Haley Out, Dems Unhinged & Anarchy in America - 10/9/18

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: Nikki Haley resigns as U.N. ambassador – Where does Trump go from here? …The Democrats don’t really know the definitions of “radical” and “moderate” …Tom Steyer, a white, privileged billionaire, calls on the American people to stick it to rich white men in the upcoming election …ANTIFA goons in Portland harass drivers and damage cars while police do nothing to stop them …What you need under your car seat is a “pocket Constitution” …A busload of socialists from New York City is told not to admit they’re from NYC as they attempt to influence an Upstate New York election …Caller asks if there are multiple definitions of white depending on who is being insulted …Another says that a massive effort to gerrymander Missouri in favor of Democrats must be stopped …Should the City of El Paso become part of New Mexico? Hour 2: The nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are in, and you can probably guess who’s not on the list …The coolest jobs (besides radio producer) that Keith Malinak would love to have …Anti-Ted Cruz ad is very well put together and actually makes a solid point …Caller says the Rock Hall is a joke – And so is Foreigner …Oregonian caller reminds the guys that a large percentage of the state is pretty conservative …It’s National Moldy Cheese Day – The guys don’t want that …Netflix addiction may soon be claiming many more victims …Anthony Weiner will be released from prison early and Bill Cosby isn’t happy about being behind bars (shocking, we know) …Gas station owner reminds patrons not to warm urine in his shop’s microwave – You read that right. Hour 3: Musician John Mayer got on a mid-concert soapbox about a so-called “male contract” that needs to be abolished …Taylor Swift finally takes a stand politically, coming out in support of two liberal Democrats …Brett Kavanaugh hired more black law clerks in his first day as a Supreme Court justice than Ruth Bader Ginsburg has hired throughout her entire time on the Court …Caller thinks that the antithesis to the “male contract” that Mayer speaks of can be found in the Bible …The situation in Venezuela has not been improved by the slashing of zeroes off the bolivar, hiking the minimum wage, or introducing a new cryptocurrency …Allow us to once again revisit the difference in how liberals treated Dr. Christine Ford versus how they treated Monica Lewinsky …Let’s not bother implementing the U.N.’s recommended gas taxes …Astronaut quotes Winston Churchill – Is promptly chastised by the Left. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN https://omny.fm/shows/pat-gray http://www.theblaze.com/radio-shows/pat-gray-unleashed/ https://soundcloud.com/patgrayshow https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-blaze-radio-network/pat-gray https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pat-gray-unleashed/id1280961263?mt=2