New Allegations, New Regulations & New Announcing Team - 9/26/18

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: If you want someone’s privacy respected, don’t tweet out their name and image …If the allegations are true, Brett Kavanaugh is complicit in some horrific deeds – But there is no evidence …Caller asks whether there should be repercussions for making baseless accusations …It turns out that Ted and Heidi Cruz actually returned to the restaurant to finish their meal after the protesters left …The European Union is primed to crack down on freedom of the press to contain the rise of “bad nationalism” …Chuck Schumer makes a bold (and thoroughly inaccurate) statement on the “presumption of innocence” regarding Kavanaugh …Callers describe their experiences on college campuses and illustrate what might have gone on with these alleged “sex trains”. Hour 2: Callers wonder if the testifying Kavanaugh accuser may be at risk of perjuring herself …One woman says that the Chuck Schumer she met 30 years ago could not be more different from the man today …Would it be acceptable for conservatives to follow Maxine Waters and harass her relentlessly? …New film about the evil that was Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a bone-chilling reminder of what abortion actually is …New Philadelphia Flyers mascot is something – Something we can’t identify …Qualcomm alleges that Apple stole company information and passed it on to rival Intel …Would you lay in a coffin for 30 hours straight? What if they let you out to use the bathroom? …What are the most sex-crazed cities and states across America? …Will Smith celebrated his 50th birthday by bungee jumping over the Grand Canyon. Hour 3: #KavanaughCrimes tweets are bringing utter hilarity to the show …Caller says that we should never tell good people not to do a job, because then we end up with only bad people doing it …Caller tells her sexual assault story and how, in a bygone era, she was taught to believe that it was her fault …Voting via smartphone may soon become a thing – This likely means that more millennials would cast a ballot …Caller says that, as a rape survivor, she believes that these accusers have no right to stand before the country and demand justice decades later …President Trump’s new $1.5 million presidential limousine, nicknamed “The Beast”, has some real James Bond gadgetry installed on board …The New York Times put journalistic integrity squarely on the back burner with accuser story. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN