057 | LinkedIn - What to put in your LinkedIn profile to make sure you show up in recruiter searches

Career Coaching with Jessness show

Summary: LinkedIn - What to put in your LinkedIn profile to make sure you show up in recruiter searches’ first appeared on http://www.jessnessrequired.com/career-coaching-with-jessness-podcast. In today’s episode I go over LinkedIn’s latest platform updates! LinkedIn is continuously changing, updating, and rearranging their platform but this year alone I’ve seen BIG UPGRADES. I think back to what my profile used to look like when I first created an account in 2011, man was it different! They’ve transformed the look, feel, functions, features, options, search functions, literally everything. During the show I go over the latest 2017 LinkedIn updates and explain why you should care about them! Most of the changes effect whether or not you’re going to show up in search results when recruiters and hiring managers are searching for talent online. This is definitely a show you need to listen to. Even if you’re not looking for a job RIGHT NOW I highly recommend keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date. You never know when the next perfect opportunity is going to come your way, but if your profile doesn’t have the right information in it or certain features enabled I guarantee you will be waiting forever. This episode goes over exactly what to do to make sure that isn’t the case for you. Show mentions: - Is the 4-part video training I mentioned during the show up your ally? Email me + let me know at hello@jessnessrequired.com - GET ACCESS TO THE SUPER RAD AWESOME SCREEN SHARE LINKEDIN MINI TRAINING {fo free} - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/lovemyjob - To listen to my guest interview on the Land Your Dream Job podcast, go to this link and look for episode 85 titled, 'How to Prepare for You next Job interview with Jessica Smith’ - http://www.macslist.org/ep-085-how-to-prepare-for-your-next-job-interview-with-jessica-smith/ - - - - - - - SHOUT OUT to Mac Prichard, Ben Forstag, and Jessica Black for hosting me on their amazing podcast, Find Your Dream Job! Mac, special thanks for the hand written thank you card and free copy of your book,’Land Your Dream Job Anywhere WOW! I can’t wait to dive in. SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/lovemyjob Join the Career Café FB group: jessnessrequired.com/careercafe The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/JOIN/ The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/contact - Send me a snap: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/snap SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/itunes - Soundcloud - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/soundcloud - Stitcher - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/stitcher - Feedburner - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/podfeed FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/careertips/ Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/book SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/tinytips LET’S GET CONNECTED YA YA YA…. - Find links for my other social accounts on the Jessness Required homepage http://www.jessnessrequired.com/