063 | Work and Wellness - Redefine success with empowered self-care and essential oils

Career Coaching with Jessness show

Summary: Today's show is a little different! Instead of focusing on tactics, strategies, and the fundamentals of career success, this show focuses all on YOU and how to take good care of YOU too. Lezzz be real… In order to show up 100% and do our best work in the world, the work we were born to do with our unique talents and natural skills we have to take care of ourselves. In today’s show, I share with you how I take care of myself in the fast-paced world of tech and guess what? You don’t hide inside all day to do so! And it’s not about working yourself to the bone, having no time for fun, or feeling burnt out 24/7. Wellness at work for me comes down to these three things… 1. inspired action 2. empowered self-care 3. essential oils I invite you to try essential oils to see how incredibly can support you in living an empowered high-vibe lifestyle. When you establish the right tools and practices to support a high-vibe lifestyle, you rise + thrive in all areas of your life. Here’s why I trust and chose doTERRA... - doTERRA essential oils are 100% pure, therapeutic grade (CPTG). - Every oil is tested by a third party, not once, but EIGHT different ways to ensure they are pure and up to quality standards. - doTERRA essential oils are unique in that every oil is harvested in its prime environment throughout the world. Their oils come from every part of the globe. - Their global sourcing model brings jobs to local communities where they are supported with the right equipment, training, equal and on-time pay, and best of all provides a platform to build a global community. One that leans on each other and admires each other’s strengths. - Over the next 10 years, doTERRA will play a key role in helping integrate essential oils into western medicine as a preventative supplement to current health practices. This would increase the doTERRA business opportunity and also help more people have access to pure high-quality oils. - Their vision for healthcare is to set up training centers all over the US for healthcare professionals. doTERRA does an incredible job of educating the world about the power and benefits of essential oils. I can’t wait help have a hand in this wellness movement! Learn more about dōTERRA essential oils: Flip through my getting started guide: http://bit.ly/jsgetstarted Set up a call with me: https://meetingbird.com/l/jessicasmith/oils Purchase oils for 25% off: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/buyoils/ Start your essential oil journey: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/oils doTERRA is the real deal. And that’s what I love most about the company, the products, the culture, and the equal opportunity available to anyone inspired to take this journey. doTERRA’s ability to infuse their products with love and high-vibe energy mixed with the pureness and quality of the oils, it’s next level. There really is no one else in this space doing what doTERRA is doing at the level they’re doing it.