Dems Snubbed, Succulent Hot Dogs & Defending Al Franken - 8/2/18

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: Barack Obama has issued a list of endorsements for the midterm elections, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not on it …The New York democratic socialist is on the West Coast holding fundraisers that you can attend for a reasonable price …Pat is getting a little worried about the close Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke …Apple has reached $1 Trillion in total value, but Tesla has reported record losses …Alex Jones makes more outlandish claims about Obama and praises the so-called “succulent hot dogs” …Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer could be in a lot of trouble …The AMC show ‘Dietland’ displays a group of radical feminists plotting to kill a pro-life congressman …Stop doing chores, kids, you need to be getting better at Fortnite. Hour 2: CNN’s Jim Acosta calls Fox News’ Sean Hannity a “propagandist for profit” …Yankees pitcher Sonny Gray is the latest athlete to fall victim to his old, questionable tweets …Can just one out of 1000 Americans name all the protections in the First Amendment? …The South African government may soon have the power to seize land from white farmers and re-distribute it to blacks …Dak Prescott refuses to cave on his opposition to kneeling for the national anthem …Caller who has visited South Africa recently paints a grim picture of the country’s future …Joy Behar takes a stand for Al Franken on ‘The View’ – Is anyone at all surprised? …North Korea repatriates dozens of Korean War dead, but only provides a single dog tag to help identify them. Hour 3: The University of Wisconsin is now allowing students to report micro-aggressions in bias reports – And someone has an amazing job as a result …A gay couple was reportedly asked to move on an Alaska Airlines flight to make room for a heterosexual couple – Is there any way that this was intentional? …Oregon federal judge rules against concerned parents in ruling regarding transgender high school student privileges …Pat is thoroughly unimpressed with a 10-year-old who broke a swimming record set by Michael Phelps …Virginia Democrat attempts to slander opponent by linking him to “Bigfoot erotica” …Trump administration reportedly open to the idea of limited healthcare plans …A new Rasmussen poll shows Trump’s approval ratings as being five points better than Obama’s at this point in 2010. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN