Episode 93: Murray Up

The Horse Race show

Summary: 8/7/19--Gather round, folks, for a very special announcement. As co-host and Empress of Equine Exuberance Jennifer Smith trains her sights on a law degree, she will move from full-time co-host to part-time, meaning we are thrilled to announce a third member of the pod squad. This intrepid reporter is a good friend of the pod and has contributed countless elections updates as the Massachusetts political field moves and shakes. Please join us in welcoming Politico reporter and author of the Politico Massachusetts Playbook Stephanie Murray to The Horse Race! While Stephanie is currently hard at work in Nashville at the National Conference of State Legislatures, Steve and Jenn have some news to discuss. First, in the wake of two back-to-back mass shootings, Brookline attorney and U.S. Senate candidate Shannon Liss-Riordan called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Historically, the idea of taking this measure has not received broad support nationally, though less drastic tactics such as background checks and assault weapons bans have been well supported. Steve and Jenn's first guest is George Cronin of Rasky Partners, joining them to discuss the initiative petitions that have been filed with the Attorney General's office. They chat not only about what's on the table this year, but also whether ballot questions are an efficient strategy to making policy. Finally, Kasia Hart and Tim Reardon of the Massachusetts Area Planning Council stop by to walk through their recent report on parking in metro Boston. They tackle whether building more parking de-incentivizes using public transit, and if the city actually even needs more of it, given that 30% of the parking they surveyed goes unused.