Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 AI Realities, Dark Web Tour & Jason Buttrill Hosts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8757

Hour 1 Jason Buttrill filing in for Pat dubs today Big Concept Wednesday... The robots are coming for our jobs... Will your kid’s dream job even still be a thing in 2025? Elon Musk says AI is coming whether we like it or not... the only problem that remains is will it be used for good or evil? Jason shows you how to get into the Dark Web and navigate safely... Abuse goes digital in 2018...  Hour 2 Dan Andros, Managing Editor at, calls in to share the story of a hero helping hour in the aftermath of Florence... Seeing the world through a different lens than what the media presents... Then it’s time for Chewing the Fat with Jeffy, today he’s talking WindGate and Cannabis Coke... FEMA postpones a test that would allow them to text you about an emergency...  Hour 3 Schools indoctrinating kids... is anyone surprised? Jason’s seriously considering homeschooling his kids... It’s National Talk Like a Pirate Day... Cultural Marxism is out there... Jason breaks down why the Marxists fight so hard to win the culture war... You’re not gonna believe what some of these Professors have to say... or maybe you will...   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @ PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2 

 Defending the Judge, Moon Bound & Curriculum Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8740

Hour 1 Pat has the latest on the Bret Kavanaugh confirmation process as women accuse him of sexual misconduct over 30 years ago. In Texas, Beto wants to ban guns, and is a bad guitar player, and maybe Ted Cruz supporters are just starting to realize how tight the race is.  We take calls about Beto’s comments and about the challenge faced by Ted Cruz.  Hour 2 Massive taxes coming to Florida, if the man running for governor has his way. The socialist in Florida is ahead of the Conservative candidate.  Does science know everything? A new study shows no link between high blood pressure and cholesterol... A man gets kicked out of an all you can eat restaurant for downing 100 plates of sushi. We Chew The Fat with Jeffy and get some reaction from our own personal Emmy’s correspondent about Monday’s festivities, and as you guessed it, the ratings were down, again.  Hour 3 Troy Walker from Dog Tag Furniture joins the program to talk about helping Vets and what may soon become a Guinness World Record attempt.  Sen. Grassley says he’s reached out to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser's about attending a public hearing, but so far, no response.  In Texas, we almost removed the term “hero” when discussing The Alamo. Now students won’t be required to learn about Hillary Clinton or Helen Keller.  Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Historic Flooding, Historic Win & Historic Times - 9/17/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8750

Hour 1  Pat goes off on BYU football, and Keith reveals he bet on the Cougars over the weekend.  Storms rage across the eastern coast of the United States, and Pat discusses the devastation.  With all the attention and mudslinging of our candidates, who will actually want to participate in the process? Tapper VS Cortez. Jake wants Cortez to detail how she will pay for her ambitious plan... and not to shock you, she doesn’t answer the question... also Bill Maher got one right when it comes to Brett Kavanaugh and the accusations against him.   Hour 2  Sir Paul McCartney... and friends... the story that got Jeffy into the studio early.  The details are coming out in the Bret Kavanaugh rape accusation from high school, 36 years ago, and Pat finds the timing to be suspicious. A listener points out the double standard in these old accusations. Keith makes another bet with Jeffy that concerns Pat’s underwear.  We Chew The Fat with Jeffy and a college football heavy discussion leads the way into some really smart Racoons, and infighting with the #MeToo Movement.   Hour 3  Kris Kruz went to the Game of Throne concert this weekend in Downtown Dallas, and reports in with anecdotal evidence of Beto support everywhere. Pat talks about a new story which says North Dakota produced more oil than the entire nation of Venezuela, another indication of how poor their economy is? Elon Musk get his wish, namely a lawsuit from the cave rescuer he called a “pedophile”, and Saudi Arabia and Mercedes announce their support to Tesla competitors.  The WNBA Champs seem to be upset they didn’t get invited to the White House while simultaneously stating they don’t want to go anyway.  Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 MORE ON TRIVIA Week 2 - NY Giants at Dallas - 9/14/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8775

Hour 1: Hurricane Florence weakened as it approached shore, but the Carolinas are still receiving a deluge of rain …What is going on in New York City with Julia Salazar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? …The Weather Channel created an amazing system to convince people to evacuate as a major storm approaches …Chelsea Clinton makes the downright unconscionable claim that outlawing abortion would be “un-Christian” …How did the narrative begin that massive numbers of people died getting abortions before Roe v. Wade? …New president of Planned Parenthood says that no taxpayer dollars go toward funding abortions – It’s a blatant lie …What could happen when you pose on a beach in the path of a hurricane? Death comes to mind. Hour 2: MORE ON TRIVIA! Hour 3: DIY segment: how to write URL addresses with Pat and Keith …How many patients in countries with socialized medicine are harmed or even die because of insane wait times? …A lot of Canadians travel south during winter, not for the sun, but for the care …A caller asks America, “Do you trust your government?” – If the answer is no, you should think twice about letting them run your healthcare …Jeffy is comfortable in his own skin, but some people aren’t comfortable knowing that fact …“The soul of the Democratic Party” is very much at stake in primaries from coast-to-coast …A caller describes how attitudes toward sex, marriage, and abortion have changed since she was in school in the 1960s …Pat is scared out of his mind for Saturday’s matchup between BYU and Wisconsin. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Pat's Schedule, WNBA Attendance & Fahrenheit 11/9 - 9/13/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: If you’re a grocery store clerk, DO NOT try to make small talk with Pat Gray …Mark Wahlberg’s daily regimen is slightly different from that of Pat Gray …Beto O’Rourke claims “we don’t need a wall”, that “El Paso is one of the safest cities in America” – Spoiler alert: His claims are false …The socialist ideology always has the same justification – “We’re the richest nation on Earth, we can afford it” …Caller who lived near the Mexican border describes just how crucial border security is …Leaked video from Google “TGIF” gathering after Trump’s election shows an executive presiding over a thoroughly somber event …Newly-released video of Harvey Weinstein appears to show him rubbing Melissa Thompson’s shoulders – Supposedly, this led to something sinister. Hour 2: The guys are unsure what to think about the bottled water shipment in Puerto Rico going unused for over a year …Michelle Obama plans book tour in which she will appear in arenas to accommodate massive crowds …‘60 Minutes’ executive producer Jeff Fager is fired due to what he calls “harsh language in texts he sent to a reporter” …That reporter, Jericka Duncan, reveals what was said in those texts …The WNBA Finals came and went without registering on the radar screen of anyone on this program …Speed golf is very much a thing …Pat thinks that Tony Romo got a raw deal when Dak Prescott took over at quarterback for the Cowboys …Pat and his crew were way ahead of the curve with a simple motto. Hour 3: CNN and the President will banter on the Puerto Rico debacle for a long time to come …An anti-Trump man attacked a GOP candidate in California with a switchblade, but of course, you haven’t heard a peep about it until now …Michael Moore says in his new film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ that Trump could be the last President of the United States …Flashback to the time a weather reporter in a canoe was exposed for only being in six inches of floodwater …The United States is now the world’s largest oil producer …Planned Parenthood’s new president wants to “fight for our most vulnerable individuals” …Senators Ben Sasse and Chris Coons have very different statements to make in their respective interviews …Again, Brett Kavanaugh is the best nominee that the Left could have hoped for from Trump …Ruth Bader Ginsburg has something to say about how the political climate has changed since 1993. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Big Money Races, Pres. Carter's Advice & Obsessive Ideals - 9/12/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8768

Hour 1: There is a lot of talk about the GOP losing control of the House and perhaps the Senate …The close races in Texas and other traditionally-red states are diverting GOP funds away from true battleground states …Many Canadians are fed up with healthcare waiting periods in their country and are seeking expedited care in the U.S. …Chair of White House Economic Advisers makes it clear that America’s booming economy is not the result of Barack Obama’s policies …Anti-abortion activist receives death threats on Twitter after she publishes pro-life tweet …Yale University survey reveals that a higher percentage of the freshman class identifies as LGBTQIA+ than identifies as conservative … ‘The Talk’ has an awkward conversation about the resignation of CBS company head, Leslie Moonves. Hour 2: Hurricane Florence could be catastrophic for the Carolinas, and Mercury One will be on the ground to assist relief efforts …Caller has a plausible theory as to why abortion advocates are so strong in their belief …Two callers discuss the Moonves situation and offer their theories as to what prompted it and where it could lead … “Queers against Islamophobia” should not be a thing – The LGBTQ+ community is under siege across the Muslim world …The new fad is turning your young children invisible – Or at least making them think they’re invisible …Author of book titled “How to Murder your Husband” has been charged with murdering her husband …Man shoots himself in the arm to – wait for it – Protest Trump …Magic can bring people together – A new Netflix show on the subject looks like the real deal. Hour 3: Louis C.K.’s monologue on abortion raised eyebrows on both sides of the political spectrum …A universal basic income experiment will soon commence in Chicago – A city that can’t even pay its workers’ pensions …Vanilla Ice’s estranged wife wants him to pay for repairs to the house they once shared in Florida …Orange County high school principal is unhappy with fans of an opposing school chanting “U.S.A.” at a football game …Georgia school consults parents about the possibility of bringing back corporal punishment in classrooms …The best Mexican restaurant in the U.S. is none other than Taco Bell ...And, of course, the best retail clothing store would be Kohl’s …Is President Trump fit to run a bar? D.C. activists reportedly want the liquor license of Trump’s Washington hotel revoked …Is Earth receiving signals from a very-far-off advanced civilization? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Remembering 9/11, Mike Rowe Wisdom & ESPN Changing - 9/11/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8768

Hour 1: Seventeen years have gone by since September 11, 2001, but the feelings that ensued are still fresh in our memories …Mike Rowe helps tell the story of a true hero of 9/11 who may have saved many lives with his actions aboard Flight 93 …A huge surge in Bangladeshi migrants illegally entering the United States via Mexico shows no sign of abating …How are illegal migrants coming up with the money to pay smugglers to get them across the border? …Maxine Waters continues to advocate for the harassment and exclusion of Trump’s supporters, yet she denies that she is inciting violence …The situation in South Africa is hard to fathom – There are more murders there each year than in the U.S. (despite America having six times the population) …ESPN’s new leadership will attempt to re-establish the prominence of sports (instead of politics) on the network. Hour 2: A '60 Minutes' special report on 9/11 shows a journalist’s quest to show the world what really went on at Ground Zero …Jim Carrey gloats about how he bought some Nikes and had access to awesome healthcare while growing up in Canada …A massive black market for social security numbers is being utilized by illegal immigrants trying to get jobs in the U.S. …The Flat Earth Society, a good reason to take a knee, and a Broadway star taking a shot at Trump …Could drinking the blood of teenagers be the key to staying young? …Subway and Sonic are both making controversial decisions …Subway’s U.K. stores will now only serve halal meats, and Sonic will no longer offer half-priced shakes after 8 p.m. Hour 3: The State Department is removing the Palestine Liberation Organization from its offices in Washington, says the PLO is not holding up its half of the bargain to foster peace talks with Israel …A Texas school board has infuriated politicians by suggesting that the defenders of the Alamo no longer be deemed as “heroic” in textbooks   ...Hurricane Florence is a powerful storm, and Mercury One will be on the ground to help first responders …Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has called on the state legislature to abolish red light cameras – A measure that Pat and Keith wholeheartedly support …A little girl’s letter to Taco Bell lists five (sort of) fantastic reasons why the restaurant should offer delivery service …Alex Jones’ greatest hits – Bolshevik Two is on its way and Diet Coke becomes wood alcohol! …Venezuelan moms are resorting to extreme measures to feed their babies. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Kneeling Update, Lingering Obama & Concern for Cruz - 9/10/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8773

Hour 1: More On Trivia was right – The Packers defeated the Bears – But BYU also lost this weekend, so Pat is unhappy …David Hogg is back in the news as he discusses voting rights for convicted felons …Beto O’Rourke’s behavior at a recent campaign event was most unorthodox …Serena Williams lashes out at umpire for calling a pair of violations against her in U.S. Open Final – Pat and Keith don’t think she has a case …You’ve been warned – Barack Obama is back …Today, he’s discussing a Benghazi “conspiracy” and taking credit for America’s economic recovery …A caller tells the guys that they’re missing the biggest controversy of them all with Obama – What is he doing to his hair?! Hour 2: Xi Jinping’s regime continues to crack down on religious freedom in China …A caller describes how the dramatic drop in the American unemployment rate is even more monumental than it seems …Jeffy will not be eating Pat’s underwear this year – And Keith isn’t a happy camper either …Why can’t Obama use Just for Men? One caller has the simple answer …Should President Trump go to Texas to campaign for Ted Cruz? …A guy was sick of neighborhood kids trespassing on his lawn, so he put an electric fence around it …One of the greatest female tennis players ever made anti-LGBTQ statements – So now she’ll only ever be known as a homophobe …Merriam-Webster will add a number of social media words to its dictionary – One should clearly be credited to Jeffy. Hour 3: Wiccans and Pagans are upset with a cosmetics company’s “Witch Starter Set” due to “cultural appropriation" …Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo drops subtle hints as to who he thinks the New York Times op-ed author really is …Some performing artists are refusing to cave to international pressure not to make appearances in Israel …Move over facial cream, the fake advertisers have moved on to brain-boosting supplements – This stuff is straight-up un-American …Several famous species of birds have been declared ‘likely extinct’ in South America – Survival of the fittest is a brutal game of chance …Viral video: Vanilla Ice flips out at Delta staff after missing his flight …Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire, England – So much so that even non-criminal activity should be reported. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 MORE ON TRIVIA Week 1 - Chicago at Green Bay - 9/7/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8776

Hour 1: The National Flag Football League is on its way, so perhaps we can start watching Australian Rules Football …Unemployment numbers continue to reach historic lows – So, of course, the media finds ways to spin them negatively …David Hogg makes a statement about the AR-15 (*sigh*) …A Dominos “free pizza for life” program had to be shut down in a matter of days due to such a rabid response from fans …Alex Jones confronts Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and CNN’s Oliver Darcy on Capitol Hill …There are a lot of obsolete technologies that were once integral to our everyday lives ...There is no longer a need for film cameras, typewriters, punch cards, answering machines, CDs or hardcover Encyclopedia Britannica. Hour 2: More On Trivia returns! Who will prevail?! Hour 3: Pat examines the list of movies that grossed the most revenue worldwide …We really want to like Elon Musk, in spite of the things he said on a controversial podcast …The list of films with the highest domestic take adjusted for inflation is much more enlightening for the guys …Brazilian presidential candidate is stabbed during rally, is currently in stable condition …Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has come completely unglued as he maintains that he “broke the rules” to release anti-Kavanaugh documents …Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) puts forth a fine statement on the wild state of affairs surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings …Why are people like Alyssa Milano giving their full support to Planned Parenthood? …Pat is thrilled to receive a phone call from the daughter of a Packers legend. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 White House #Resistance, Beto's Confession & NFL Picks - 9/6/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: A New York Times op-ed makes extraordinary claims about goings-on within the Trump Administration …John Kerry claims that President Trump’s actions are indicative of a “constitutional crisis” …A great patriot reacts to Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad campaign with some cold, hard truth …Beto O’Rourke owns up to his DUI from twenty years ago – And he admits that he’s a white man …Can everyone paying their fair share fund a single-payer healthcare system? No. …All kinds of Democrats think that they have what it takes to unseat Trump in 2020, but who really stands a chance? Hour 2: Pat, Keith, Jeffy and Stu make their over/under picks for the upcoming NFL season …Everyone bets with their heads, except for Jeffy, who bets with his heart …A Madden NFL 19 simulation has the Jacksonville Jaguars winning the Super Bowl, and a number of other predictions that are sure to raise some eyebrows …Please, cook your fish – Lest you end up losing your hand to a raw seafood-borne bacteria …Please, don’t make out with random people – You don’t need to contract HPV …A Washington state man was arrested after being caught with methamphetamine and doing disturbing things to an injured beaver …Our content ultimately belongs to you, the listeners. Hour 3: This is a learny show! What haven’t you learned today?! …Caller offers her thoughts on who could be behind the New York Times op-ed …Rev. Al Sharpton joins the program! Sort of …Alex Jones lashes out at Twitter CEO despite the fact that Twitter is one of a select few platforms that haven’t banned him …Brett Kavanaugh’s response to a question about Roe v. Wade leads Pat to believe that the law isn’t in any jeopardy …Why has NFL television viewership fallen off? There are a number of factors that have all contributed to the decline …Unbeknownst to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Kavanaugh is the least “radical” nominee one could expect to see from President Trump ...Could the mining of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter commence within decades, not centuries? Pat and Keith think that it could …It turns out that singer/songwriter Vanilla Ice was on board the quarantined flight from Dubai to New York. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Trump on the Phone, Fat Pile Returns & Ejecting Fans - 9/5/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8776

Hour 1: Breaking news regarding a potential epidemic on a flight from the Middle East …Washington Post publishes recording of President Trump speaking to Bob Woodward prior to the release of his book …The President is cordial with the author, but he drops some amazing lines after going into a virtual sales pitch …How will anyone know what to believe as they read this book? …Colin Kaepernick is the face of Nike’s new ad campaign, so let’s review his commentary about the state of an oppressive America …No, Brett Kavanaugh didn’t shake hands with a Parkland father after his hearing, but the reason why is quite simple and innocuous …Will John Krasinski ever be able to escape ‘The Office’? Hour 2: Captain Marvel can’t be a girl, right?! Uh, actually, she’s always been a woman …Caller from Norway describes how he would much rather live in the U.S. and how the system in Norway is breaking down …The introduction of diversity is threatening the status quo in the Scandinavian countries …Bishop Charles Ellis III has apologized for groping Ariana Grande at Aretha Franklin’s funeral …What would have happened had President Trump attended John McCain’s funeral? …Mark Pat’s words: BYU will join a Power Five conference by 2022 …What ever happened to the most qualified actor/actress getting the big movie role? …A transgender woman in the U.K. had her bank accounts frozen because she didn’t “talk like a woman”. Hour 3: Global warming is now determining winners in sporting events – Just look what it did to the U.S. Open …ABC World News Tonight is dominating evening news – How did that come to be? …A woman praises Chick fil-A for its exceptional service …If you’re going to visit McDonald’s, you probably shouldn’t order the Big Breakfast platter …Alex Jones heckles Marco Rubio – And the senator doesn’t recognize him …Two identical minor league ballplayers? A kangaroo in Austria (not Australia)? …Why is a former television star now working at Trader Joe’s? The answer is quite simple and quintessentially American …Democratic senators and loudmouthed protesters interrupt the Brett Kavanaugh hearing – But why? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 "Suification", Political Funerals & Ted Cruz's Dilemma - 9/4/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8767

Hour 1: BYU won this weekend, so we’re one step closer to Jeffy eating Pat’s underwear …John McCain’s funeral was politicized by both Barack Obama and George W. Bush …Bombastic speeches from black leaders at Aretha Franklin’s funeral draw varied responses …Two Malaysian women are caned for engaging in lesbian behavior …Colin Kaepernick is the face of Nike’s new ad campaign – And he’s also getting support from former Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad …What does the NFL need to do to save its business model? The answer is quite simple …U2’s Bono loses his voice during a concert in Berlin, but the audience gives him their full support. Hour 2: John Kyl appointed to fill John McCain’s Senate seat …Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump White House makes some truly chilling claims – But which assertations can be verified? …Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum admits that he will have to raise taxes to fund his Medicare for All plan …Jeffy couldn’t believe the number of Beto O’Rourke signs he saw in an affluent neighborhood …Will President Trump’s vicious tweets about Ted Cruz during the campaign come back to bite him in the midterms? …How does the University of Nebraska have a football game cancelled by lightning? …Apple and Amazon are now both worth over $1 Trillion. Hour 3: Astronaut Buzz Aldrin tweets an indirect jab at a new film about the moon landings …How is NOT showing the American flag on the moon anything other than revisionist history? …Transgendered individual in the U.K. is the oldest Briton ever to have a sex reassignment procedure …A male doctor from Texas apologizes for stating facts about why female doctors earn less in the same fields …Amazon’s production of ‘Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan’ takes all kinds of criticism from the Left …Farmer’s Almanac anticipates a “teeth-chattering cold” winter for the Midwest …How is playing “Dixie” at football games an act of racism? …China is on the brink of doing away with its two-child policy …In which U.S. states are you the most likely to encounter psychopaths? …What are the best tips for selling your home at the best price? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Pick a socialist, Trump victories & Steal the bacon 8/30/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8751

Hour 1 Pat saw Journey at American Airline Center in Dallas. The show was packed to the rafters, which Pat saw clearly from his the rafters. Cuomo VS Nixon in New York, can either of them stop lying? Liberals in NYC and California don’t want to solve problems, they want to use them to divide us. Controversy over a “monkey” comment made in Florida. Was the comment describing the candidate, or his policies?   Hour 2 Trump Tweets about Korean war games and contradicts himself the very next day.  Republicans cancel their recess to take up Trumps legislative  agenda. Will Ted Cruz get another term? Beto is hot on his heels and Ted was heckled at his own event.  We Chew The Fat With Jeffy who reveals the top 10 online retailers, and he some amazing video for us of skydiving fish!   Hour 3 It seems like someone is paying people to go through old tweets looking for controversy, especially when it comes to baseball players.  Schoolyard games are being banned as terrible, and you’ll be shocked at which state is taking the action (hint, it’s not California or New York).  Pat clears up the controversy over using the word “monkey” with a simple check of the dictionary, and a jury in Texas found a police officer guilty of murder, despite the media narrative that bad cops always get away with it. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Establishment Clause, Dine and Dash & NPR Digs Deep - 8/29/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8716

Hour 1: For whatever reason, Alex Jones didn’t claim that the trans porn snafu was photoshopped …Minnesota Circuit Court rejects atheists’ claims that the motto “In God We Trust” on currency is a violation of the first amendment …A man faces up to 13 years in prison for “dining and dashing” on a number of dates in California – Expenditures reached the level of grand larceny …North Carolina man arrested for dressing as a woman to film women in restroom …West Virginia couple has gift cards, a smartphone, and $10,000 in cash confiscated from them by law enforcement …Chicago Cardinal refers to the ongoing crisis as a “rabbit hole”, says that Pope Francis II has a different agenda. Hour 2: Nonprofit reveals that much of the data provided by the Department of Education on school shootings cannot be confirmed …Pico the Shark is swimming in circles in the North Atlantic – Like sharks normally do …Massachusetts reporter gets story hilariously wrong, says plane crash was caused by faulty “flux capacitator” …Neil Young and Daryl Hannah tie the knot – Pat gets on his soapbox about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame …HBO is no longer in the “adult entertainment” business …Science fiction may soon become science fact with a bionic eye to restore vision to the blind …Laurie D. comes through with food and drinks yet again! …Will new Hulu show reach the stars or fail to blast off? Hour 3: ANTIFA is violent, anarchist, and even Marxist – But they are not, as one anchor put it, a black organization …Koalas across Australia are being infected with Chlamydia …It turns out that there really is a flux capacitor in the catalogue at O’Reilly Auto Parts …Were songs on Michael Jackson’s posthumously released album actually sung by an imposter? Keith thinks the answer is yes …Would you allow your personal information to be sold to specific websites if you got a cut of the fee? …A montage of Beto O’Rourke headlines reveals just what people around the country are thinking about the Texas Senate candidate …Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers will be making some serious money between now and the end of 2018 …Is the Atlantic hurricane season about to churn out another monster storm? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Venezuela Worsens, Government Theft & Jeffy's Fat Pile - 8/28/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: There is a lengthy list of (surprisingly liberal) people expected to participate in John McCain’s funeral service …President Trump was stone silent when asked about McCain, and perhaps rightfully so …A North Carolina student was disciplined for respectfully calling his teacher “ma’am” …ESPN’s Max Kellerman and Stephen A. Smith debate Tiger Woods’ comments about “respecting the office” of President Trump …New poll results have Pat concerned – Once solid-red states are now teetering between Republicans and Democrats …NAFTA gets a new name from Trump – But it doesn’t really roll off the tongue …Epidemics could soon ravage Venezuela due to a lack of clean water in the cities …A social media manager from Virginia was needlessly followed by armed marshals representing the TSA’s “Quiet Skies” program. Hour 2: The civil asset forfeiture cases just get more and more infuriating …Utah Supreme Court rules in favor of a man who had his money seized, but the government still won’t give it back …Houston Texans star J.J. Watt reports that he raised $41.6 million for Harvey relief and was able to provide food, shelter, and medicine for thousands of people …Twitter user threatens Dana Loesch’s family, but the social media giant does nothing until the outrage hits …New ‘Joker’ film will most likely not be seen by anyone on this program …Scientists announce dinosaur DNA breakthrough, but no, we aren’t any closer to creating Jurassic Park …Study shows that over half of U.S. children live in households that receive some form of government assistance. Hour 3: Conservatives need to push back against the double-standard put in place by organizations like Twitter …J.J. Watt will be taken down this year – And one caller knows why …Julia Salazar’s heritage and ideas about Israel seem to have completely changed multiple times …When you’re running for elected office, your personal life is very much the public’s business …A scary collision in Rhode Island, leaping lizards in Puerto Rico, and an overly destructive cockatoo …Some credit card companies have restored the ability of conservatives to donate to David Horowitz’ Freedom Center …It’s okay for journalists to reveal their sources if that source is Brett Kavanaugh …Ted Cruz unveils powerful response to Beto O’Rourke’s stance on anthem protests ...The Islamists apprehended in New Mexico are free despite mounting evidence that they shouldn’t be. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN


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