Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 Concern for Cruz, Dallas vs. Houston & Drug Testing Gamers - 8/6/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8739

Hour 1: The story about the 2016 meeting with Russia has changed, but one thing seems consistent... The President's statement that he didn't know. Does Ted Cruz need to be concerned about Beto in Texas? Double Standard at the NYT as they hire onto the prestigious editorial board someone with a checkered Twitter past.  A councilwoman in CT decided to take a knee during a city meeting, and the following week a Veteran came to confront her the following week. Hour 2: Alex Jones gets banned from Apple and Facebook for “Hate Speech”. Pat points out it would make more send to ban him for “Fake News” if you’re going to ban him at all.  A man in Wisconsin was charged with attempted murder for trying to abort his girlfriend's fetus by spiking her drink.  Jeffy joins us and declares the Las Vegas shooting investigation is done, even though the FBI has no motive.  California is on fire, and we get the latest as we Chew The Fat.  Hour 3: Chaos over the weekend as a crowd watching a speech by Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro scatters after a drone carrying a bomb explodes.  A sex robot time bomb is set to erupt in Japan... no more Japanese people in the future? Who has the better city? Dallas or Houston? We ask the audience to decide.   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Brushes with Greatness, Pico Update & Milli Vanilli - 8/3/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: Blaze listeners share their special talents and awesome encounters with celebrities …Colin Kaepernick’s name was (very poorly) edited out of a cover song for Madden NFL 19 …Caller describes how Omarosa Manigault was a terrible person on ‘The Apprentice’ …Pat and Keith have both had some amazing celebrity encounters and some infamous ones …One caller asks Pat what he would say to students interested in radio, and another does an awesome impression of a classic cartoon character …Banning plastic straws may have a very unintended consequence …An Ohio caller was in an Allstate commercial with LeBron James, and Jay Leno helped another caller propose to his girlfriend. Hour 2: Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands her ground against CNN’s Jim Acosta, who doesn’t deserve anything from her …The celebrity encounters continue: one delivered an A/C unit to a pair of celebs in Tennessee and another’s family created an urban legend ..An Oregon listener describes the time she was tasked with acquiring a Russian warhead, and a Philadelphia caller used a urinal next to the Rev. Al Sharpton …Ron the Producer shares his encounter with Steve McQueen (NOTE: please send Ronnie a get well card) …One caller’s landlord was Doc Adams in “Gunsmoke”, another caller got Andy Garcia to remember his name, and another played golf with a Pittsburgh Steelers legend …Please note that celebrities won’t always be receptive of your marketing strategies. Hour 3: A Maryland caller describes how her husband met Danny DeVito at a law enforcement conference …A pair of former air traffic controllers share their experiences with celebrities – One met Mr. Coffee (a.k.a. Joe DiMaggio …Why does Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top sound suspiciously like Arlen Specter? …A Backstreet Boy is in trouble over a possible rape that happened decades ago …A man has been convicted of attempted homicide for slipping his pregnant girlfriend an abortion pill …Another caller describes the time she prevented Sam Walton from entering one of his own stores …Pat and Glenn got the last laugh on the faux stardom of Milli Vanilli …A Texas caller describes the time he took a picture with the last man to walk on the moon, and an Illinois caller isn’t afraid to share his Hansen fandom. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Dems Snubbed, Succulent Hot Dogs & Defending Al Franken - 8/2/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8765

Hour 1: Barack Obama has issued a list of endorsements for the midterm elections, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not on it …The New York democratic socialist is on the West Coast holding fundraisers that you can attend for a reasonable price …Pat is getting a little worried about the close Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke …Apple has reached $1 Trillion in total value, but Tesla has reported record losses …Alex Jones makes more outlandish claims about Obama and praises the so-called “succulent hot dogs” …Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer could be in a lot of trouble …The AMC show ‘Dietland’ displays a group of radical feminists plotting to kill a pro-life congressman …Stop doing chores, kids, you need to be getting better at Fortnite. Hour 2: CNN’s Jim Acosta calls Fox News’ Sean Hannity a “propagandist for profit” …Yankees pitcher Sonny Gray is the latest athlete to fall victim to his old, questionable tweets …Can just one out of 1000 Americans name all the protections in the First Amendment? …The South African government may soon have the power to seize land from white farmers and re-distribute it to blacks …Dak Prescott refuses to cave on his opposition to kneeling for the national anthem …Caller who has visited South Africa recently paints a grim picture of the country’s future …Joy Behar takes a stand for Al Franken on ‘The View’ – Is anyone at all surprised? …North Korea repatriates dozens of Korean War dead, but only provides a single dog tag to help identify them. Hour 3: The University of Wisconsin is now allowing students to report micro-aggressions in bias reports – And someone has an amazing job as a result …A gay couple was reportedly asked to move on an Alaska Airlines flight to make room for a heterosexual couple – Is there any way that this was intentional? …Oregon federal judge rules against concerned parents in ruling regarding transgender high school student privileges …Pat is thoroughly unimpressed with a 10-year-old who broke a swimming record set by Michael Phelps …Virginia Democrat attempts to slander opponent by linking him to “Bigfoot erotica” …Trump administration reportedly open to the idea of limited healthcare plans …A new Rasmussen poll shows Trump’s approval ratings as being five points better than Obama’s at this point in 2010. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Trump vs. Biden? Stu Visits & Don't Kiss your Dog! - 8/1/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8749

Hour 1: The President used some interesting hyperbole during a rally in Tampa, Florida …The polls are not fake news – In fact, one shows a polar shift in opinion among Republicans …Planned three-year mincome experiment in Ontario, Canada is shut down after just one year …Alex Jones denies calling Sandy Hook a government hoax, so let’s re-visit exactly what he said about the massacre …Glenn Beck is a CIA agent – Of course he is, everybody knows that …Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) acts all confused when ICE executive schools her on U.S. immigration law …Tempers flare in Markham, Ontario over impending refugee crisis …The Senate hearings on ICE continued with Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) being on the receiving end of some cold hard facts. Hour 2: Stu Burguiere joins the program to discuss the latest developments in the world of sports …League-sanctioned gambling may soon be a thing …Federalism is an amazing thing, whether you’re talking about drugs, alcohol, or gambling …How will Stu’s Eagles, Keith’s Falcons, and Pat’s Packers perform this coming season? …”Sin taxes” don’t work – They aren’t even designed to encourage people to eat and drink healthier …Transgender rights organizations are not happy about the man who changed his gender to obtain a lower rate on car insurance …LeBron James tells CNN’s Don Lemon that President Trump has used sports to divide us …Animals carry all kinds of germs, and one man paid an enormous price as a result. Hour 3: President Trump has some REALLY big supporters – But this guy takes it to a whole new level …A number of outrageously creepy songs about Obama and Trump exist on YouTube …Burlington, MA police lieutenant turns the tables on a foreign scam artist …Uber is no longer keeping up the initiative to put self-driving semi-trucks on the roads …Some parents are now hiring professional Fortnite video game coaches for their kids …Caller describes how he angered a scam artist by harassing him with 20 minutes worth of calls …Why are so many people blowing off job interviews and even job assignments these days? …Pico the Shark update – He’s on the move again! …Seattle is being terrorized by a pair of serial poopers. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Tariff Woes, Lower Insurance Rates & Scoop-Diddy-Whoop - 7/31/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8767

Hour 1: Virtually all conservatives are pro-free trade, so why has GOP leadership endorsed Trump’s tariff plan? …Fox News’ Laura Ingraham lashes out against the Koch brothers for their “globalism” …She claims that “patriotic” American farmers are willing to take the losses, but in reality, a lot of farmers aren’t buying Trump’s plan …Trump and his allies also mocked the idea of making civil asset forfeiture more difficult …The Iranians might be willing to come to the negotiating table if the U.S. returns to Obama’s nuclear deal …Rudy Giuliani says that Trump’s team had planned two meetings to discuss a Russian connection, but that the second never took place and “collusion is not a crime” …Pat’s Box Office: several films continue to rake in profits and a fired Hollywood director gets support from his cast. Hour 2: A Canadian man legally changed his gender to obtain a lower rate on his car insurance …University of Georgia professor caves to public pressure after saying Republican gubernatorial candidate was “a nice guy” …Why has Pico the Shark turned around in the North Atlantic? …Should Facebook be censoring semi-nude paintings being promoted by Flanders’ tourism federation? …Mexican president-elect vows to take personal control over security forces to stamp out drug violence …Here is the truth of the matter with many illegal migrants – They’re leaving their children in the U.S. when they get deported …Football is on its way, and a deep slate of inter-state high school games headlines the early season schedule. Hour 3: Pat doesn’t like Oklahoma football, but he really likes Baker Mayfield …MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell does well to say that the Annapolis massacre was not motivated by Trump’s rhetoric, but then she brings Joseph Stalin into the discussion …Long Island racist likely won’t face charges for his now-viral tirade, but it proves a point about how moronic people can be …Do homosexual women get pregnant at a higher rate than heterosexual women? That can’t be true, can it? …Vegans’ vigil for fish at a fishing tournament in North Carolina is awkward in all the right ways …Catastrophic California wildfire has burned a massive area, and Mercury One partners are on the ground offering their support to first responders. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Pico the Shark, Austin's New Name & Beto's Strummin' - 7/30/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8775

Hour 1: President Trump has threatened to shut down the government if Congress doesn’t address border security …A Mako shark has been tracked for 4100 miles on its way from the Texas coast to the waters off Virginia …National Geographic took a scientist’s photo of an emaciated polar bear and ran with it as evidence of climate change …Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she could serve on the Court for another five years in an attempt to avoid Trump filling her seat …Austin, Texas advocacy group might like to see the city’s name changed due to Stephen F. Austin’s pro-slavery legacy …Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-all plan would cost U.S. taxpayers $3.26 trillion per year. Hour 2: Campus reform talks to millennials who like socialist polices but aren’t quite clear on who pays for them …The NFL has ordered Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to stop discussing his team’s anthem policy …Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott and running back Ezekiel Elliott also spoke out in support of the team’s decision to stand for the anthem …Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is endorsing other socialist candidates like herself …Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke used to be a wannabe rock star who may have worn a dress in his album cover …How do you get through to millennials about the dangers of socialism? …What would be the ultimate way to illustrate socialism in schools for all liberals to see? Hour 3: Which fast food restaurant has the best fries? What about the best milkshakes? …Keith reveals a horror story from a past life …Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has two personalities when it comes to discussing President Trump and the Right in general …Leftists continue to push back against the distribution of 3D-printed gun schematics …Even if America stopped using plastic entirely, it wouldn’t make a major impact on the health of our oceans …Angry mob confronts Joy Villa and fellow conservatives at President Trump’s destroyed Walk of Fame star …Atlanta Braves pitcher is the latest athlete to fall victim to insensitive tweets he made years ago …Ted Cruz defends Alex Jones after Facebook censors the conspiracy theorist for 30 days. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Perfect Day, Government Theft & Dad Rock - 7/27/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8770

Hour 1: Civil asset forfeiture continues to rear its ugly head to the tune of $3.2 Billion seized …Federal judge mandates that a state Medicaid program pay for two patients’ gender dysphoria treatment …What makes a perfect day for the average American? What makes one for Pat Gray? …Voters who say that Trump should rule with an iron fist should be more careful with what they wish for …Another global warming argument gets Pat and Keith all riled up …Tom Cruise’s career has been marked by blockbuster after blockbuster – But why did he call Matt Lauer a “glib” in a 2005 interview? Hour 2: What are the classic rock band equivalents to today’s biggest rap stars? …Does Pat know how to pronounce the names of ANY modern rock groups? …High-ranking CBS executive accused of sexual misconduct, will he survive the fallout? …Jeffy has made Pat’s week by agreeing to eat Pat’s underwear if BYU starts 5-0 …World’s oldest person passes away at the age of 117 …Sorry America, but you will not be able to see the total lunar eclipse …Anti-ICE protest in Portland leads to an entire street being designated as a biohazard zone …The least healthy dinners in America all sound incredibly appetizing to Jeff Fisher …Jeffy has hopped on the bandwagon of a new show amid uncertainty over The Walking Dead. Hour 3: How do you pick a side in the Trump-Cohen fiasco? …Facebook and Twitter have the right to shut down accounts they disagree with, but do they have the right to “shadow-ban” people? …Caller describes how the Washington Redskins key chain he was selling was rejected by online retailer Etsy …Rudy Giuliani has completely changed his tune on Michael Cohen in a matter of months …Caller asks Pat what he would judge the President on if he was tasked with deciding Trump’s fate …Loyal listener sends the guys milkshakes to help them deal with the Texas heat …Virgin Galactic space plane successfully reaches 170,000 feet before landing safely …Roseanne Barr offers an apology that may or may not satisfy those offended by her tweets ...A high percentage of adult millennials still live with their parents. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3 p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Press Barred, Facebook Drops & QUILTBAG - 7/26/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8757

Hour 1: If you hand out plastic straws, you need to be locked up …CNN journalist banned from upcoming White House event, garners support from colleagues and even rival networks …Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg loses $20 Billion in just two hours, but don’t worry, he’s still doing fine …YouTube has issued another “strike” to Alex Jones’ YouTube channel – But hey, there’s water on Mars and an obelisk on its moon! …Let us revisit the time Barack Obama ejected a journalist for shouting at him to “stop the deportations” …The wavering response to deportations is this decade’s equivalent of the flip on AIDS response in the 1990s. Hour 2: Let’s hear it again! It’s “Pooping in the Streets!” …How did one man trick a group of conservative congressmen into support an initiative to arm kindergarteners? …’Mission Impossible: Fallout’ is getting great reviews – How has Tom Cruise had such an amazing run in action films? …Bulletproof inserts for kids’ backpacks are becoming increasingly popular …Prisoners protest poor treatment of ICE detainees by going on hunger strike …Civil asset forfeiture continues to victimize law-abiding Americans – A staggering amount of cash has been seized in recent years …Dallas Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones mandates that his players stand for the national anthem …The guys discuss their favorite college football teams and Jeffy places an amazing bet. Hour 3: Sean Spicer’s book signing was invaded by a heckler who hadn’t even read the book …Iranian military responds to President Trump’s threats by claiming they’ll finish the war that the Americans start …Spotify’s list of paid subscribers grows to over 82 million, yet the company doesn’t seem to be all that profitable …Author claims that Trump’s affairs with “brand-name” women will soon be brought to light …Pat and Keith learn a new acronym to help keep tabs on the evolving LGBTQIA+ community …Maxine Waters’ rhetoric is simply wrong, and it’s not racist to say so …ICE raid captures 132 high-risk illegal aliens along East Coast, including a high-ranking MS-13 gang member …All the latest UMass Minutemen intel that you didn’t know you needed. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Unhinged Left, Yoko Returns & Al Gore Sings - 7/25/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8772

Hour 1: What would it take for Trump supporters to waver in their support for the President? …Lou Dobbs has gone off the deep end, but it’s no worse than Rachel Maddow and the other hosts on MSNBC …Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) cites the Bible as justification to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination …Canadian lawmakers are unsure what to do with a massive influx of illegal immigrants …The latest episode of Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Who is America?” features a Georgia state representative acting racist, yelling obscenities, and getting naked …President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is completely destroyed by vandal …We need Yoko Ono now more than ever, right? Hour 2: Alex Jones is back at it and he’s going after Robert Mueller – He also returns to his conspiracy theories about Charleston and Parkland …San Francisco has been joined by Portland on its trip down the proverbial toilet …Al Gore sings a song telling you to “leave a turd and spread the word” …The destruction of Trump’s star is exactly the kind of thing that will get him re-elected …Who’s on the walk of fame on the Mean Streets of Helena? …Don’t hand out straws in Santa Barbara, CA, or you could be facing a lengthy jail sentence …Google Translate foresees the end of times? Well, not quite …Hot girlfriend or Call of Duty? One gamer made the only reasonable choice. Hour 3: The fifth-largest Mega Millions jackpot in history has been won – What would you do with all that money? …Independent baseball team in Texas has partnered with a Chinese team to help grow the game, and Pat is not happy about it …NFL training camps are kicking off, and the guys are jumping for joy …The Denver Post ran an op-ed that called for President Trump’s execution …A massive percentage of the U.S. population does not speak English at home, but if they want to move upward in society, they need to learn some English …Prager U. video shows millennials saying that we need more socialism in America …Let’s get a little dumber one more time. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Defining Socialism, Dividing Ourselves & Defending Greatness – 7/24/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8744

Hour 1: Alexandria Cortez on Guns, I.C.E, Socialism…Full scale Communism from the democrats. Being pushed far to left..Rachel Maddow on Trump being Russian.The view on politics, who’s paying for this? … Joy Behar says Democarts are becoming socialist. If we go down this path we are done...Removing Security clearance White House confirms… Defending Reagan… Hour 2: Lubbock, Tx at a Saltgrass restaurant customer we don’t tip terrorist on the receipt and the waiter lied about it…Trade wars Farmers being hurt from it. Beef, pork and chickens being stocked pilled. Chewing the Fat with Jeffy…Bill Cosby being sentenced on September 24th…African-American man fired from Home Depot after 10 years…First transgender to co-star in CW’s Supergirl… Hour 3: Waiter faked story…AG Jeff Sessions chants “Lock her up” said it once…Warren Hatch is dead per Google, but he isn’t…Buck Sexton took Ivanka trump to the prom…50 Years ago what was and not available…Chicago mayoral candidate hands out cash to potential- $300,000 to be specific… Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Business Card Triggering, NATO Shift & What's Left To Tax? - 7/23/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8800

Hour 1:David Hogg v. Marco Rubio… Trump v. Iran… Don’t Miss The News and Why It Matters?… Trump Tweets in All Caps… Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?... Maxine Waters Talks Again… Donald Trump Cant Borrow Money from Banks?… Tom Brady getting Fat?… Social Media Can Be Brutal… Randy Quaid is Getting WEIRD!…  Hour 2: Tom Brady is not FAT! Stop it… Hillary Clinton is Fashion?… What is She Wearing?… Randy Quaid Lost it!… Randy Quaid Not Helping The Right… Michelle Wolf Compares ICE to ISIS… Michelle Wolf is So SO Bad… Israel News… Ruth Bader Ginsburg Movie Trailer… Pocket Constitution is Key to Have… Chewing the Fat with Jeffy… Thank You Hillary for the MuuMuu wearing… Michelle Obama Wants You To Vote… America is a Democracy?… McDonalds Giving Free Food?… McDonalds Salads Making People Sick in the USA… Removing the Alamo?… Why Are We Moving The Alamo?… Tiger Woods Girlfriend Gets Called Names… Zombie Raccoon in New York…  Hour 3: NATO Shift… Jeffy is Tom Brady… Host leaving Fox News… Big Movies Weekend… Mama Mia Didn’t Performed Well… Soda Tax in New Jersey… Taxing Tap Water in New Jersey… Marcus Luttreel has a Message For the 14 yr old… Destruction of the Navy Seal Memorial… Don’t Let Movies Teach You History… Straight Pride History Month… Jason Lewis is Under Fire… From Talk Radio to Politics… How Many Condoms Do You Need?… James Gunn gets Fired… James Gunn Tried to Delete his Past…  Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Moon Day, NFL Caves Again & Audio Fun - 7/20/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: It is stiflingly hot in Dallas-Fort Worth, so the guys plan to stay in this weekend …It’s also the 49th anniversary of the moon landings – But what was Neil Armstrong’s actual quote? …‘The View’ lambastes a moderately conservative judge and the audience loves it …Step aside babies, non-gender assigned “theybies” are all the rage these days …The NFL’s Miami Dolphins introduce a new anthem policy that could result in suspensions for kneeling …29 of the NFL’s 32 teams made the list of the top-50 most valuable sports franchises in the world …Caller requests a classic audio clip about a cat, kittens, and immigration …Former Trump staffer backtracks on his comments about the Inauguration, but refuses to admit that Trump told him to lie. Hour 2: Some YouTubers are making millions by doing completely inane things in their videos …What could Keith Malinak do that would generate some serious views? …An “Obama phone”, a timid terrorist, and a Rev. Al Sharpton montage …Will the Democratic Party embrace Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ version of socialism, or will cooler heads prevail? …The United States is as liberal as it has ever been, yet the Left refuses to acknowledge that …Israel plans to go to the moon with the help of a SpaceX rocket …Keith sees dollar signs with a plan to charge Tesla cars quickly and cheaply. Hour 3: There is a new space race unfolding, but it will take a truly monumental achievement to get people excited about it …Alex Jones and Al Gore – Where would we be without those two? …The clips continue with sticking up for yourself, a battle with slow internet, and a capsizing island …Al Roker, a little butt buddy, Dr. Pepper, and Alec Baldwin …Sweet pea, go make Jeffy a sandwich! …Nancy Pelosi yells wolf in a crowded space and Pat reveals his favorite word. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Obama's lies, Kavanaugh support & Supervolcanoes - 7/19/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8749

Hour 1: Yes, Trump has been caught in some lies, but why is the media all the sudden interested in a lying administration. Pat reminds us of the lies on Obamacare. Actor Mark Duplass gets slammed for a pro Ben Shapiro tweet. There doesn't seem to be a lot of support for Brett Cavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, if you look at recent nominations. Greenland's lost summer is being blamed on climate change.,  and new research shows if Texas were a country, they'd be a top oil producing nation.   Hour 2: Texas getting its dominance back, oil jobs coming back to the state, it's a good time for the energy sector. Scientists find an enormous fissure in a super volcano in Yellowstone, and people cheer? What affect is the volcano in Hawaii having on our current weather? Doctors are suing patients for posting negative reviews on Yelp, and the reviewer faced up to a year in prison for his online comments.  We Chew the Fat with Jeffy who has a live look at Texas weather today (so it's just an AC on fire, but you get the point) and some interesting ideas from a socialist about how cities should run.  Hour 3: Saharan Dust is affecting the South, and Pat explains how they are also a hurricane killer. Keith Ellison calls having borders an injustice and claims that America's prosperity is based on the want in other parts of the world.  Lady Parts Justice League is launching a comedy tour related to abortion activism.  Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on The View to talk about her new book, and one of the biggest Trump apologist's tee'd off with the Trump Derangement crowd and it was a spectacle.  And Donald Trump comments on his now infamous press conference, and Pat calls it the worst point of his Presidency.   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Would, Wouldn't & Agonizing Obama - 7/18/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8773

Hour 1: Pat asks Trump supporters what they would think about the summit press conference if it had been Obama making such remarks …”It should have been obvious” seems to be the new “Let me be clear” …Let’s review the time George W. Bush met with Vladimir Putin in the early 2000s …Caller applauds the guys for sticking to their principles and not bowing to the shifting ideals of President Trump ...Another caller reminds the guys how Trump’s policies toward Russia haven’t changed despite his commentary being disgraceful …Trump was already in damage control long before he returned to the United States …Barack Obama gives speech at Mandela memorial in South Africa – He discusses how modern politics have rejected truth completely. Hour 2: Obama continued his speech by bragging about how much money he has and how people like him should give some of it back …The Strzok hearings saw one key question go unasked – What did Barack Obama know? …Some people are starting to question how much money Jeff Bezos makes – Why? Your slice of the pie isn’t getting any smaller …Joe Biden will soon decide whether to run for President in 2020 – But Democrats don’t want him to …The Democrats are holding out hope that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be able to run for President in 2024 …There are some instances when calling 911 isn’t the best idea …What should Keith Malinak have to do to obtain pig rights during the show? …Government misplaces a “small” amount of plutonium that is surely nothing to worry about. Hour 3: Pat reads your awesome tweets …The Chinese government has reportedly killed or imprisoned 18-20 of the CIA’s undercover operatives …Why have we been told that these people were spies? …Why are mainstream publications running with the idea of a “notorious Donald Trump elevator tape”? …The U.S. has once again become the world’s most competitive economy …Is Donald Trump the most popular Republican in GOP history? No, but it should have been obvious …Pat’s Christmas story had a truly tragic ending on the mean streets of Helena …Rapper Fifty Cent successfully deflects Joy Behar’s attempts to get him going on a racially charged rant …Yes, Papa John Schnatter used a racial slur, but he also got railroaded by a marketing firm …How much trash do you generate in one day? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Trump treason or Trump hate? - 7/17/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8746

Hour 1:  Jeffy in for Pat Gray...and we start off in Helsinki where Donald Trump made international news with his statements following a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. We discuss comments from Rand Paul and hear from Donald Trump in his own words. Neil Cavuto turns on Trump and some of the protests abroad have been nothing short of silly.    Hour 2: We start off with Lava Bombs in Hawaii as tourists get a bit too close to the action and pay for it with holes in their boat and Jeffy talks about the Amazon Prime Day fail. Jeffy digs deep into his past as a grocery guy to talk about smashed products (and how he wants them for less).   Hour 3: What's it like to be a cop? We have some amazing video to show you, and a crazy story out of Las Vegas.  Keith can't change a tire (thankfully a friendly police officer helped him out) and listeners demand his 'man card'. Pilot-less flights are coming, but how soon? Would you fly on a plane without a human at the controls? Who had the better answer? Ocasio-Cortez vs South Carolina.   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2


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