Announcement | Episode 25 NEW and Improved - How to figure out what job is right for you

Career Coaching with Jessness show

Summary: One of the most listened to episodes on the show is #25 titled: Finding Work You Love, UPDATE 1/17 - 10 Questions to figuring out the best career path for YOU Whether its a new episode or one that’s been out for months, I’m always looking to deliver the MOST value possible. When listening to #25 I saw an opportunity to upgrade the content so I decided to record it all together! I think you will find the new format straight-forward and helpful, I’m excited to share it with you. The updated version of episode #25 walks you through 10 questions to help determine what you want to do with your life in regards to what job and career path would best fits for you! — Feel free to start and stop the show as you go, and if you sign up for my free career success guides (link below) I will send you the worksheet PDF mentioned so that you can grab a copy of that when it’s ready. Wishing you all a Happy Valentines Day as well! Regardless of your relationship situation, today is an opportunity to show yourself love! You are worth it. Self-love is a BIG component to having a successful career. So don’t be afraid to celebrate YOU, cause you know I do. Looking forward to next week where we’ll dive into a new career coaching with jessness topic! Until then…… Jess’ness GRAB THE FREE WORKSHEET FOR THIS SHOW Listen to the new and improved episode on your fav app: - Soundcloud - - iTunes - - Stitcher - - Feedburner - POD SHOUTOUT Thank you to Purpose Pursuit for your thoughtful, kind, amazing review, ‘Authentic and Inspiring' in iTunes. I revisit it often, especially on days I need a little extra pick me up! Means a lot, thanks for taking the time!! OTHA ‘NESSessary TO DOs - Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - - Suggest a pod topic - - Snapchat me a career Q - - Come hang with like-minded people, looking to GO BIG in their career and LIFE, join - WORK WITH ME 1:1 - SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage IF YOU’RE DOWN TO REVIEW, HERE'S THE HOW-TO! How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad: 1. Launch Apple's Podcast app. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. 5. Tap the album art for the podcast. 6. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button near the top right. 7. Tap the Reviews tab (in between details and related sections). 8. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. 9. Enter your Apple ID password to login. 10. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 11. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 12. Tap Send. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast on MAC or PC: 1. Open iTunes Store. 2. Tap the Search tab. 3. Enter 'Career Coaching with Jessness’ in the search bar. 4. Click the title in the dropdown menu to be taken to the pod’s iTune page. 5. On the iTunes page, tap Ratings and Reviews (in between details and related sections) 6. Click Write a Review 7. Enter your iTunes password to login. 8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating. 9. Enter title text and content to leave a review. 10. Tap Send.