EP 094 | Instagram As A Marketing Platform

Business of Design ™ | Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, Stylists, Architects & Landscapers show

Summary: If you’re like most designers (Kimberley admits to being guilty of this) you have been thinking about Instagram as a place to socialize with others who love design, rather than a place to market to future customers. This episode, and the next month of focus at Business of Design, will change all that. Let’s all grow our Instagram accounts with purpose. In this episode we learn: - there is a difference between using Instagram for social enjoyment and strategically using it as a marketing platform - the difference between stories and the static feed - how to create themes and make posting more strategic - why it’s quality, not quantity that matters when it comes to followers - it’s possible to modify your bio with a dedicated call to action To take Elise's FREE Instagram Masterclass, visit: https://businessofdesign.com/podcasts/ep-094-instagram-as-a-marketing-platform/ It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today: https://businessofdesign.com/?ref=2&campaign=podcast