to be confined to a certain preconceived idea of what our lives will look like ahead of us. Our past does not dictate our future.  Listen in to these mental mastery tips to succeed in any and all areas of your life. 

 Master Your Mindset: A Deep Dive Into My Creative Process with Devan Kline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:28

Today we're diving into my creative process! The ability to create is the ultimate power. When you can create, you have the power to design the life you desire. Take the thoughts in your mind and giving them a freshen up. It all starts with one word, and one word only: focus. Grab a pen and join me in this episode!

 Master Your Mindset: The Power of Focus with Devan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:41

Focus is arguably the most powerful tool you have. You can take your life to an entirely new level by changing your mentality!  When you look for reasons to succeed, you're going to find them. The same applies when you look for reasons to fail - you find what you're looking for! Using a simple thought process to shift your mood can drastically change your life. 

 The Brain, Your Brain, and Your Heart with Devan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

It can sound obvious, but when you really think about the core functions of each, they are completely different and sometimes don't understand each other sometimes. It's important to understand the true purpose of these three- they drive 100% of your emotions, thoughts, and in turn your actions! 

  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:35

My least favorite word is "plateau." I like to call is slowed-progression. Just because your progress may not be as fast as before, doesn't mean you're failing. In those moments, it's time to dig in and pivot to a new strategy. 

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Work-life balance is something we've all struggled with on our entrepreneurial journies. When you're passionate about your work, it can feel artificial to push it all aside. When it comes to balancing family and work, focusing on the quality of time is so important! People often jump to the 'no technology' rule in order to connect, but it's possible to connect through technology! Utilizing technology to spend time together can be so beneficial because it's such a normal part of our world today. 

  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:50

Who you are at the core level and what do you truly care about in your life? This is really the deciding factor of what you do every day and how that affects the person that you are! It's so important to really sit down and think about your absolute perfect day despite limitations. Listen in to visualize your perfect day and create your perfect life!

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Focusing on the strategy of your goals and how to achieve them is vital, but identifying your 'why' gives you the fuel to keep going in the toughest moments. It's often the most missed step, and everyone's why is different! Listen in to hear the keys to success when it comes to goal setting.

  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:26

How many times have you set goals and failed? It's time to stop with New Year's resolutions and apply a new philosophy to make consistent progress. It's time to

 The Difference Between Trying and Doing With Devan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:38

There’s a big difference in the language you use when setting goals for yourself. The way that you speak about your goals can make or break the success that you see. I’ve learned how simply changing your language can change the entire outcome. If you find yourself half-committing to your goals, listen in to learn how to set yourself up for success.

 The Jump Rope Dudes: How To Jump Into A Fitness Routine with Brandon from The Jump Rope Dudes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:20

I am a big advocate for making fitness fun! You should enjoy moving your body, so finding that perfect workout for you is essential for your success! You guys know that I'm a BIG fan of some good old-fashioned double unders! Sit down with Brandon Epstein of The Jump Rope Dudes and listen to the amazing mission they jumping toward!

 Why I Don't Believe Life Is Too Short with Devan Kline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:58

We only get this one body and this one life. Why don't we want to take care of that body as well as we can? It comes down to how are we framing the foundation in which we take care of ourselves. Our lifestyle choices predicate what type of life we're going to live. The choices we make dictate our quality of life. 

 Chalene Johnson: World-Renowned Motivational Speaker Talks Macrophasing, Fitness, Health and More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:58

She's the self-proclaimed Dolly Parton of fitness & holds the Guinness record for having starred in the most fitness videos. Today we're joined by Chalene Johnson, who's most well-known for her myriad of fitness videos and for designing programs for industry giants, including Beachbody. Chalene's philosophy all comes down to this: you, do you. Our bodies, experiences, and lives are all different and we have to approach our health with those things in mind in order to be successful. 

 I, Devan Kline, the CEO of a Fitness Franchise, Eat Junk Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:45

Have you ever wondered if health and fitness experts eat junk food? I am here to tell you today that I do! But, here is the key... eat what you want, and if you wake up the next day and you feel worse, then adjust. But, you have to be willing to change when your body communicates back with us.


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