Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 Your Truth, My Truth & One's Truth - 10/10/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8777

Hour 1: Dr. Christine Ford has been nominated for a “distinguished alumni” award for “speaking her truth” …Schools are having a difficult time correcting students’ mistakes these days …CNN host Brooke Baldwin is triggered by a guest using the term “mob” to describe liberal groups targeting Brett Kavanaugh and Ted Cruz …Hurricane Michael could be very, very bad for the Florida panhandle …Amazon has become a true leviathan of a corporation – If you bought company stock in 2006, you are now quite rich …Campus Reform asks students at the University of Georgia whether a liberal speaker has ever been shouted down by conservative students …Has there ever been an instance in which ONLY the rich got a tax cut? …Are the 1960s about to return? Complete with political assassinations? Hour 2: Who will get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before Foreigner and The Connells? …Writer calls Beto O’Rourke “Reagan-like” – Where do the similarities even start? …Don’t trifle with a massive storm like Matthew – You can’t stand up to those winds …The park down the road from the studio suffers from flooding – And it rained a LOT in DFW yesterday …Amazon needs to get into the airline business – Jeffy would totally fly Amazon Air …Man puts his girlfriend up for sale on eBay – Bids reached $119,000 ...Woman barred from flight due to her “emotional support squirrel” …A brain scan that can determine suicide risk? A shopping cart that can detect unhappy shoppers? …CNN played host to an incredibly racist moment as two guests attacked Kanye West. Hour 3: Expect Pat to be even angrier and more unleashed next week …Display of rainbow flags erected at Azusa Pacific University to protest the school’s decision to re-institute ban on same-sex relationships …If you don’t want to sign the BYU Honor Code, go become a Utah Godless Animal …New York City may soon have a real “Gender X” policy to cover all gender identities …Australian model spends $10,000 on tattoos, piercings, and surgeries to become, wait for it, a dragon …Hillary Clinton was recently asked about the differences between the allegations against her husband and those levied against Kavanaugh …Pat reiterates that he will eat his underwear if Beto O’Rourke somehow upsets Ted Cruz …Melania Trump has handled the role of First Lady with incredible grace, yet she gets none of the love that Michelle Obama received …The best "one hit wonder" songs and artists in history. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Haley Out, Dems Unhinged & Anarchy in America - 10/9/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8772

Hour 1: Nikki Haley resigns as U.N. ambassador – Where does Trump go from here? …The Democrats don’t really know the definitions of “radical” and “moderate” …Tom Steyer, a white, privileged billionaire, calls on the American people to stick it to rich white men in the upcoming election …ANTIFA goons in Portland harass drivers and damage cars while police do nothing to stop them …What you need under your car seat is a “pocket Constitution” …A busload of socialists from New York City is told not to admit they’re from NYC as they attempt to influence an Upstate New York election …Caller asks if there are multiple definitions of white depending on who is being insulted …Another says that a massive effort to gerrymander Missouri in favor of Democrats must be stopped …Should the City of El Paso become part of New Mexico? Hour 2: The nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are in, and you can probably guess who’s not on the list …The coolest jobs (besides radio producer) that Keith Malinak would love to have …Anti-Ted Cruz ad is very well put together and actually makes a solid point …Caller says the Rock Hall is a joke – And so is Foreigner …Oregonian caller reminds the guys that a large percentage of the state is pretty conservative …It’s National Moldy Cheese Day – The guys don’t want that …Netflix addiction may soon be claiming many more victims …Anthony Weiner will be released from prison early and Bill Cosby isn’t happy about being behind bars (shocking, we know) …Gas station owner reminds patrons not to warm urine in his shop’s microwave – You read that right. Hour 3: Musician John Mayer got on a mid-concert soapbox about a so-called “male contract” that needs to be abolished …Taylor Swift finally takes a stand politically, coming out in support of two liberal Democrats …Brett Kavanaugh hired more black law clerks in his first day as a Supreme Court justice than Ruth Bader Ginsburg has hired throughout her entire time on the Court …Caller thinks that the antithesis to the “male contract” that Mayer speaks of can be found in the Bible …The situation in Venezuela has not been improved by the slashing of zeroes off the bolivar, hiking the minimum wage, or introducing a new cryptocurrency …Allow us to once again revisit the difference in how liberals treated Dr. Christine Ford versus how they treated Monica Lewinsky …Let’s not bother implementing the U.N.’s recommended gas taxes …Astronaut quotes Winston Churchill – Is promptly chastised by the Left. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 How they Voted, On the Brink & Insane Art - 10/8/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8775

Hour 1: Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court, but the vote was as partisan as could be …The latest round of protests demonstrates clearly why the U.S. isn’t (and shouldn’t be) a democracy …Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) says Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize if North Korea de-nuclearizes ...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) gets the nickname “gasbag” from his Republican opponent …Listener promises to eat Pat’s underwear if Trump is nominated for the Nobel Prize …Journalists are being openly coerced into retracting pro-conservative news stories …Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) says productive things in interview – Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) does not …Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) and his family receive death threats over vote …Spelling was not the strength of the Left this weekend. Hour 2: Breitbart News assembled a disturbing montage of anti-Kavanaugh protesters …Latest ACRONYM ad encourages young Democrats to turn on their elders …VICE editor admits that there were paid activists who steered protesters toward moments intended to go viral …Pat’s BYU Cougars, Keith’s Nebraska Cornhuskers, and Jeffy’s Missouri Tigers all had rough weekends …Caller asks who exactly was paid to lead the protesters down this path …Another caller asks what the key difference was between Merrick Garland and Brett Kavanaugh’s respective nominations …The lunar eclipse that saved Christopher Columbus – This story is fascinating …Man receives life sentence for murder – The court didn’t buy that he was too high on cold medicine …Would you go to a hologram concert of a dead musician? …Climate change may lead to catastrophe by 2030 (or 2040, or some other time). Hour 3: Al Gore returns to sing on Pat Gray Unleashed! …Evidence suggests there were palm trees in the Arctic Circle around 55 million years ago …Rhode Island caller suggests that the tide might be turning against Sheldon Whitehouse and the Democratic establishment …Another caller asks if a military coup may eventually become necessary to save the republic …Way cool space news: Voyager 2 is about to fly beyond our solar system into deep space …If you have a rock as a doorstop, you should probably check to see if it’s a meteorite …Pat’s Box Office: ‘First Man’ is primed to be a true blockbuster …Will 'Bohemian Rhapsody' actually get the story right about Freddie Mercury? …Painting sold at auction for over $1 Million self-destructs via a shredder installed in the frame by the artist, the mysterious Banksy. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 MORE ON TRIVIA: Minnesota Vikings at Philadelphia Eagles - 10/5/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8764

Hour 1 The vote advances mainly along party lines for the next step in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to ask an audience member for a pocket constitution at an event. Steven Crowder ruffles feathers at TCU to the point that students have been offered counseling.   Hour 2  MoreOn Trivia! This time it’s the Eagles VS the Vikings. We also get started with a fun list of the worst movie sequels of all time.   Hour 3 A rare occurrence as MoreOn Trivia continues into the third hour. The Vikings manage to squeak out a win, 9-8... will the prediction hold true this weekend? And our list of the worst movie sequels continues.  Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed: @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Obama's past, Clinton's issues & Kavanaugh vote - 10/04/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8760

Hour 1   The latest from the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation saga, now featuring old roommates who when interviewed didn’t seem to know the younger Kavanaugh at all. And Pat discusses how many men have a similar story to tell of their youth. The other shoe drops. Kavanaugh likes to sing when he’s drunk.  Hillary Clinton's daughter is off the hook when CBS fails to ask the tough questions about allegations against her father. We take calls from listeners on Kavanaugh including a survivor who is angry with Christine Ford for bringing back old trauma....  Hour 2   We start off with some old business on tweets and take a call from a nice older lady who reminds us that mothers used to teach their daughters to stay away from alcohol fueled party's. Then Jeffy joins the show and we discuss a hole in the ISS that may have been caused by an America, and a hole in the ground that shot flames into the air for hours.   Hour 3  We start off with John Bolton ruffling feathers on Palestine as he reminds a reporter “it’s not a state”.  We watch video of an abortion rights activist round house kicking a protestor.  Pat has a story about a company solving a serious problem in can’t find stiletto heels that fit their bigger feet! Bonus: Pat is a “presenting male”... in that he presented the story, and he’s male. Chris Betts from the Texas Young Republicans joins the show to talk Trump and Beto in Texas.   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 FBI Probe Ending, Peggy Sue & A New Planet? - 10/3/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8750

Hour 1  New turning in the Kavanaugh case... the FBI investigation seems to be wrapping up early... Dems still whining about Kavanaugh... Hillary straight up laughs at Kavnanaugh... and Jeff Flake finds the whole thing very ‘troubling’... Even Trump chimes in during his rally in Pennsylvania... Ford’s Ex syas she never ever talked about it... NYT unleashes a bombshell report on Trumps finances when he was younger... How would the left deal with a pro-life woman nominee? Like, say... Amy Coney Barrett? Democrats attacking Kavanaugh but remember when they defended one Mr. Ted Kennedy?    Hour 2  A reporter claims Brett Kavanaugh silenced his investigation... A Star Is Born comes out Friday, so Bradley Cooper is making the talk show rounds... one interview gets a little weird... The famous Peggy Sue Gerron of Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue” has died... as good a time as any to lament Foreigner not bieng in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame... Even Zuckerberg gets his Facebook hacked... FEMA issuing a wireless test to everyone today... Mayor DeBlasio to allow a third gender on birth certificate... Now check out these big huge pumpkins! What even is a pumpkin anyway? Drinking tequila can help you lose weight? Uh oh... ice has been thrown in The Blaze studio...    Hour 3  Scientists have located a tiny new resident in our solar system as they search for ‘the big one’, Planet 9... How hard is it to pass the U.S. citizenship test? …Don’t ask the kids... Snoop Dawg calls Kanye West an ‘Uncle Tom’ for supporting the President... the rest of the rap community doesn’t take kindly to opposing opinions... Check out his un-aired rant from SNL... University bans clapping in favor of... JAZZ HANDS... and what the heck happened to Piers Morgan? Somehow he’s making sense now? Now listen to Cory Booker tell us all what it’s really all about...   Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 A Very Musical Day - Vanilla Ice, Beto & Some Guy - 10/2/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8746

Hour 1 New Kavanaugh details... He threw some ice at some guy one time, so he’s truly evil... If we can’t trust his music taste, how can we trust him as a judge? Pat admits that he himself once had ice thrown on him but survived... The left only cares about someone’s past if they’re not part of the left... Republicans allow another investigation into Kavanaugh... but the Democrats are even more crazy... Julie Swetnik gives a shady interview to NBC... and even they have to admit her story isn’t all there... Jeff Flake says he’s failed his tribe... with a smile... The restaurant where Ted Cruz got yelled at by protesters now has to hire security because people are mad at them for helping Cruz     Hour 2 Pat attempts the feat of a lifetime... re-creating Beto O’Rourke’s haunting musical melody... who plays it better? Time to Chew the Fat with Jeffy... A woman falsely claims she was raped... A new surgery is available for people who want to be taller... and with a price tag of only $200,000! A woman wins the Nobel Physics Prize for the first time in 55 years... Netflix developing ‘choose your own endings’ for its content... Judge Judy falsely shown endorsing skin care products... and she fights back     Hour 3 New allegations in the Kavanaugh case... how many times have I typed that phrase... And apparently all the negativity on Star Wars: The Last Jedi is all just because of Russian trolls... Amazon raises it’s minimum wage... Someone sends a ‘white powdery substance’ to Ted Cruz... Molly Ringwald now regrets starring in all those hit movies? Once again we have to deal with a white guy screaming about white male priviledge... oh boy... For a moment of levity, here’s a Bad Lip Reading for Hillary Clinton... Cassie Jaye interviews men’s activists with an agenda in mind... but ends up learning a thing or two for herself... It’s finally confirmed... families in 2017 spent more on taxes than food... Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 GOP Caves, Beto Ringtone(!) & Led Zeppelin In Court - 10/1/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8731

Hour 1 -Kellyanne Conway admits to Jake Tapper on CNN that she, too is a victim of sexual assault -Republicans cave in and allow an FBI investigation -Jeff Flake admits on 60 Minutes that he cares more about staying in office than doing the right thing -Pat thinks it’d be better if Trump pulled Kavanaugh and nominated Amy Coney Barret -Kavanaugh’s classmate thrown him under the bus – calls him a sloppy drunk -Do we need an FBI investigation into Elena Kagan for having one sip of vodka? -Governor Abbot describes Beto as a ‘cult-like’ figure – you’re supposed to vote on values, not personality. Texans don’t want higher taxes or socialism -Ted Cruz is too noble to get into Beto’s personal life... so Pat becomes the hero we need and dives in   Hour 2 -Paul McCartney can’t read or write music... but he’ll photobomb your wedding -Getting to the bottom of the Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven Plagiarism debacle -The guys talk college football... who’s gonna take it all? -Chewing the Fat with Jeffy... Today marks 1 year since the Las Vegas shooting -Elon Musk pays $20 million to the SEC for earlier Tweets about taking Tesla private -Tom Hanks dons a red sweater to tackle the role of Mr. Rogers! -A man goes to the water park... and dies of a brain eating amoeba   Hour 3 -DEA planning on hoarding our data... WTF? -A man ordered by police to unlock his phone with face ID -Trump talks Kavanaugh... and claims he himself has never had alcohol -Kavanaugh accuser turns out to have had some trouble with the truth in the past -Lindsey Graham stands up for Kavanaugh -Bill Mahar calls Graham gay on his show... but it’s okay since he’s a conservative? -Katie Couric laments the lack of women in news corporations... forgetting that Fox has a female C.E.O -Will Dr. Ford ever be investigated for all her errors at her hearing? -Fox premiers Last Man Standing... and it’s their most viewed comedy ever -Isaac Newton predicts the end of the world will come in 2060     Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 MORE ON TRIVIA Week 4 Baltimore at Pittsburgh - 9/28/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8777

Hour 1: Pat thinks that Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed, but those who have taken his side are being accosted by feminists …Cory Booker questions Kavanaugh about drinking during the week during high school …Why won’t the judge call out the Democrats for their political motivation here? …The FBI will not be able to clear up a 36-year-old case with no hard evidence …Imagine what would happen if President Trump was tasked with replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg …Amy Coney Barrett would be a much better nominee, but we still want Kavanaugh confirmed …Callers describe how Cory Booker should have resigned, how to make clear what the Democrats are doing, and how both parties face an identity crisis …Do you have a higher opinion of Congress or cockroaches? What about witches? The IRS? Your mother-in-law? …Caller wonders if this case is to the #MeToo movement what the O.J. Simpson trial was to black Americans. Hour 2: MORE ON TRIVIA!!!!!!! Hour 3: We have a winner in More On Trivia! Who’s it going to be? …Democrats are calling for a delay in the vote on Kavanaugh – Because, of course they are …The United States appears on a list of countries considered most dangerous to women – India ranks number one most dangerous …The guys wrap up their analysis of the fiery confrontation on CNN between Kirsten Powers and Michael Caputo …The Democrats should have praised the nomination of a moderate like Kavanaugh, but their hatred for Trump has been transferred to him …Caller suggests that the GOP standing up for Kavanaugh indicates that he is believable – Normally they’re so feckless they run from these situations …Another caller who works with domestic violence survivors says she is not convinced by Dr. Ford …Allow us to return to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) suspicious actions during the hearing …Allow Joe Biden to tell you that an FBI investigation will be inconclusive. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Mystery Senate Theater 2018 - 9/27/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8766

Hour 1: We join the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing live in progress – The prosecutor starts off asking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about air travel and her hobbies …Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and the Democrats are more than happy to heap praise on Ford for coming forward at this time …Apparently, the receptionist, janitor and lobby greeter all heard Dr. Ford’s story …What really happened with this alleged polygraph test? Ford claims it was extremely stressful and is unsure who paid for it …One caller with a background in psychology asks how a polygraph could be administered under such incredibly stressful conditions …Another caller tells Pat that it has been proven that one can manipulate the questions to ensure that a polygraph test suggests innocence or guilt. Hour 2: The guys are confident that Dr. Ford is telling the truth in that she was sexually assaulted …But they’re also confident that the perpetrator was someone other than Brett Kavanaugh …Pat reminds people that it’s fine if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, so long as President Trump then nominates Amy Coney Barrett …Let’s review how so many on the Left treated Monica Lewinsky in the 1990s …Caller asks how the date of the polygraph test couldn’t be seared into Ford’s memory …Climate change is at it again, global ice melt is apparently making the Earth “wobble” on its axis …Tennessee high school athletic director tells boys to “blame the girls” for new dress code – Is promptly placed on leave …Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) takes her turn questioning Dr. Ford – It is finally confirmed that Ford’s lawyers paid for the polygraph. Hour 3: The #KavanaughCrimes continue to roll in …Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) begins questioning Dr. Ford, so Pat grabs the tambourine …Are the Democrats trying to delay the appointment of a ninth justice past the 2020 presidential election? …French rapper’s video banned for advocating the hanging of white adults and the killing of their children …Caller remarks how Dr. Ford’s family is most likely doing much better than Brett Kavanaugh’s wife and kids …Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) says that the other shoe will drop if this process of taking aim at every Republican nominee becomes the new standard …Pat’s Box Office: The highest-grossing Halloween films of all-time …Two callers are convinced that Dr. Ford is lying about the whole ordeal …Allow Joe Biden to remind Democrats that an FBI investigation into such a matter is not worth anything. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 New Allegations, New Regulations & New Announcing Team - 9/26/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8784

Hour 1: If you want someone’s privacy respected, don’t tweet out their name and image …If the allegations are true, Brett Kavanaugh is complicit in some horrific deeds – But there is no evidence …Caller asks whether there should be repercussions for making baseless accusations …It turns out that Ted and Heidi Cruz actually returned to the restaurant to finish their meal after the protesters left …The European Union is primed to crack down on freedom of the press to contain the rise of “bad nationalism” …Chuck Schumer makes a bold (and thoroughly inaccurate) statement on the “presumption of innocence” regarding Kavanaugh …Callers describe their experiences on college campuses and illustrate what might have gone on with these alleged “sex trains”. Hour 2: Callers wonder if the testifying Kavanaugh accuser may be at risk of perjuring herself …One woman says that the Chuck Schumer she met 30 years ago could not be more different from the man today …Would it be acceptable for conservatives to follow Maxine Waters and harass her relentlessly? …New film about the evil that was Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a bone-chilling reminder of what abortion actually is …New Philadelphia Flyers mascot is something – Something we can’t identify …Qualcomm alleges that Apple stole company information and passed it on to rival Intel …Would you lay in a coffin for 30 hours straight? What if they let you out to use the bathroom? …What are the most sex-crazed cities and states across America? …Will Smith celebrated his 50th birthday by bungee jumping over the Grand Canyon. Hour 3: #KavanaughCrimes tweets are bringing utter hilarity to the show …Caller says that we should never tell good people not to do a job, because then we end up with only bad people doing it …Caller tells her sexual assault story and how, in a bygone era, she was taught to believe that it was her fault …Voting via smartphone may soon become a thing – This likely means that more millennials would cast a ballot …Caller says that, as a rape survivor, she believes that these accusers have no right to stand before the country and demand justice decades later …President Trump’s new $1.5 million presidential limousine, nicknamed “The Beast”, has some real James Bond gadgetry installed on board …The New York Times put journalistic integrity squarely on the back burner with accuser story. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Brad Meltzer Talks Heroes, Mob Rule USA & Trump vs. UN - 9/25/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8763

Hour 1: Journalistic integrity and Maxine Waters’ ideals are making the guys very worried …Ted Cruz and his wife are heckled by a group of anti-Kavanaugh protesters in a Washington restaurant …Brett Kavanaugh professes innocence in interview by admitting he was a virgin throughout his high school and college years …Should the restaurant owners be held accountable for what happened to Cruz? One loyal listener thinks so …Callers agree that Kavanaugh showed profound restraint and professionalism in his interview …It turns out that, which now caters to #MeToo, was originally created to encourage the country to move on from Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct scandal …Whole Foods lays down the law against pro-animal rights protesters. Hour 2: The NFL has problems involving roughing the passer and excessive celebration …Keith is a lousy gambler, but at least he doesn’t invest a lot of money in it like Stu Burguiere does …Caller says that he loves animals because they’re delicious …Journalist Ronan Farrow’s interview reveals just how little he has to go on when reporting allegations against Kavanaugh …Comcast recently beat out Fox in a bid to purchase Sky Network (out of Great Britain) …President Trump touted his accomplishments before the U.N. general assembly, and was promptly laughed at by many …The PGA must be very happy to see Tiger Woods return to contender status …Young Indonesian man ends up stranded at sea on a tiny raft for 49 days before being rescued …Awesome animals with Jeff Fisher! Hour 3: Author and historian Brad Meltzer joins the program to discuss his new children’s book I am Neil Armstrong …The first man on the moon was always incredibly humble and is exactly the kind of hero American children need …Brad also tells the guys about his new full-length book, The First Conspiracy, which reveals how George Washington was nearly assassinated in 1776 …Bill Cosby has been labeled a “sexually violent predator” and sentenced to 3-10 years in prison …You could own a beautiful 897 sq. ft. home in Palo Alto, CA for just $2.6 million …A spiritual healer supposedly helped his students find true enlightenment by encouraging them to do disturbing things …How old are your favorite celebrities? The numbers may surprise you.…Caller says she called Ted Cruz’ office about the restaurant incident and found out that the Cruzes hadn’t even ordered when they were confronted. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Cruz vs. Beto, Proper Tackling & Pico Vanishes??? - 9/24/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8782

Hour 1: Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke face off in a debate… The two Senate hopefuls discuss race relations and police, and Beto gets backed into a corner more than once …CNN analyst says “unfortunately” most polls suggest that Cruz will win …Brett Kavanaugh accuser will testify, but what ground does she have to stand on in a 30+ year-old case? … Hawaii senator claims that Kavanaugh’s credibility should be questioned because he is conservative …Nowadays, old horror movies are more funny than scary …Want to see something really scary? Imagine President Pelosi. Hour 2: Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is now under fire for what he did – or didn’t do – with Stormy Daniels… Don’t worry, CNN WILL get to the bottom of it …Finally, we have a demonstration of the proper technique for how to sack a quarterback in today’s NFL ...Will anyone even be allowed to play football in five years? …The latest on Bill Cosby’s looming sentencing …Would you sign up for a subscription service that allows you to drive a brand-new Audi every month? … PayPal pulls the plug on Alex Jones, so a caller asks whether we should support InfoWars with our wallets (even if we don’t agree with him). Hour 3: What to do when walking a woman to her hotel room: Just don’t …Here’s a demonstration of how to play guitar just like Beto O’Rourke …President Obama flips out at a crowd of millennials because they aren’t paying attention to him …Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has seen his liberal siblings turn on him and endorse his Democratic opponent …Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) lambastes the GOP for failing to defund Planned Parenthood in new budget bill …U.S. Border Patrol is so overwhelmed with illegal border crossings that a wall really does look like the only solution …Pat’s Box Office: Michael “Fat Lump” Moore’s movie “Fahrenheit 11/9” doesn’t take the crown. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 MORE ON TRIVIA Week 3 - New England at Detroit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8750

Hour 1 More-on Trivia is back! Pat almost can’t believe the Cowboys won… Some students having trouble turning in absentee ballots… You’ll never guess why… Is it time to fix up the homeless’ bathrooms? A former band-mate of Beyonce accuses her of extreme witchraft… New info on the Kavanaugh allegations could blow the whole thing wide open… CNN asks women if they believe Kavanaugh… They didn’t get the answer they wanted… The delay tactics from the left are getting old… A social experiment shows gender bias when the roles are reversed…   Hour 2 It’s finally time for More-On Trivia!! Today’s matchup: New England Patriots vs. Detroit Lions… Join the crew of 109.9 The Big Frog to see who takes the cake!   Hour 3 The results of More-On Trivia are in… but the guys have a couple flags to sort through…  A little bit of hypocrisy from the NFL… do they want free speech or not? What’s the difference between Jeffy and Alex Jones? Beto getting all the media attention… setting up for a Presidential run? Beto O’Rourke’s music haunts us all… Could Bono be a secret conservative? Audience lemmings applaud killing babies when Louis C.K. talks about it… Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2

 Kavanaugh Latest, Census Troubles & Civil Asset Forfeiture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8725

Hour 1 Your latest update on the Kavanaugh… situation. Will she or won’t she testify? Hillary hypocrisy on display on Rachel Maddow’s show…  Actresses reading a script in support of Kavanaugh’s accuser… An encounter through doesn’t go according to plan… Hour 2 Kasky grows up… what a difference 6 months makes… Chewing the Fat with Jeffy… Some kids break all the rules to make sure their local McDonald’s is culturally diverse… A Texas mother sends her son to school with a shirt that says ‘I am a bully’… What to do with a dead whale… Hour 3 Alabama Representative Mo Brooks calls into the show to defend the idea that all our votes should count the same… More stories of civil asset foreclosure…  Liberal students think Trump gets the credit for the economy? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN…ay-unleashed/…work/pat-gray…80961263?mt=2


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