Career Coaching with Jessness show

Career Coaching with Jessness

Summary: A podcast about doing your best and most meaningful work. Career Coach, Jessica Smith, shares actionable and practical advice on how to get a job in today's competitive job market. From interview prep to personal branding with her extensive tech recruiting experience in the Silicon Valley you're sure to find something helpful here. Find her on instagram @hellojessness. Get her book 'YOUR TWENTIES' on Amazon and Audible.

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  • Artist: Career Coach Jessica Smith presents Career Advice, Interview Prep, Personal Branding and Job Hunting Skills
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 My book YOUR TWENTIES is now available on Amazon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:36

Available on Amazon and Audible - Need a speaker for your next event? Get in touch via the website:

 065 | Expressness Expert - Rewrite the Rules and Design Your Own Career with Holly MacCue | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:59:35

Join me for an exciting new series, first ever appearing on the pod! This series started originally in my private facebook group, the wellness squad. The wellness squad is a private community for exploring mind body spirit wellness with essential oils. Check out the video interview over in the group by going to: MORE ON THIS SERIES..... The Expressness series is where I invite one special expert to come share their wisdom when it comes to one of the five areas of wellness we cover in the Wellness Squad essential oil community. Those five areas are..... 1. Self-Love 2. Relationships 3. Body-Acceptance 4. Healthy Mind 5. Career This week Express'ness Expert Holly MacCue! This week's topic: Rewrite the Rules & Design Your Own Career Success LEARN MORE ABOUT HOLLY: Holly MacCue is a Career Success Coach, Leadership Trainer and Brand Strategist who passionately helps women all over the world to find the clarity and confidence to ‘re-write the rules’ for their career success and achieve more balance, fulfillment, and happiness in their work. Using powerful techniques, she supports her clients to unlock their most courageous selves to create a career of their design, whether this is launching their dream business, or making the corporate world work for them. PS - SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU! Holly has a ridiculously good special offer right now for her 2018 planning masterclass where she shares her BEST techniques and strategies at a fraction of the price of my coaching programs. If you're looking for support and want to go BIG this year, learn more here: For more of Holly, check out her website at DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. Want to know what I’m currently up too? Get the lowdown and all the deeds here: Love + hugs, COACH JESSNESS

 064 | The best books for success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:14

Where have I been: Working on my book titled, YOUR TWENTIES…no one ever teaches you how to grow up, ya know? FOCUS: ON LIFE IN YOUR TWENTIES Your Twenties by Jessica Smith (set to release JAN 1 2018) - My book, YOUR TWENTIES, is all about finding your why, getting to know yourself and owning your OWN your life. It focuses on five key areas of change and transition that happen in our twenties: * Self-love * Healthy Mind * Body Acceptance * Relationships * Career FOCUS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Let Go Now by Karen Casey - On empowerment and how to set healthy boundaries and take back the ownership in your own life! The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz - On change and creating a life you love and are proud of. The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown - On purpose and finding meaning in our lives. Brene shares her research findings on Authenticity, Connection, and Courage which she’s been studying now for over 20 years. FOCUS: BUSINESS Essentialism - On Prioritization, Organization, and Productivity. It’s not about doing it all but focusing your attention on the stuff that actually matters. The E Myth Revisited - Before you build an empire you first have to build a business that works! The author, Michael says, “Great people have a vision of their lives that they practice emulating each and every day." FOCUS: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FYI: For Your Improvement by Michael M. Lombardo - THE one-stop shop people - short and sweet write-ups on every competency you need to know for learners, managers, mentors, and feedback givers. A great book to buy if you’re not sure where to start! Talking in Pictures by Chelsea Peitz - On branding, marketing, growing an audience and building a community. Even if you’re NOT in marketing or branding or whatever, you can learn a lot from this book when it comes to how to connect with others. That’s it, at the end of the day people want to feel connected, heard and engaged and that’s exactly what this book will help you do. The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson - On work, money, and miracles. Based on the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. Marianne teaches about how spiritual principles can help you overcome financial stress and unleash the divine power of abundance regardless of what your current situation looks like. FOCUS: WELLNESS The Essential Life by LCC Total Wellness Publishing - On modern day wellness with essential oils. This book will teach you how to incorporate solutions when it comes to your health and wellbeing so that you can show up and do your best work in the world. A GREAT way to counterbalance work’s busy schedules, deadlines, and to-do’s. Growing your Inner Light by Lara Owen - You could use this book as a 13-week guidebook by reading one chapter per week. This podcast includes affiliate links for products mentioned. This means that Jessness Required may earn a small commission on items that have been purchased through those links. To learn more about my book, YOUR TWENTIES, and to sign up to access the book bonuses TODAY go to and tap BOOK at the top of the homepage. If you have any suggestions on where to hold my LAUNCH party, please holler at me on Instagram, find me at coachjessness. CHECK OUT MY FREE CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCES at FOMO is no joke…NEVER MISS A SHOW AGAIN…Sign up + I’ll send you a heads up on every new episode: DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. CONTACT - HANG ON INSTAGRAM -

 063 | Work and Wellness - Redefine success with empowered self-care and essential oils | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:03

Today's show is a little different! Instead of focusing on tactics, strategies, and the fundamentals of career success, this show focuses all on YOU and how to take good care of YOU too. Lezzz be real… In order to show up 100% and do our best work in the world, the work we were born to do with our unique talents and natural skills we have to take care of ourselves. In today’s show, I share with you how I take care of myself in the fast-paced world of tech and guess what? You don’t hide inside all day to do so! And it’s not about working yourself to the bone, having no time for fun, or feeling burnt out 24/7. Wellness at work for me comes down to these three things… 1. inspired action 2. empowered self-care 3. essential oils I invite you to try essential oils to see how incredibly can support you in living an empowered high-vibe lifestyle. When you establish the right tools and practices to support a high-vibe lifestyle, you rise + thrive in all areas of your life. Here’s why I trust and chose doTERRA... - doTERRA essential oils are 100% pure, therapeutic grade (CPTG). - Every oil is tested by a third party, not once, but EIGHT different ways to ensure they are pure and up to quality standards. - doTERRA essential oils are unique in that every oil is harvested in its prime environment throughout the world. Their oils come from every part of the globe. - Their global sourcing model brings jobs to local communities where they are supported with the right equipment, training, equal and on-time pay, and best of all provides a platform to build a global community. One that leans on each other and admires each other’s strengths. - Over the next 10 years, doTERRA will play a key role in helping integrate essential oils into western medicine as a preventative supplement to current health practices. This would increase the doTERRA business opportunity and also help more people have access to pure high-quality oils. - Their vision for healthcare is to set up training centers all over the US for healthcare professionals. doTERRA does an incredible job of educating the world about the power and benefits of essential oils. I can’t wait help have a hand in this wellness movement! Learn more about dōTERRA essential oils: Flip through my getting started guide: Set up a call with me: Purchase oils for 25% off: Start your essential oil journey: doTERRA is the real deal. And that’s what I love most about the company, the products, the culture, and the equal opportunity available to anyone inspired to take this journey. doTERRA’s ability to infuse their products with love and high-vibe energy mixed with the pureness and quality of the oils, it’s next level. There really is no one else in this space doing what doTERRA is doing at the level they’re doing it.

 062 | Internal Interviews - How to prep for an internal interview for a role at your current company | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:35

This week on the podcast I open the show telling you about how I’m redesigning my path to success. This new path goes by the name: heart-centered hustle. Heart-centered hustle means to work hard, but not so hard, you work yourself to the bone and feel burnt out 24/7. It’s about living an empowered high-vibe lifestyle that supports the work you're here to do in the world. A big part of heart-centered hustle is taking good care of your mind body + spirit along the way. I invite you to join me in this new way of work movement. I’m offering classes every Tuesday at 6:30 pm PST until the end of the year on how to incorporate heart-centered hustle into your new path to success too! * new * EVENTS Online classes: Local classes: For today's topic, the main thing I want you to keep in mind when interviewing with people you know is that you still want to be as descriptive as possible when answering, almost as if you didn't know the people who are interviewing you. PRO TIP: It's common for people to be more casual and answer questions in less detail because it's easy to assume they know what you did. But it's not just about the facts that are important (the who, what, where and when. While you'll need to share those details in your answers, you should always be focused on sharing what you can't see on a resume. (Which is typically the why and how which is made up of your own unique skills and personality). Listen to this week's show to learn more about all the tips I share for interviewing internally. Here are the three things I did to help move from tech recruiting to my new learning and development role: (watch the video in the Career Cafeé for more deets! video: 1. Formally expressed my interest for the position to my manager and her manager 2. Meeting with the VP of HR to showcase interest and also present L&D vision and ideas 3. Do an assignment or put together something above and beyond your job to help impact the other business LINKS MENTIONED To access my 'Get Started with Essential Oils' guide text my name @JessSmith to the number 81010 and I will send it directly to your phone! Here are the other podcast shows I recommend for topics on interview prep, working with your manager to express your needs/wants/goals in your career, and how to shine by creating a strong personal brand within the company you work for. * Episode 11 - Get Noticed part 1 * Episode 12 - Get Noticed part 2 * Episode 13 - Final Round Interviews * Episode 2 - Interview tips * Episode 28 - Tough Convos I recorded a live video going over the three things I did to help me internally move from tech recruiting to my new learning and development position in more detail in the career cafe, link in show notes for that: FREE STUFF -- CHECK OUT MY FREE CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCES at FOMO is no joke…NEVER MISS A SHOW AGAIN…Sign up for my rockstar email list and I’ll send you a heads up on every new episode: See you next week for another episode of CAREER COACHING WITH JESSNESS. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU.

 061 | When to Quit Your Job - How to know when it's the right time to quit and find something new | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:17

We're back for another SEASON of the Career Coaching with Jessness Podcast, wooo! I couldn't be more excited. This season has some awesome stuff in store for you. For the first time ever I'm going to have guests on the show. Not every week, but here and there I will bring someone on who specializes in a particular work-related area. I, of course, will still be the coolest one on the show BUT it will be great to get some new perspectives as well. ;) In today’s episode I share with you a simple strategy for assessing your unhappiness at work. Without knowing what specifically is making you unhappy, guess what? You’re going to stay unhappy. I also share how to use the information so you can make the tough choice: whether to stay or quit and find something new. This is no easy question to answer and today’s show will give you a solid process for figuring out what you should do. The best part about this strategy is that when you take yourself through each of the steps, by the end you will know with 100% confidence what to do next. This strategy gives you a process to follow so you know when you decide to quit you made the decision from a thoughtful and logical place. Here’s a mini overview of the four steps we’ll dive into during the show: 1. Assess the situation - first we’ll figure out what specifically is making you unhappy 2. Determine the owner - then we’ll figure out who is responsible for the things causing you unhappiness 3. Take action - there are two roads of action to take, we’ll look at how to take action in both and how you can start TODAY 1. Either make changes yourself 2. OR ask for what you need form your boss/company/etc. 4. Make a decision Making a tough decision like this takes time. The reason it takes time is because we have to move out of our head and center into our body. When we make decisions from that kind of place, we know we’re making the best possible choices for ourselves. Continue the discussion in the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. PODCAST PROPS - Jennifer Todd from the Women Who Podcast FB Group - Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman, from the podcast and Fb group: “She Podcasts” SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW ON YOUR FAV APP: Subscribe and review the show on Facebook: Subscribe and review the show on iTunes: Subscribe and review the show on Stitcher: ttp:// Subscribe to the show another way:

 060 | Resume Essentials - 7 things your resume must have in 2017 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:29:54

It’s been an AMAZING first season of the Career Coaching with Jessness. I started recording shows in Jan 2016 during my commute home from San Jose, CA to Pleasanton, CA. 30 miles at 8 miles an hour. I had to do something to pass the time. And that was when this podcast show was born! In the last year and a half, I’ve had a blast creating content and I look forward to coming back with SEASON 2 in the Fall. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send. How to leave a rating or review on Stitcher (not yet available on phone, only computer) 1. Go to OR type ‘Career Coaching with Jessness stitcher’ in URL bar 2. Tap the 5 Stars under the pod title on left to be taken to review section. 3. Click write a review on top left. 4. Enter an overall star rating, title, and leave a sentence or two on what you like about the show! 5. Enter a nickname. 6. Enter your email addy (this will not be displayed). 7. Tap Post Review.

 059 | Non-Tech Startup Tactics - Success tips for entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley's HustleCon 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:22

Jessica Smith: Career Advice | Interview Prep | Job Interview Questions | Personal Brand | LinkedIn Tips | Salary Negotiation Hustle Con is a one-day startup event where the world's most successful non-technical founders: 1. Tell their origin stories 2. Teach the practical tactics they used to start and grow their startup 3. Share behind the scenes insights on their wins and losses I had an absolute blast at this year's Hustle Con event. It was my first time there, but it definitely won’t be my last. Big thanks to everyone who made the event possible! Each year Hustle Con invites the world's most interesting entrepreneurs, leaders, and do-ers to tell their 'behind the scenes’ story. Learn more at Tune into today’s episode for the best success tips shared during the event. It will feel like you were actually there…ooooo neat, time travel. ROLL CALL (in order of mention in the show) - Casey Niestat, YouTube Star and founder of Beme - Miguel McKelvey, co-founder of WeWork - Mayfield Fund featuring Tim Chang and Rishi Garg, a Silicon Valley VC firm which has partnered with the founders of Lyft, Marketo, and SolarCity to name a few. - Jen Rubio, founder of the first-class company, Away - Manish Chandra, founder, and CEO of Poshmark - Shan-Lyn Ma, founder of Zola crushing the $300 billion wedding industry (GO GIRL!) - Tom Bilyeu, founder of Quest Nutrition and Impact Theory - Tucker Max, founder of Book in a Box and the well-known book, 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell' SHOUT OUTS - It was so great meeting each of you, I wish you all the success in the world and will be rooting for you as we continue to grow our businesses! - Gus Shultz, VP and Head of Talent for ScaleLab - Josh Edwards, Senior Accounting Manager at RiskSense - Austin Gaydos from Arena Solutions - Yoon Kim, founder, and creator of Starboard - Lucas Ho, start-up entrepreneur for VR apps concentration on museum industry SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 NEW online course | Career Success Training - the fastest most strategic way to find a job you love | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:57

Let me guess... You get home from a full day of work, change into chill clothes the minute you get home and then find yourself back online hunting for a job. Wake up. Go to work. Come home. Apply for jobs. Sleep. Repeat. I've been there. Not fun. You're ready for something new. A new strategy, a new way to get you to where you want to go and I have the exact roadmap to get you there. This training will help you eliminate the busy work that comes with finding a new job. It will help you finally get clear about what you want and show you the fastest, most strategic way, to get there. Deadline to register is Saturday, 7/15 at midnight Learn more: Email me: Course Curriculum • 4 Video Tutorials for each of the four lessons • Lesson 1 – Get Clear – Find the Right Company • Lesson 2 – Get Clear -Find the Right Job • Lesson 3 – Get Confident – Be Bold and Stand Out • Lesson 4 – Get Compensated – Negotiate Pay that makes you say, YAY! • Worksheets for each of the four lessons to help you take inspired action! • Email templates to help you create your own dynamic emails when targeting your dream co. • A recording of my ‘Rock Your Next Interview’ webinar hosted for the Adulting Collective community • Live Q&A’s with me every week class is in session • Access to a *secret* FB group for sharing, asking for help, and connecting with other career success students {this group is 100% private and unsearchable so you can trust none of your co-workers will see you in it!} Deadline to register is Saturday, 7/15 at midnight Learn more and register: Email me: GET THESE BONUSES WHEN YOU SIGN UP BEFORE 7/11 AT 11PM PT • Negotiation Prep Audio Meditation • Pump up Your Worth Audio Meditation IMPORTANT COURSE DATES • Purchase before Tuesday, 7/11 at 11pm PT and get two free bonuses • Deadline to register is Saturday, 7/15 at midnight • On Sunday, 7/16 you will have full access to ALL lessons, worksheets, everything! If you want to go through the entire thing all in one day, go for it but if you want to go through one lesson per week with me and the rest of the class you can also do that. Or, you could do both! I want you to use this content in the way that works best for you to be successful. • The FB group will open Sunday 7/16 too! I cannot WAIT to meet you! • Every week as a class we will focus on one lesson (week 1, lesson 1 – week 2, lesson 2, ya get the point) – every Tuesday I will go live in our secret FB group for Q&A, additional tips, and other resources to help you take action and succeed. • Tuesday, 7/18 will be our first live Q&A on Lesson 1 SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY ONLINE CAREER SUCCESS HUB FULL OF RESOURCES TO HELP YOU SUCCEED -

 058 | Personal Brand - Create a unique and authentic elevator pitch with Brandon Maslan from AWE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:36

Today’s podcast is all about creating an elevator pitch. (An actual elevator not required) Elevator pitches aren’t just for sales people, everyone needs one, even if you’ve never been inside an elevator before in your life you need one. This show is jam-packed with content, tips, and the exact steps you need to take to create an elevator pitch that ROCKS. I was inspired to talk about this topic after participating in a career development workshop hosted by XACTLY CORP a couple weeks back. The workshop was led by Brandon Maslan, an Executive Advisor for AWE (Advancing Women Executives) organization. AWE's mission is to increase the number of women in senior management and on boards. They coach others on branding advancement strategies and inspire people to take action in their own career development. Ummm RIGHT.UP.MY.ALLEY. I admire Brandon for the passion, enthusiasm, and sense of humor he shares with others. I had the opportunity to attend Brandon’s Personal Branding workshop last year when XACTLY previously hosted him so it was really neat to see him again and soak up more of his juicy advice. Look for episode 19 to listen to last year’s show where I feature Brandon’s tips and tricks from his personal branding workshop! Or go here: TOPICS COVERED - An elevator pitch is a short, less than 20 second, description on who you are, and what you do. - It’s about figuring out what you want people to remember about you. - It’s about building on where you’re at now to express where you want to go. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Sign up to access my online career success hub so you can use the free resources to support a happy work life with massive career advancement: - Stay tuned for more info next week about my 4-part career success course I’ll be launching in less than 2 weeks!! OTHER PODCASTS MENTIONED - How to answer the tell me about yourself question (episode 52) - this show will help you create a solid personal branding story in which you can build your elevator pitch: - Resume (episode 1) - this show will help you be super specific and make sure the work examples you share are tangible: SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career -

 057 | LinkedIn - What to put in your LinkedIn profile to make sure you show up in recruiter searches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:42

LinkedIn - What to put in your LinkedIn profile to make sure you show up in recruiter searches’ first appeared on In today’s episode I go over LinkedIn’s latest platform updates! LinkedIn is continuously changing, updating, and rearranging their platform but this year alone I’ve seen BIG UPGRADES. I think back to what my profile used to look like when I first created an account in 2011, man was it different! They’ve transformed the look, feel, functions, features, options, search functions, literally everything. During the show I go over the latest 2017 LinkedIn updates and explain why you should care about them! Most of the changes effect whether or not you’re going to show up in search results when recruiters and hiring managers are searching for talent online. This is definitely a show you need to listen to. Even if you’re not looking for a job RIGHT NOW I highly recommend keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date. You never know when the next perfect opportunity is going to come your way, but if your profile doesn’t have the right information in it or certain features enabled I guarantee you will be waiting forever. This episode goes over exactly what to do to make sure that isn’t the case for you. Show mentions: - Is the 4-part video training I mentioned during the show up your ally? Email me + let me know at - GET ACCESS TO THE SUPER RAD AWESOME SCREEN SHARE LINKEDIN MINI TRAINING {fo free} - - To listen to my guest interview on the Land Your Dream Job podcast, go to this link and look for episode 85 titled, 'How to Prepare for You next Job interview with Jessica Smith’ - - - - - - - - SHOUT OUT to Mac Prichard, Ben Forstag, and Jessica Black for hosting me on their amazing podcast, Find Your Dream Job! Mac, special thanks for the hand written thank you card and free copy of your book,’Land Your Dream Job Anywhere WOW! I can’t wait to dive in. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 056 | Manager Advice - 3 ways managers can retain, motivate, and keep millennials engaged at work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:08

Don't miss out on my new LIVE video series called Express'ness Experts going down in my private FB group. Our next event is tomorrow, May 11th at 6:00pm PST and the topic ROCKS!​ ​Come join us for tomorrow's topic: Rewrite the Rules & Design Your Own Career Successwith Holly MacCue. Link to join: It all started with that one season of Survivor, didn't it? When it became Millennials versus the WORLD. No, it's been happening long before that! But why? Why is there so much talk about Millennials? We're the largest generation in the workplace today so of course, that's going to throw some attention our way! Today's episode is for anyone with an open-mind interested in learning about millennials. The show is primarily focused towards managers, but the content will be relevant to anyone who works alongside, even just one, millennial at work. Maybe you have a son or daughter who's a millennial? I'll bet you'll find value too! I dive into three major ways managers can retain, motivate, and keep millennials engaged at work. 1. Mix Up the Meetings (You'll be a managerial DJ by the time you're done!) 2. Watch out for Routines (No more 5, 6, 7, 8 routines, work should not be treated as a choreographed dance!) 3. Approach it from an Agile Methodology (Put your software development hat on and *raise the roof* for a whole new way of productivity!) This show is jam-packed with ideas, suggestions, and gives you specific areas of work to focus on. After listening, you will have more insight into the millennial generation at work, and you'll walk away with concrete ideas and action items to take in order to best manage and work alongside them. Enjoy! LINKS MENTIONED ON THE SHOW - Get access to my private password protected Career Success hub on my website for downloadable PDFs, worksheets, email templates, and whole lot more {pssst they’re free}: - Watch my ‘Rock Your Next Interview Webinar’ on YouTube: SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 055 | Age Discrimination in the Workplace - How and why it happens and what you can do about it | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:08

Age discrimination…. - Is it a real thing? - Does it actually happen? - How? - Why? - Where does it really coming from? One thing we know for sure is’s illegal. But hey...doesn't mean it doesn't happen. If you’ve been listening to my show for a while you know I’m not one to just bitch and moan about a topic, have a hay day and leave you to it. My objective for every show is to share my insight on a career-related topic and provide you with action steps to help you go BIG in your life and career. In today’s episode, I share with you insights on the topic of age discrimination over the last 4+ years as a technical recruiter working in the hiring world, but also a little bit about my personal experience when it comes to how age affects the workplace. The truth is, our age is our age, there’s nothing we can do to change it. This episode is designed to empower you to look at why age discrimination happens and what you can do about it. LINKS MENTIONED IN THE SHOW: - Catch my new Express’ness Experts Series by joining my private online coaching group: - Download my Career Success Guides {pssst they’re free}: - Watch my ‘Rock Your Next Interview Webinar’ on YouTube: SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send.

 054 | Feedback - How to give feedback to different personality types at work and get good at it too | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:06

Ugh, the infamous F-word…FEEDBACK. But whyyyy? * It’s not fun * It’s hard * It’s awkward * You never know how the other person is going to take it So WHY FEEDBACK? The better we are at giving feedback, the better we are at communicating what we need and want at work. The art of giving feedback isn’t something we come out of the womb preprogrammed with so in order for it to become a skill, it’s going to take some practice. What makes learning this topic so fun {but also challenging} is that everyone is going to interpret feedback differently. In today’s show we dive into 4 personality types and the strategies for giving feedback to each type of person, without being an asshole. This show is structured as a workshop so you can follow along, pause, and assess which personality type(s) live within you. As you listen, I encourage you to think about which personality types represent the people you work so you can start to implement these these strategies TODAY! When you incorporate feedback into your day to day working life you instantly become MORE valuable to your business, bosses, coworkers, and even your CEO. You are already very valuable, I know that, you know that, but I host shows like this to help you create and continue to build a strong personal brand so that other people {outside of you and me} can see your value too. When your value to the business is highly visible, this is where career advancement lives! I’m here to help you succeed so let’s jump in...hit play and join me in learning how to give feedback to different personality types during this show, workshop style! ------- Enjoy! LINKS MENTIONED IN THE SHOW - Full moon video: - Catch the new Express’ness Experts Series by joining my private online coaching group: - Download my Career Success Guides {pssst they’re free}: - Watch my ‘Rock Your Next Interview Webinar’ on YouTube: SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 053 | Life Hacks - 10 super simple tips for creating more happiness in your day to day life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:55

What up what up...I am SO excited to be back today with new pod show!! It feels like it's been FOREVER, but I'm back from my trip to New Zealand, feeling refreshed and ready to keep the career advice flowin' here on Career Coaching with Jessness. I was inspired by today's episode during my drive home from work thinking about what helps makes a great day, well...a great day! What I realized was creating happiness doesn't have to be hard. I think sometimes we make happiness into this big overwhelming goal where we set all kinds of unrealistic goals to make our days happy which results in the exact opposite of what we're trying to do. Tune in the show to learn about 10 super simple life hacks to help create more happiness in your day to day life. And the best part is that these tips don't require extensive planning, money, or setting goals! They can easily be part of your day, today! If you've been around here before, you know I'm all about living life with more flow, confidence, and JOY...this episode will help you do that. Enjoy! LINKS MENTIONED IN THE SHOW - The book about decluttering & getting rid of old stuff: SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send.


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