MORE ON TRIVIA Week 1 - Chicago at Green Bay - 9/7/18

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: The National Flag Football League is on its way, so perhaps we can start watching Australian Rules Football …Unemployment numbers continue to reach historic lows – So, of course, the media finds ways to spin them negatively …David Hogg makes a statement about the AR-15 (*sigh*) …A Dominos “free pizza for life” program had to be shut down in a matter of days due to such a rabid response from fans …Alex Jones confronts Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and CNN’s Oliver Darcy on Capitol Hill …There are a lot of obsolete technologies that were once integral to our everyday lives ...There is no longer a need for film cameras, typewriters, punch cards, answering machines, CDs or hardcover Encyclopedia Britannica. Hour 2: More On Trivia returns! Who will prevail?! Hour 3: Pat examines the list of movies that grossed the most revenue worldwide …We really want to like Elon Musk, in spite of the things he said on a controversial podcast …The list of films with the highest domestic take adjusted for inflation is much more enlightening for the guys …Brazilian presidential candidate is stabbed during rally, is currently in stable condition …Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has come completely unglued as he maintains that he “broke the rules” to release anti-Kavanaugh documents …Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) puts forth a fine statement on the wild state of affairs surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings …Why are people like Alyssa Milano giving their full support to Planned Parenthood? …Pat is thrilled to receive a phone call from the daughter of a Packers legend. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN