Business of Design ™ | Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, Stylists, Architects & Landscapers show

Business of Design ™ | Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, Stylists, Architects & Landscapers

Summary: Business of Design® is the #1 trusted business training resource for design professionals around the world. Join thousands of design professional already using our field-tested project management strategies and enjoy increased confidence, improved client retention, greater profits and a business that thrives. It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

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 EP 103 | Your Vibe is Your Tribe with Darla Powell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:19

Trying to be all things to all people is the surest way to confuse your ideal customer. Be authentic and see how quickly your best-fit clients will find you. Your vibe is your tribe. Own it. In this episode we learn: - a narrow brand helps you find your tribe - identifying your ideal client is critical to your success - limit social media posts to brand appropriate content - editing past posts is time consuming but may be worthwhile - avoid divisive topics online, nothing is private - clients may be watching and yet not engage - undercharging will get you what you ask for It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 102 | Cooperative Work Spaces - Part 1 with Tawni Peterson, Martha Rosellini and Carly Nemtean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:30

Community over competition—that’s the spirit behind cooperative work spaces created specifically for designers. In this compilation episode we hear from Business of Design member Tawni Peterson, who is thinking of creating a collective and wants to know what she should expect. We then hear from other BOD members who are currently in cooperative work spaces, running cooperative work spaces or about to launch such a venture. In this 2-part episode we’ll also learn about collective buying partnerships. Lots to learn in EP 102 and EP 105. In this episode we learn: - the pros and cons of collective work spaces - the client experience of entering such a space - vulnerability is where the magic happens - getting to know your competition is good for you and for them - consider your brand when choosing location and amenities - a mixed co-op (multiple businesses represented) is a viable choice It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 101 | One Less Problem Without Ya | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:20

In this solo episode Kimberley shares a recent experience where breaking her own rules turned out to be the worst possible choice. A choice that resulted in the loss of a project and lessons learned (again). In this episode we learn: - it takes courage to let go of a project that isn’t serving you well - how to spot the red flags that might make you rethink your position on a project - how to talk to trades when a project is lost It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 100 | Adam Scougall's Journey To Full-Time Designer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:11

Sydney designer Adam Scougall did what so many budding designers have dreamed about—he made the transition from the corporate world into a full-time design career. Yay!! Adam shares his insights as a business owner before and after implementing Business of Design’s 15 Step Project Management Strategy. In this episode we learn: - how the right contract will get you the best clients - STEP 4 requires discipline, but it’s worth the effort - once you have a rule or protocol, stick to it - not billing for time spent (regardless of reason) will hurt you in the end - how to deal with styling when you can’t borrow items - who’s in charge when you’re not the project manager It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 099 | Transition To Flat Fees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:19

It seems like everyone is switching from hourly fees to flat fees. Is it as easy as it sounds? Listen to Business Design member Jamie Ivey, who recently made the switch. In this episode we learn: - perils of working with a flat fee vs. an hourly fee - too many projects may mean you are charging too little money - there are some advantages to working in commercial vs. residential when it comes to flat fees - condo lobbies can be a perfect place to test out your flat fee skills - only doing consultations is a great career choice for people who want to avoid a project management role It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 098 | Sales For Your Non - Selly Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:54

To sustain the work we do as creatives, we must learn to sell ourselves and our services. That isn’t always easy for us “non-selly” types. Fortunately, there are some simple sales strategies that we can use immediately. In this episode we learn: - actionable sales strategies to close the deal - when we help customers visualize the outcome, it’s easier for them to buy - clients are not buying furniture and fixtures, they are buying the outcome you provide - to remind a potential client why they phoned you, ask them what about your work resonated with them - creating a win-win situation involves assertiveness - it’s not possible to sustain yourself if you are not earning a living - it’s possible to work really hard and make little or no money - if you are too busy it’s a great time to raise your rate - identify your own money baggage It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 097 | If It Isn't Working, Change It Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:27

Sometimes the most difficult habits to break become a super power when you turn them around. If you’ve ever had to bust through a habit that wasn’t serving your business well, you’ll relate to our three podcast guests. Thank you to Business of Design members Elizabeth Scruggs, Christie Leu and Yaron Linett. The candid sharing and perseverance these people share is inspiring. In this episode we learn: - install a scheduling app on your website for those seeking a consultation or those hoping to pick your brain - being a female contractor is an advantage for many clients; it might be worth looking into licensing - start with a bookkeeper if you want to grow your business quickly - consider advertising on Craig’s List when you are looking to hire - systems and procedures are the surest way to relieve yourself of micro managing - when growing your social media following specifically to gain more clients, make sure you constantly aware of who you are posting for It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 096 | Before Business of Design's 15 STEP Project Management Strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:30

What was it like to work for Kimberley Seldon before she had her systems and procedures in place? In this courageous episode, Kimberley interviews a designer from her past. Someone who used to work for her and is now a member of Business of Design. In this episode we learn: - track your time in 15-minute increments every day, and bill for every minute - develop strong and loyal relationships with your vendors and they'll come through for you - employees prefer money over gifts (gifts don’t pay the bills) - ensure your contract clearly explains how you price goods and services so there are no surprises - commit to firm dates with clients and stick to them to demonstrate integrity and build trust It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 095 | How To Fix A Broken Brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:10

If your potential client is not converting to a paid customer, it’s possible your brand is broken. Fortunately, a brand audit, to identify weak spots, can fix the issue and increase the benefits of your marketing efforts. In this episode we learn: - a brand audit considers the metrics of marketing efforts - how to create a streamlined message between diverse media channels - how to determine if your brand is broken - making beautiful rooms is not a point of differentiation - six stages to audit your brand It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 094 | Instagram As A Marketing Platform | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:52

If you’re like most designers (Kimberley admits to being guilty of this) you have been thinking about Instagram as a place to socialize with others who love design, rather than a place to market to future customers. This episode, and the next month of focus at Business of Design, will change all that. Let’s all grow our Instagram accounts with purpose. In this episode we learn: - there is a difference between using Instagram for social enjoyment and strategically using it as a marketing platform - the difference between stories and the static feed - how to create themes and make posting more strategic - why it’s quality, not quantity that matters when it comes to followers - it’s possible to modify your bio with a dedicated call to action To take Elise's FREE Instagram Masterclass, visit: It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 093 | Staging Strategies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:22

Although staging professionals have a unique skill set homeowners and real estate agents benefit from, there are many intersections between their work and the work of other design professionals. In this conversation we learn about some of the strategies that make stagers successful. In this episode we learn: - having a design background can be helpful for staging, but it’s not always necessary - less is more with staging - the job is to appeal to a wide audience, not to the homeowner - listing minimum pricing on your website creates transparency - marketing to real estate agents is critical to continued work - systems for planning, packing, unpacking and processing orders are critical It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 092 | Kimberley's 10 Best Business Practices - REPEAT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:55

For too long, many of us have acted as if the purpose of our life is to fuel our business, when in fact, it’s just the opposite. Your business should be fuelling your life and funding your lifestyle. No business can do that successfully unless it’s run efficiently and effectively. In this episode Kimberley shares her top 10 Best Business Practices. In this episode we learn: - systems create and maintain order - pre-qualifying clients leads to less time on the phone, more time spent in meaningful projects - why impeccable integrity delivers a good night’s sleep - how evaluating your current practices allows you to make better decisions - why firm deadlines can free up valuable time It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 091 | Advocating Skills To Use In Your Interior Design Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:29

The path to a successful interior design firm is not always linear. Many approach a design career after working successfully in another field. Some take a detour along the way. That’s exactly what happened to Houston designer Sherry Millien, who took 7 years off to advocate for her daughter. Her years as an advocate provided the valuable communication and organizational skills necessary to run multi-facetted projects successfully between clients, trades, and vendors. In this episode we learn: - designers need to communicate and advocate effectively with for our clients - choose your battles, you don’t have to win every battle to win the war - always ask questions and don't mistake silence for agreement - if it’s not written, it is not said - enter a conversation with the intention to listen more than to be heard - meet people where they are, not where you think they should be. It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 090 | Barriers To Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:23

Any barrier to your success is most likely self-imposed. Are you ready and willing to push through to a new level? Are you ready to take responsibility for everything that happens in your business? It’s time to set an intention for 2019 and bust through barriers to success. In this episode we learn: - you deserve more life out of your business - you are the only obstacle to success - Kimberley’s top 5 barriers to success and how to bust through them - the best way to nurture your creativity is to create systems and procedures to streamline all the vital tasks required to succeed - being able to offer clients a quality experience nets the biggest dividends It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:

 EP 089 | Balance Is Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:02

Balance can seem like an unattainable ideal. However, developing the habit of self-assessment and being willing to ask for help can put you into greater alignment and fan your passion for business. In this episode we learn: - “balance” may look different for each of us - take stock every six months, to assess what is working and what isn’t - a lack of balance takes a toll on creativity - a hobby that’s creative but not related (crafting, photography) can feed your soul - a healthy, mature support group can be a powerful motor to keep your business running smoothly. It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today:


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