058 | Personal Brand - Create a unique and authentic elevator pitch with Brandon Maslan from AWE

Career Coaching with Jessness show

Summary: Today’s podcast is all about creating an elevator pitch. (An actual elevator not required) Elevator pitches aren’t just for sales people, everyone needs one, even if you’ve never been inside an elevator before in your life you need one. This show is jam-packed with content, tips, and the exact steps you need to take to create an elevator pitch that ROCKS. I was inspired to talk about this topic after participating in a career development workshop hosted by XACTLY CORP a couple weeks back. The workshop was led by Brandon Maslan, an Executive Advisor for AWE (Advancing Women Executives) organization. AWE's mission is to increase the number of women in senior management and on boards. They coach others on branding advancement strategies and inspire people to take action in their own career development. Ummm RIGHT.UP.MY.ALLEY. I admire Brandon for the passion, enthusiasm, and sense of humor he shares with others. I had the opportunity to attend Brandon’s Personal Branding workshop last year when XACTLY previously hosted him so it was really neat to see him again and soak up more of his juicy advice. Look for episode 19 to listen to last year’s show where I feature Brandon’s tips and tricks from his personal branding workshop! Or go here: https://soundcloud.com/coachjessness/branding TOPICS COVERED - An elevator pitch is a short, less than 20 second, description on who you are, and what you do. - It’s about figuring out what you want people to remember about you. - It’s about building on where you’re at now to express where you want to go. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Sign up to access my online career success hub so you can use the free resources to support a happy work life with massive career advancement: - Stay tuned for more info next week about my 4-part career success course I’ll be launching in less than 2 weeks!! OTHER PODCASTS MENTIONED - How to answer the tell me about yourself question (episode 52) - this show will help you create a solid personal branding story in which you can build your elevator pitch: https://soundcloud.com/coachjessness/job-interview-questions-how-to-answer-the-question-so-tell-me-about-yourself - Resume (episode 1) - this show will help you be super specific and make sure the work examples you share are tangible: https://soundcloud.com/coachjessness/001-resumes-what-to-highlight-how-to-stand-out-key-strategies-to-land-your-next-interview SIGN UP TO ACCESS MY {free} CAREER SUCCESS RESOURCE HUB - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/lovemyjob Join the Career Café FB group: jessnessrequired.com/careercafe The café is yours to ask questions, share your experiences, and get the support you need to be successful in your career. Join the Wellness Squad FB group: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/JOIN/ The Well'ness SQUAD is a safe judgement-free online community to connect, support, & uplift one another. A virtual home for exploring mind body + spirit wellness. DO YOU HAVE A SECOND? LEAVE THE POD A REVIEW! This helps more people find the show, and in turn, I get to help more people like YOU. SUGGEST A POD TOPIC - Send me a note: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/contact - Send me a snap: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/snap SUBSCRIBE ON YOU FAV APP: - iTunes - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/itunes - Soundcloud - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/soundcloud - Stitcher - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/stitcher - Feedburner - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/podfeed FOMO is no joke…get on my NESS note list {aka email list} for updates on new shows, POPUP WORKSHOPS, online courses, free trainings, and more! Sign up here: http://www.jessnessrequired.com/careertips/ Check out my book, YOUR TWENTIES - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/book SHORT ON TIME? I got chu covered. - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Tiny Tips on the 5 wellness topics covered in my book: Self-Love, Health Mind, Body-Acceptance, Relationships, and Career - http://www.jessnessrequired.com/tinytips