The Horse Race show

The Horse Race

Summary: Your weekly look at politics, policy, and elections in Massachusetts. THE HORSE RACE: Steve Koczela, host; Jennifer Smith, host; Libby Gormley, producer; Maureen McInerney, graphic designer.

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  • Artist: Steve Koczela; Jennifer Smith; Stephanie Murray; Libby Gormley
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 Episode 93: Murray Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:10

8/7/19--Gather round, folks, for a very special announcement. As co-host and Empress of Equine Exuberance Jennifer Smith trains her sights on a law degree, she will move from full-time co-host to part-time, meaning we are thrilled to announce a third member of the pod squad. This intrepid reporter is a good friend of the pod and has contributed countless elections updates as the Massachusetts political field moves and shakes. Please join us in welcoming Politico reporter and author of the Politico Massachusetts Playbook Stephanie Murray to The Horse Race! While Stephanie is currently hard at work in Nashville at the National Conference of State Legislatures, Steve and Jenn have some news to discuss. First, in the wake of two back-to-back mass shootings, Brookline attorney and U.S. Senate candidate Shannon Liss-Riordan called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Historically, the idea of taking this measure has not received broad support nationally, though less drastic tactics such as background checks and assault weapons bans have been well supported. Steve and Jenn's first guest is George Cronin of Rasky Partners, joining them to discuss the initiative petitions that have been filed with the Attorney General's office. They chat not only about what's on the table this year, but also whether ballot questions are an efficient strategy to making policy. Finally, Kasia Hart and Tim Reardon of the Massachusetts Area Planning Council stop by to walk through their recent report on parking in metro Boston. They tackle whether building more parking de-incentivizes using public transit, and if the city actually even needs more of it, given that 30% of the parking they surveyed goes unused.

 Episode 92: Don't Take Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:53

7/31/19-- Today on the podcast, Jenn and Steve unpack a mysterious phone survey facing off Rep. Joe Kennedy III and Sen. Ed Markey. It's unclear who sponsored it, but it does raise questions about if or when Kennedy may run for Senate. And, brace yourselves, but it's come to the hosts' attention that the legislature has not reauthorized horse racing and simulcasting. If no action is taken by tomorrow, the sport will be deemed illegal. We are officially three debates deep into the Democratic primary, and Steve and Jenn are champing at the bit to discuss it the most recent. Joining them is Alex Goldstein, an alumnus of Deval Patrick's gubernatorial campaign and more recently, Ayanna Pressley's congressional campaign. This Dean of Debates lays out his analysis of the verbal joust, pointing out who made smart moves and who...didn't. Finally, the conversation takes a turn for the green as Steve and Jenn welcome the policy & partnerships manager at the Climate Action Business Association, Tim Cronin. Cronin breaks down what legislation is being put forth at the state level to address climate change and answers the question, are we doing enough, quickly enough? Will Massachusetts get its very own Green New Deal?

 Episode 91: Primary Sources | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:12

7/24/19--It's Mueller Day! Does that phrase sound familiar? Probably because it's been thrown around once or twice in The Horse Race bunker already. Steve and Jenn pontificate on today's testimony, and discuss Massachusetts elected officials' positions on impeachment. Next, Steve and Jenn welcome back a familiar face. Stephanie Murray, author of the Politico Massachusetts Playbook, brings the hosts up to speed on the most recently announced primary challengers to U.S. Congressmen from Massachusetts. Business executive, author, and inspirational speaker Steve Pemberton announced his run for Senate, joining Shannon Liss-Riordan as a challenger to sitting Senator Ed Markey. And Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse is running against Congressman Richard Neal. Lizzi Weyent of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council stops by to join Steve in celebration of the Massachusetts state budget. They talk decisions on transportation and education funding and Lizzi explains what she'd like to see change in future budgets.

 Episode 90: A Day at the Racism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:16

7/17/2019--On this episode of The Horse Race, Jenn and Steve grapple with the unavoidable subject of the president’s racist comments aimed at freshmen members of congress Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley. Jenn, who covers part of Ayanna Pressley’s district as news editor for the Dorchester Reporter, touches on what the comments might mean for residents of this majority-minority district. Steve runs through some new polling coming out of New Hampshire and California, showing presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris right on the heels of frontrunner Joe Biden. Then, the hosts talk about the recent slew of threats placed on immigrants trying to enter the country as well as immigrants already living here. Joining them to discuss that is federal policy director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), Sarang Sekhavat. Friend of the pod and State House News Service reporter Chris Lisinski also makes an appearance at the bunker to break down the RMV’s lack of communication with other states about drivers’ license suspensions. Finally, it’s trivia time. Do you know which two Beacon Hill public opinion polling outfits are the pollsters for major national media outlets? Tweet us your answer @The_HorseRace

 Episode 89: What About Babka? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:54

7/10/19--This week's episode of The Horse Race takes a Seinfeldian twist in celebration of the sitcom's 30th birthday. Jenn presents two babkas --one cinnamon, one chocolate, in reference to that infamous bakery scene-- for our judges to taste and rate. The fine culinary judges joining Steve and Jenn in the bunker also happen to be reporters well-versed in Massachusetts politics, policy and elections-- topics that conveniently happen to have their place in this podcast as well. State House News Service reporter and longtime friend of the pod Katie Lannan stops by to lament the state legislature's painstaking progress on producing a budget. 10 days late and a dollar short, Massachusetts is still without a finalized budget for the fiscal year, making this the TENTH consecutive year of the state missing the deadline. Steve and Jenn want to know, what are the consequences of legislators taking their sweet-as-babka time in producing a final product? Politico reporter and prime minister of primaries Stephanie Murray chats with Steve and Jenn about the newly announced challengers making a run at Congressman Seth Moulton's seat. In addition to these official challengers, Jamie Zahlaway Belsito and Salem City Councilor Lisa Peterson, there are several Massachusetts figures who have stated publicly that they'd consider running for that seat, begging the question: if Moulton's run for president is unsuccessful, should he be worried about his place in Congress?

 4th of July Special: Red, White and Bloopers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:08

7/3/2019-- In celebration of the Fourth of July, Steve and Jenn are celebrating their freedom far, far away from the bunker. They'll be back next week to talk Massachusetts politics, policy and elections, and until then, enjoy this compilation of slip-ups, swears, and snickers from the most professional podcast hosts to ever grace your feed.

 Episode 88: Spill the T | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:43

6/26/2019-- Steve and Jenn are back in The Last Remaining Signal Bungalow in Boston, and first on the discussion topic list: debates. This week, 2 groups of Democratic presidential candidates, each group on their own night, will square off in a verbal jousting match. Steve and Jenn discuss how polls can move in response to primary debates. Later, Andy Metzger, AKA Duke of Derailments and Master of MBTA Coverage joins the hosts to share Governor Baker's most recent comments regarding the state of the MBTA and what's being done to make improvements to the transit system that is rife with derailments, delays, and in one case, flames on the tracks. Finally, writer for The Springfield Republican and Shira Schoenberg, explains the complex debate on Beacon Hill surrounding drug pricing, and whether consumers can expect to see sky-high drug prices come down any time soon.

 Episode 87: Promises, Promises, Act? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:51

6/19/2019--Another week, another conversation about the Red Line. Jenn has given up any and all expectations of trains showing up on time (or at all). She and Steve discuss the various responses by public officials about whether the slated July 1st MBTA rate hike should happen before the Red Line service improves. Mayor Marty Walsh says no. Steve, who's been keeping an eye on the citizenship question for the 2020 Census, provides some updates, and Jenn sits down with Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz to discuss education funding and the status of the PROMISE Act. Finally, MassINC Polling Group and Western Mass Bureau Chief Rich Parr chats with Senator Jo Comerford about representation diversity, transportation that extends beyond the Hub, and the ROE Act. Think you know the answer to this week's trivia question? Tweet us your answer @The_HorseRace or send an email to

 Episode 86: The Horse Race LIVE at the Races PART 2: Old Town Rail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:49

6/14/2019--It's your lucky day, #MAPoli. Steve and Jenn are bringing you an extra episode this week. Jenn is surprisingly alive to tell the tale of her hellish commute on the Red Line after its meltdown earlier this week. This being the second derailment in as many days, it's safe to say that commuters are getting fed up. Local leaders are speaking up as well, and the MBTA is responding with a full investigation into the derailments. It also let passengers know to expect slower train times until fixes can be made. On a lighter note, The Horse Race Live at the Races was a roaring good time, and the guests were spectacular. On Wednesday, you heard from Shannon Liss-Riordan, and today's episodes features our other guests, Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll and Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards talking about the state of housing in Boston and throughout the Commonwealth. Plus, Anthony Amore, security director at the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum, gave Steve and Jenn the lowdown on the tie between Suffolk Downs and that infamous art heist.

 Episode 86: The Horse Race LIVE at the Races Part 1: Shannon Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:01

6/12/2019--Steve and Jenn are back in the studio, fresh from a weekend at the race track...literally. Sunday, June 9 was full of big hats, exciting races, and scintillating political conversation during our live show at Suffolk Downs. The first guest to speak was Shannon Liss-Riordan, a labor attorney and Senate candidate who's announced her bid for Senator Ed Markey's seat. She joined Jenn and Steve at the track to talk about why she's running for this position now, and how her focus will differ from that of Markey. Speaking of the Senate, Steve and Jenn discuss the latest Boston Globe/Suffolk University Poll surveying Massachusetts voters, specifically Markey's numbers, that depict a lukewarm response from those surveyed. His name recognition is relatively low, but he still has a significant leg up on challengers Liss-Riordan and Steve Pemberton.

 Episode 85: Impromptu Pressley Conference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:40

6/5/2019--Come one, come all to our live show at Suffolk Downs! Eat, drink, gamble and be merry amongst fellow #MAPoli-interested folks. Register here! This week on The Horse Race, Steve and Jenn are joined by Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to discuss her new Power of Us PAC. Then, Rich Parr drops in to chat about our country's feelings toward impeaching the 45th President of the United States. Last but not least, Andy Metzger of Commonwealth Magazine explains a new organization called Take Back Our Republic, centered on diminishing the role of money in politics and on pushing back against partisan gerrymandering of districts.

 Episode 84: Everybody Runs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:31

5/29/2019-- While drama abounds in our nation's capital, Steve and Jenn are squarely focused on state-level issues. But first, they discuss exit polls with MassINC Polling Group Research Director Maeve Duggan. Exit polls have traditionally been the basis for understanding what happens on election night. Now, exit polls are evolving in a big way. Jenn and Steve are then joined by Commonwealth Magazine Associate Editor Michael Jonas, who breaks down legislation centered on education funding, as well as the current charter school debacle happening in New Bedford and its statewide implications. Finally, Yawu Miller of the Bay State Banner joins Jenn to discuss the numerous contenders for this year's Boston City Council seats, and whether the activity surrounding the race will lead to an uptick in municipal election turnout.

 Episode 83: Merrily We Poll Along | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:55

5/22/2019--Fresh off a weekend nerding out on polling at the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Conference, Steve is joined by a good friend of the pod to recount the insights they gained there. Steve and Maeve Duggan, Research Director for the MassINC Polling Group, discuss how 2019 and 2020 elections polls will be conducted. Later, Matt Murphy of the State House News Service drops by to discuss the ROE Act, introduced by Senate President Emerita Harriette Chandler and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, which would guarantee a right to abortion in state law, with some specific language around allowing abortions later in pregnancy in cases when the fetus is unlikely to survive after birth. To close things out, Boston Globe reporter Vicki McGrane makes an appearance to discuss the recently announced challenge to Ed Markey's senate seat. Shannon Liss-Riordan, a high-profile labor rights attorney, announced in a campaign video on Monday that she is running against the 72-year-old Markey, who has served in office since 1976. #MAPoli friends, don't forget to register for our live event: The Horse Race Goes to the Races! And, as always, we want to hear from YOU! Send us your #MAPoli questions, frustrations and ruminations to or on Twitter @The_HorseRace.

 BONUS Episode: Exploring Suffolk Downs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:20

On this special bonus episode of The Horse Race, we explore the history of Suffolk Downs, what its final racing season means for its dedicated patrons, and what's in store for the 161-acre parcel once the racetrack shuts down. Join us for a LIVE recording of The Horse Race podcast at the races!

 Episode 82: BRT If You Agree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:53

5/15/19--Steve and Jenn are back with a vengeance to guessed it: transportation. US News Rankings published Massachusetts as the 44th worst state in the union in the category of overall infrastructure and 46th in commute time. This should come as no surprise to anyone who lives in Massachusetts and has commuted even once in the past 5 years. They're joined by State Sen. Becca Rausch to discuss a bill that would allow childcare expenses to be included in campaign expenses. Right now, doing so is unlawful because of its consideration as a personal expense. Rausch says this precludes people from running who would be representative of larger communities. Later, WBUR reporter Zeninjor Enwemeka stops by to discuss BRT, or bus rapid transit. She reported on the BRT system in Mexico City, which has improved congestion in the city and even led many residents to ditch their cars altogether. Boston business leaders are interested in the idea. If the city is to pursue an option like this, the biggest question becomes, how do we pay for it? Last but certainly not least, Jenn and Steve voice the question that's been on all Bostonians' minds today: is the accent sexy? Give us your take on this question, and tell us about YOUR regional accent. Or, send us your #mapoli questions, frustrations and ruminations to


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