Career Coaching with Jessness show

Career Coaching with Jessness

Summary: A podcast about doing your best and most meaningful work. Career Coach, Jessica Smith, shares actionable and practical advice on how to get a job in today's competitive job market. From interview prep to personal branding with her extensive tech recruiting experience in the Silicon Valley you're sure to find something helpful here. Find her on instagram @hellojessness. Get her book 'YOUR TWENTIES' on Amazon and Audible.

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  • Artist: Career Coach Jessica Smith presents Career Advice, Interview Prep, Personal Branding and Job Hunting Skills
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 052 | Interview Prep Qs - Tell Me About Yourself, how to answer effectively & share the right stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:18

I'm excited to cover today's topic because it's one that was requested from one of the pod listeners. If you have something you'd like covered in a future show, reach out and let me know! First up, I want to thank everyone who has reviewed the pod in the last week...I'm blown away by all the nice feedback and comments shared, THANK YOU! I have a goal to get to 12 reviews in iTunes for March, help me get there and leave a review! I love reading your comments, feedback, and thoughts about the show. Today's show gives you an in depth look into how to answer the infamous interview question, "Tell me a little about yourself." Interview questions that are broad and super open-ended leave a LOT of room for a response, so you better tackle questions like these with a plan This question is asked in interviews often because.... - It's easy - When a question is broad like this one, the candidate has a lot of control because they can answer how they see fit. They decide which direction will be taken, and can steer it to highlight whatever aspects about themselves they want! - It gives the interviewer the opportunity to learn what's important for the candidate(based on how they answer the question, and what they choose to share)and answering how they see fit. IN THIS SHOW I GO OVER THE FOLLOWING: - How to clarify what the interviewer is asking you, to make sure you're sharing the type of information they're looking for - What to include in your response to this question - Strategies for expressing the human behind your resume and not just the skills listed on your resume and how you can blend the two into one solid response - Two successful response examples you can use as a guide to create your own rockstar response SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 051 | Life Hacks - 3 tips to help you stay organized and focused to do your BEST work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:59

In this episode you will learn three super simple life hacks that will help you stay on track n' focused with tasks at work so you can eliminate overwhelm or burnout. There's nothing worse than finding yourself in a hamster wheel...round and round you go, then finally...BOOM, you hit a wall. I've been there, A LOT. The hacks I share with you today will help you get off the hamster wheel, but still find yourself moving through your to-do list a-OKAY. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send. How to leave a rating or review on Stitcher (not yet available on phone, only computer) 1. Go to OR type ‘Career Coaching with Jessness stitcher’ in URL bar 2. Tap the 5 Stars under the pod title on left to be taken to review section. 3. Click write a review on top left. 4. Enter an overall star rating, title, and leave a sentence or two on what you like about the show! 5. Enter a nickname. 6. Enter your email addy (this will not be displayed). 7. Tap Post Review.

 Announcement | Episode 25 NEW and Improved - How to figure out what job is right for you | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:27

One of the most listened to episodes on the show is #25 titled: Finding Work You Love, UPDATE 1/17 - 10 Questions to figuring out the best career path for YOU Whether its a new episode or one that’s been out for months, I’m always looking to deliver the MOST value possible. When listening to #25 I saw an opportunity to upgrade the content so I decided to record it all together! I think you will find the new format straight-forward and helpful, I’m excited to share it with you. The updated version of episode #25 walks you through 10 questions to help determine what you want to do with your life in regards to what job and career path would best fits for you! — Feel free to start and stop the show as you go, and if you sign up for my free career success guides (link below) I will send you the worksheet PDF mentioned so that you can grab a copy of that when it’s ready. Wishing you all a Happy Valentines Day as well! Regardless of your relationship situation, today is an opportunity to show yourself love! You are worth it. Self-love is a BIG component to having a successful career. So don’t be afraid to celebrate YOU, cause you know I do. Looking forward to next week where we’ll dive into a new career coaching with jessness topic! Until then…… Jess’ness GRAB THE FREE WORKSHEET FOR THIS SHOW Listen to the new and improved episode on your fav app: - Soundcloud - - iTunes - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - POD SHOUTOUT Thank you to Purpose Pursuit for your thoughtful, kind, amazing review, ‘Authentic and Inspiring' in iTunes. I revisit it often, especially on days I need a little extra pick me up! Means a lot, thanks for taking the time!! OTHA ‘NESSessary TO DOs - Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - - Suggest a pod topic - - Snapchat me a career Q - - Come hang with like-minded people, looking to GO BIG in their career and LIFE, join - WORK WITH ME 1:1 - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send.

 050 | Job Interview Qs - What are your strengths and weaknesses? Resources to help figure them out! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:11

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" I bet you've heard this question before...whether it was in an interview or performance review, having a clear understanding of both about are VALUABLE in playing an active role in your career and life! In today's episode I share with you resources in helping you to identify what your strengths and weaknesses are. WHY ARE KNOWING THESE THINGS IMPORTANT? - It can help you develop a career path that fits well with what you're naturally already good at - Helps you understand what areas you may need to ask for help on, or gain more information about - It can help to assess your current job and career path, helping you to make logical choices to help you ultimately get to where you want to go in life WALKING AWAY FROM THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND: - How approaching things with curiosity can help you discover more about yourself, and bring a greater awareness to what tasks and responsibilities are of interest to you. - Discovering your strengths and weaknesses can help focus your energy on what is going to support growth, expansion and greater life satisfaction. - Understanding these aspects of yourself can give you concrete reasons helping you make tough decisions, make changes to your current situation, and take risks with CONFIDENCE that you are on the right path to success (whatever success may look like for you) RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE SHOW: - Meyer's Briggs (I'm a ENFJ, after you take the test, let me know what your results said too!) - - Enneagram (The fundamental premise of the Enneagram is that each of us have one dominant (not exclusive) energy that drives us in everything we do, take the test to find out yours...I'm a 2, The Helper) - Strength's Finder 2.0 - - Stand Out - - The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (comes with two free self-assessment tests that score you in 4 key areas) - SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 049 | Interview Questions - How to explain why you are quitting in a job interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:54

When it comes to quitting a job, the reasons for why are endless! There isn’t a one size fits all kind of answer because everyone’s work situation is different. As a career coach, I work with people in all levels of their career, and this question is a tough one regardless of how long someone's been working. The #1 thing I encourage is to be honest and tell the truth! These are the 3 most common reasons I hear for why someone wants to quit their job: 1. You quit your last job, but didn't have another lined up. 2. You are working right now, but really hate where you are (work environment, manager, team, etc.) 3. You don't see a future with your current company (career path, growth opportunities, learning & development). 4. You don't really have a reason for wanting to leave! Chances are, your reasons probably fall into one or two of those buckets. The question then becomes: - How do I articulate why I want to leave to the company I'm interviewing with? - How can I honestly share my why for leaving - without bashing my current employer, manager, or team? - How do I give enough detail in my answer so that I don't seem like I'm skimming over the question or avoiding it all together? THESE ARE VALID QUESTIONS! There wasn't a course on this in school, so don't worry, you're in the right spot. It's important to establish a well-rounded that's truthful AND professional, regardless of the reason. In today's episode I share 2 key strategies to help you ROCK YOUR RESPONSE the next time, "Why are you looking to leave your current role?" comes up during an interview. These strategies can be applied no matter what the position, company, person you're interviewing with, or reason you're quitting. They will also help you stand out amongst other applicants, share a little about yourself, and what you’re looking for as well! SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 FREE Career Success Guides to find a job you love, rock the interview, & advance your career | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:29

WHAAA two recordings in ONE WEEK? This recording isn't a new episode, you'll have to wait til tomorrow for that...but I'm excited to drop in quickly to tell you about the awesome career success guides I've created for you! Better yet? They are FREE. Download my free career success guides here, you'll see them at the very top of the list: I've created these guides to help you advance in your career. They include: - Examples of emails to use when reaching out to companies you want to work for (stand out + land the interview) - Interview prep to make sure you're fully prepared for the big day - Email examples to use when following up with hiring managers you met with during the interview - And lastly the top 10 dynamic questions to ask people you meet with....why? 99.9% of the time you will be asked, "So, what questions do you have for me?" You'll want to have some rockstar questions ready! ENJOY!! I will see you tomorrow for the next episode of Career Coaching with Jessness where we will dive into how to professionally articulate why you're leaving a company, and furthermore why you want to quit! Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss tomorrow's's going to be JUICY and I don't want you to miss out. :) DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. LISTEN ON YOUR FAV APP Soundcloud - iTunes - Stitcher - Feedburner - OTHA ‘NESSessary TO DOs Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - Suggest a pod topic - Snapchat me a career Q - Come hang with like-minded people, looking to GO BIG in their career and LIFE, join - WORK WITH ME 1:1 - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage

 048 | Social Media - How to drop fear of being seen online and brand yourself as an industry expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:47

Today's podcast show is a little different this week and I'm excited to mix it up! This topic was submitted by one of the show listeners asking about how to build a social media presence online as a small business owner and entrepreneur. There is SO MUCH to say about this topic, by no means did I cover all of it in this one show, but this is a great place to start because these are typical feelings mindset challenges that come up when you first put yourself and business online for all to see. I love when I gain feedback and suggestions from listeners because ultimately my top priority is to ensure I'm delivering content that's going to help you succeed and live your BEST LIFE! Today's episode covers 3 fears that can come up when making the commitment to GO BIG on social media and begin to build your business brand: 1. What if I run out of content? Then I'm going to look silly in front of everyone, and all will notice I didn't have enough to share! 2. What if I can't keep up with how fast the online world is moving? Will the time I put in to social media pay off? Is it worth it for me? 3. What if my business branding doesn't stand out? What if I just blend in with everyone and everything else online? I gathered info and research for this show from a couple different places: 1. Being the serial life-long learner I am, I'm always attending webinars, reading content online, and try to stay engaged as best I can in specialized topic groups on Facebook and LinkedIn - these fears align with ones I see come up a lot for other people too! (You're not alone!) 2. Many of my coaching clients are looking to start and grow a business of their own! Questions about branding is always one I love to dive into. Typically, I find allowing themselves to be seen is a greater challenge for them over actually finding out what to post, when, and how. The fears talked about on today's show are the main three I help my clients work through. 3. Lastly, I can personally speak on this topic because I too have had to work through challenges, fears, and self-doubt and find ways to build my own confidence! Getting to a place where you feel confident, and comfortable in consistently putting yourself out there is an on-going task. If there's every a moment you feel unsupported in doing so you can rely on me, knowing I am always rooting for you and want you to succeed!! Tune in to today's show to gain inside into how I personally moved through these fears, and now what I have the opportunity to help my coaching clients with! Even if you're not looking to own your own business, the tips I share today can be applied if you create content online in any form: LinkedIn, Twitter, or possibly a personal website. These tips can help you build a strong personal brand and start to market yourself in your industry as an expert. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner -

 047 | Job Hunt Overwhelm - 5 steps for creating a jobhunt strategy to eliminate stress and overwhelm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:47

Let's face it, when it comes to job hunting there's a lot to do! From updating your resume to searching job boards, applying to new jobs, reading about companies on Glassdoor, preparing for phone interviews, preparing for onsite interviews...the list goes on and on. IT'S A LOT. With everything else already on your to-do list, it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out when you're looking to change jobs. But don't worry, there's a solution! Creating a strategy so that you go into the job hunt with a plan of action is HUGE for eliminating job hunting overwhelm. In today's episode I share with you 5 key tips on building out your own job hunt strategy. Plus, a little bonus tip, if you listen until the end! (Shh you didn't hear it from me) After listening you will know how to stay focused in your job hunt so that you're spending your time on the jobs that are the right fit, dropping all unnecessary work and overwhelm with it! SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send.

 046 | Career Mistakes - What to do when you pull a Mariah Carey on stage during New Year's Eve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:34

While today's episode sounds a lot like a dig on Mariah Carey, it's not. We all make mistakes, and for as long as we work in our lifetime we're bound to make a mistake when it comes to our career too. The important part isn't the mistake itself, it's what we do about the mistake and the action we take after it happens! Your career mistake might not be as big as Mariah's on stage during New Year's Eve, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything about it either! In today's episode I empower you with action steps for handling any kind of career mistake. The tips I share can be relevant across any industry, any skill-set, and role, within any job or career path. After listening to this show, your perspective on career mistakes will shift to seeing them as an opportunity to thrive, showcase your leadership skills, and learn something new! SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send.

 045 | TOPOF16 Reflections - Time to celebrate our progress, breakthroughs, and career successes | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:55

Today's episode is a little unique. You won't find any new career tips or strategies in this show, but what you will find is an invitation to celebrate everything you've accomplished this year. Whether or not if FEELS like you've accomplished a lot doesn't matter. If you feel that probably haven't slowed down enough to give yourself the credit for the work you've done. Slowing down to notice your progress is a strategy I encourage you to use in both your professional and personal life cause' if there's one thing for sure in's that our to-do isn't going anywhere! SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send. How to leave a rating or review on Stitcher (not yet available on phone, only computer) 1. Go to OR type ‘Career Coaching with Jessness stitcher’ in URL bar 2. Tap the 5 Stars under the pod title on left to be taken to review section. 3. Click write a review on top left. 4. Enter an overall star rating, title, and leave a sentence or two on what you like about the show! 5. Enter a nickname. 6. Enter your email addy (this will not be displayed). 7. Tap Post Review.

 044 | First Time Managers - How to positively develop your team without being an ass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:02

I'm excited to share today's show with you because this topic was requested by one of YOU, a listener of the show! Thanks Calvin for reaching out and suggesting this topic!! Calvin recently became a first time manager and wanted to know, "how to create balance between being a good verses bad manager." "CALVIN's BAD MANAGER DEFINITION" Calvin clarified a bad manager as someone who might be hypercritical of the work completed by their direct reports. They could even be slightly controlling with how they'd like to see that work completed as well. However, the controlling aspect is more for the sake of wanting that work to be done correctly. "CALVIN'S GOOD MANAGER DEFINITION" Calvin wants to understand how to give his team flexibility so that they can work independently, and get things done their own way. BUT still get the job done RIGHT. It's a FANTASTIC question! I was super excited to hear this topic requested. Truth is, no one is BORN a people manager, NO ONE. It takes practice and skill. If you're a first time manager, I first want to give you props because by no means is this an easy position to be in. I've been's extremely rewarding to have the opportunity to play this type of role in someone's career...buuuuuut it's also one of the toughest positions out there because there are times you're gonna have to be the bad guy. As a manager you manage performance expectations, daily tasks, goals, personal issues, and everything in between. The important part is that you keep trying new things, and keep getting to know your team on an individual basis. *** From my personal experience, the better I know my coworkers, the easier it is to work with them and make progress as a team. Whether you manage a group of people now or have a goal to become a manager later, this episode is for you. Even if managing people isn't on your radar, I'm a strong believer in self-development and encourage you to tune in because no matter what role you're in, working with others is bound to be part of it. This episode will give you some insight to working on a team as well. In today's episode, I go over three key strategies to use as a people manager to ensure you're creating a safe space for employee development and trust. Plus, when you put these tactics in place, you can be sure to have a positive impact on the people who report in to you! SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career -

 043 | Coworkers - How to work with negative people and protect yourself from bad work environments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:01

The question on how to work with negative people comes up a lot. It's also one near and dear to my heart because I've been there! I know what it's like to feel drained and tired from a day because of the environment or people alongside of you. But don't worry, there's hope! There are ways you can protect yourself picking up on other people's problems or issues and still excel in the role you're in. This episode is a little different than other's you will find here because it has a large emphasis on mind, body, spirit well'ness and keeping yourself energetically clean and clear of negativity. In today's I share with you 3 ways I protect my energy in the workplace and work through the challenges of working with negativity. This can come in the forms of coworkers, bad work environments, situations, energy, complaints, worry, fear and anything else that might be surrounding and effecting you while you're at work. The best part of the 3 tips I share with you today is that they can be used and implemented WHILE you’re at work, without anyone even knowing it. LINKS MENTIONED - Bright'ness Spotify Playlist - - Super Duper Chill'ness Spotify Playlist - - Still'ness Spotify Playlist - SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send.

 042 | Resume Mistakes Pt. 2 - Applying to jobs, but not landing interviews? Find out why | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:38

Resumes have an important role in the world of hiring. - It's your first impression - It represents your personal brand - Helps to land you an interview - It's required for applying to jobs - It's a one-stop-shop to share all your accomplishments, achievements, skills, and expertise you've worked hard to learn Your resume can either help you land the next step in the application process and rocket you into an interview - OR - It can do just the opposite. In today's episode tune in for part two where I go over the other three mistakes I see people make on their resumes EVERY SINGLE DAY. Hint: It has nothing to do with spelling mistakes SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send. How to leave a rating or review on Stitcher (not yet available on phone, only computer) 1. Go to OR type ‘Career Coaching with Jessness stitcher’ in URL bar 2. Tap the 5 Stars under the pod title on left to be taken to review section. 3. Click write a review on top left. 4. Enter an overall star rating, title, and leave a sentence or two on what you like about the show! 5. Enter a nickname. 6. Enter your email addy (this will not be displayed). 7. Tap Post Review.

 041 | Resume Mistakes - Applying to jobs, but not landing interviews? Find out why | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:04

Resumes have an important role in the world of hiring. - It's your first impression - It represents your personal brand - Helps to land you an interview - It's required for applying to jobs - It's a one-stop-shop to share all your accomplishments, acheivements, skills, and expertise you've worked hard to learn Your resume can either help you land the next step in the application process and rocket you into an interview - OR - It can do just the opposite. In today's episode tune in for the top two mistakes I see people make on their resumes EVERY SINGLE DAY. Hint: It has nothing to do with spelling mistakes SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send. How to leave a rating or review on Stitcher (not yet available on phone, only computer) 1. Go to OR type ‘Career Coaching with Jessness stitcher’ in URL bar 2. Tap the 5 Stars under the pod title on left to be taken to review section. 3. Click write a review on top left. 4. Enter an overall star rating, title, and leave a sentence or two on what you like about the show! 5. Enter a nickname. 6. Enter your email addy (this will not be displayed). 7. Tap Post Review.

 040 | The B Word - What's up with society viewing busyness as a status symbol? Does it help our job? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:13

This episode is about the B word. Not THAT B word... We're talking about the word: BUSY. What is up with our society viewing busyness as a status symbol? If you're not busy, you're not important. If you're not busy, you're not doing enough. It's everywhere! I find myself falling into this mindset trap over and over and over. It will continuously be a lesson I learn, and it's always something I'm looking to improve. I like talking about what I am working on in my own life and career, speak from my own experience, and share it with you. Chances are we are all going through similar things when focusing on advancing our careers. The way it looks may be different depending on our situation, company, and job itself but I find that more often than not...the mean of the challenges are still the same. My take-away question for you is: Are we filling our plates with busy-work? Or are we spending time strategically so that it helps us get to where we want to go? Look around to leaders within your organization. Do they appear frantic? Do they give off the energy of being so busy, they don't have time for their employees or teammates? I bet you'll find for most, the answer to those questions are no. Tune into this episode for a reset on the concept of being busy. It's time to drop the idea that if we're not ultra busy we're not doing it right. Cause that's simply not true. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - Join the Career Café FB group: The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: - Send me a snap: SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - - Soundcloud - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send.


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