Pat's Schedule, WNBA Attendance & Fahrenheit 11/9 - 9/13/18

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: If you’re a grocery store clerk, DO NOT try to make small talk with Pat Gray …Mark Wahlberg’s daily regimen is slightly different from that of Pat Gray …Beto O’Rourke claims “we don’t need a wall”, that “El Paso is one of the safest cities in America” – Spoiler alert: His claims are false …The socialist ideology always has the same justification – “We’re the richest nation on Earth, we can afford it” …Caller who lived near the Mexican border describes just how crucial border security is …Leaked video from Google “TGIF” gathering after Trump’s election shows an executive presiding over a thoroughly somber event …Newly-released video of Harvey Weinstein appears to show him rubbing Melissa Thompson’s shoulders – Supposedly, this led to something sinister. Hour 2: The guys are unsure what to think about the bottled water shipment in Puerto Rico going unused for over a year …Michelle Obama plans book tour in which she will appear in arenas to accommodate massive crowds …‘60 Minutes’ executive producer Jeff Fager is fired due to what he calls “harsh language in texts he sent to a reporter” …That reporter, Jericka Duncan, reveals what was said in those texts …The WNBA Finals came and went without registering on the radar screen of anyone on this program …Speed golf is very much a thing …Pat thinks that Tony Romo got a raw deal when Dak Prescott took over at quarterback for the Cowboys …Pat and his crew were way ahead of the curve with a simple motto. Hour 3: CNN and the President will banter on the Puerto Rico debacle for a long time to come …An anti-Trump man attacked a GOP candidate in California with a switchblade, but of course, you haven’t heard a peep about it until now …Michael Moore says in his new film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ that Trump could be the last President of the United States …Flashback to the time a weather reporter in a canoe was exposed for only being in six inches of floodwater …The United States is now the world’s largest oil producer …Planned Parenthood’s new president wants to “fight for our most vulnerable individuals” …Senators Ben Sasse and Chris Coons have very different statements to make in their respective interviews …Again, Brett Kavanaugh is the best nominee that the Left could have hoped for from Trump …Ruth Bader Ginsburg has something to say about how the political climate has changed since 1993. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN