The Art of Health show

The Art of Health

Summary: I live with audacity, and you can as well. Take power with your physicality, your mentality, and your spirit.

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 Special Episode-Ed and AJAC | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:06:40

In this special episode, Ed Latimore and I discuss incels, self development, efficiency versus value, and forgiveness To support this podcast, go subscribe on Rokfin

 Love, Sex, and Relationship Systems with Dr. Taylor Burrowes | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:07:22

In this podcast with Dr. Taylor Burrowes, we discuss the modern dating marketplace, the mistakes women make, leading with sex, and how to develop better systems for intimacy and vetting

 Mens Style and Masculinity with Tanner Guzy | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:05:11

In this conversation I talk with Tanner Guzy, a Men's Style expert and someone I've learned a great deal from the past 2 years. Tanner has been my personal style coach, and his philosophy of style, touching on competency, the appearance of power, archetypes, and mindset, its not what you'd expect I'd highly encourage all of you gentlemen to check out Tanner Website And Invest in one of his courses. Changing your style WILL change your life

 Deconstructing Writers Block | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:08

Deconstructing Writers Block by Alexander Cortes

 Escape Plan-How to Leave a Bad Situation and Be Independent | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:26:10

What do you do if you are living among people who are bad for you? You LEAVE. In this episode I detail the 8 steps anyone must embark on to leave a bad situation and become independent in order to thrive You can support this podcast on patreon at

 Love, Life, and Relationships with Dr. Babe | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:13:28

In my first ever interview, I spoke with Dr. Taylor Burrows, aka Dr. Babe. Taylor is a dynamite woman whom I connected with twitter. She is licensed therapist that has been practicing for over a decade, and I wanted to have a dialogue with her on relationship dynamics. This was a purely fun conversation, and we covered a breadth of topics -relationship expectations -owning up to your bullshit -male/female desires -what Taylor wish men knew about themselves You can find Taylor online at her website She is also active on Twitter @drbabelovelife To support this podcast, consider donating to the Worlds Greatest Taco Party on patreon

 The Rationale Male Interview-Alpha Males, Congruency, and Sexual Dynamics | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:55:33

In this interview, I sat down for 2 hours to talk with Rollo Tomassi, author of the Rationale Male, and Godfather of the Repill philosophy on Human Behavior and intersexual dynamics between Men and Women, and society at large This was a DEEP interview -Masculine Congruency -Alpha fucks and beta bucks -Doomed relationships -Archetypes of female fantasy and what they say about men -Sexual Market Value and its role in partner selection Rollo and I had a very fun conversation sharing stories and commentary on observations, we went in many different directions. I'd highly suggest reading Rollo's books The Rationale Male- You can also find him on twitter, @RationalMale, and also his website

 Discipline and Anti-Discipline | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:39:51

In this podcast, I discuss in depth the Duality of Discipline -The Discipline of Action, what you do -The Discipline of Negation, what you do not do This podcast is my exploration of the Discipline of Negation, how implementing discipline must account for 1st, 2nd, 3rd order effect, and how Discipline of Negation helps you find your passion, identity, and reveals how to live a good life. i also list the top 10 most important "Anti-Habits" to have

 The Four Archetypes of Masculinity | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:24:17

The Masculine psyche is comprised of four everlasting qualities that establish a Man's relationship with the world and determine the quality of his life Leadership Strength Mind Gratitude In the podcast, I refer to the book, King Warrior Magician Lover, and how these archetypes can be examined on different levels

 Whats a good workout is not a good question | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:43

Pragmatic Truth time -How much you workout doesn't matter,  -How long you worked out for doesn't matter,  -How hard your workout was doesn't matter,  What matters is the resulting OUTCOMES from the above.

 Progressive Overload, Principles, and Hard Gainers-How To Make Gains Long Term | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:25:35

This podcast covers the foundational principle of Progressive Overload, and how if you are not following it, you are wasting your time in the gym

 How to Create Systems | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:35

What is a System? A simple question, but one that is readily overcomplicated. Understanding what systems are is straightforward, applying them to your life is the harder part. I define systems pragmatically, give examples, and provide a framework to ask the right questions to create your own systems in your life

 Discipline is Proactive Laziness-Rethinking The Meaning of Discipline | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:44

Disicpline is the freedom to do what you WANT to do, and the freedom NOT to do what you do not want to do. In this podcast, I reframe discipline as energy and time management that creates free time and down time for you. Whereas most of the society views discipline as requiring extreme work and effort, the reality is that disciplining your life enables you to have maximum time to do what you want, including being lazy

 How to Grow a 5,000 Subscriber Email List in One Year | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:21:09

In the past year, I have taken an email list of zero subscribers, and grown it to over 5,000 people. In this podcast, I explain my philosophy behind this, why I started with an audience first before a product, and the practical strategies I use every day to constantly add people

 What Do I think of Crossfit | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:03

I've been asked my opinion on crossfit many many times over, and I finally share it here. Unlike many in the fitness industry, I am neutral on pursuing crossfit as an endeavor. Its a personal choice of personality, and I encourage people to seek out qualifed coaching who do elect to do it.


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