Episode 90: A Day at the Racism

The Horse Race show

Summary: 7/17/2019--On this episode of The Horse Race, Jenn and Steve grapple with the unavoidable subject of the president’s racist comments aimed at freshmen members of congress Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley. Jenn, who covers part of Ayanna Pressley’s district as news editor for the Dorchester Reporter, touches on what the comments might mean for residents of this majority-minority district. Steve runs through some new polling coming out of New Hampshire and California, showing presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris right on the heels of frontrunner Joe Biden. Then, the hosts talk about the recent slew of threats placed on immigrants trying to enter the country as well as immigrants already living here. Joining them to discuss that is federal policy director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), Sarang Sekhavat. Friend of the pod and State House News Service reporter Chris Lisinski also makes an appearance at the bunker to break down the RMV’s lack of communication with other states about drivers’ license suspensions. Finally, it’s trivia time. Do you know which two Beacon Hill public opinion polling outfits are the pollsters for major national media outlets? Tweet us your answer @The_HorseRace