The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 Is Our Military Really Crumbling? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3016

Last night during the Debate Marco Rubio brought up an argument I hear being touted by countless numbers of Republicans. It tends to come up around election cycles, and this presidential election is no different. Rubio suggested that we have a crumbling military. Is assertion (although he did not come right out and say it) was that our military had been cut to the bone and lacked the resources necessary to defend America and defeat ISIS. He blamed this, of course, on President Obama who he claimed has cut the legs out from under our military. There is some truth to this. The rules of engagement for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan would leave you with the impression that our commander-in-chief is more concerned with making sure nobody on the other side get's hurt while we fight a war rather than winning one. But the implication that our military is too small to defend us is total fiction. Today on the show I'll discuss why. We'll also talk about the new feud between Bernie Sanders and the Washington Post editorial board. Apparently they have not been swayed by Bernie's siren call of more stuff without more pain. All that and some witty banter on today's episode. Listen now!      

 Zika Virus Possible Pandemic, Remember Ebola...? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3000

Hey everyone! Pretty packed show today; we talked about Cruz's desire to take Trump in a one-on-one debate, where Cruz would do a much better job of retorting against Trump's statements. And you've probably seen in the media that they're calling for a potential pandemic of the Zika virus, which is bourne by mosquitos, anyone remember how bad Ebola was supposed to get, did that ever happen? We also cover an article from Brietbart on John Krasinski and his latest movie, talk about distoring a man's words! The highlight of the show was a discussion on liberty vs. freedom and the role of government to it's citizens. All that and more, so make sure you listen! -Jason

 One Dead In Oregon Standoff. Will We See More? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3034

I've made not secret about my confusion with the Oregon standoff. I understand what they were angry about, but I just can't wrap my head around what they expect to achieve. If we're talking about anger over the designation of private land pubic or the constant encroachment of the federal government through land purchases, then I'm in total agreement. But this endeavor seemed foolhardy from the get go. Now, one man lays dead and another wounded when the FBI attempted to take them into custody. You had to know this wasn't going to end peacefully. Not unless the militia threw down its weapons and went home. To allow them to stay at the compound or to concede to its demands would have signaled to every militant fringe group in America that the government was a paper tiger. I'm frustrated because I understand what the militia was trying to do, and I agree their anger is well placed. But this seemed like a poorly planned and poorly executed attempt to muscle the Feds. It was always going to end in bloodshed. The only question now is, will the others give up and turn themselves in or will there be more bloodshed? In other news, two of the filmmakers who caught Planned Parenthood on camera trying to sell baby body parts have been indicted on felony charges and now face 20 years in prison. This, while the FBI runs child porn sites on the dark web to try and catch pedophiles. It's a gross injustice, and I'm going to tell you why on the show today. All that and a look at Trump and Paul ahead of Thursday's debate. Check it out now! Jason

 News On The Clinton Indictment and the Two-Headed Monster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2992

Last night was the last chance for Democratic front-runners Clinton and Sanders to speak nationally to America before the Iowa caucus. This was an event Clinton pushed for, and I think it was a good decision. Unlike most of her appearances in interviews and on stage, Hillary looked relaxed and in command, two things Clinton has lacked over the course of her campaign. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, looked tired. His voice was shot from 3 speeches a day, and he stuck mainly to the campaign line that all of the problems in America will be solved with a little tax hike here and a little regulation there. It's becoming tiresome to come in every day and refute the utter fabrications and in some cases outright lies of both Hillary and Sanders. It's a wonder Hillary hasn't been indicted yet but according to Tom DeLay, she may soon be. Today I also spend some time discussing the Two-headed monster of government that is the Republican and Democratic parties. If you ever thought the government was working for you, this episode will shock you back into reality. Jason

 The Blind Support of Donald Trump and My Hope for an Awakening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3309

Have you ever made what you thought was a good decision only later to find out it was terrible? In most cases you simply chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. But what if you had told everyone you knew about your decision and how excited you were? What if you bragged about your decision and told everyone else how stupid they were for not making the same choice? In that case, it becomes much harder to admit your mistake and move on. I'm thinking that must be how Donald Trump supporters are starting to feel. They came out supporting him for his stance on immigration, the stuck it out with him when he said he wanted to go after the families of terrorists, but now they've got to be questioning their choice. Over the weekend, Trump not only said he would replace Obamacare with some other form of Trump-care, but he also insulted his own voters by suggesting he could stand in the middle of the street and shoot someone with losing any votes. But most of his supports have been so outspoken in their support, to pull back not would expose them to a great deal of shame. That's something most people will do anything to avoid. Today I'll share my thoughts on Trump and we'll take a look at what your taxes would look like if Bernie Sanders got everything he wanted. Powerful show today. Enjoy.  

 Selling Liberty to an Entitled World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3042

We've had an interesting discussion in the private FB group (you can join here: about how best to spread liberty here in the United States. Should we spend our days trying to convert our friends, family and co-workers or should we focus on solving big issues and coming up with "solutions." I think most of you know I believe Liberty has a messaging problem. This extends into the libertarian party which should be the torch bearers of that message. Although I have been a libertarian for a long time, the show is only a little over a year old and although I'm already being called a "Celebritarian" I am fairly new to the public scene. In that very short period, I have been able to amass an audience most libertarian voices would envy. Not only that a large portion of my viewers and listeners are POL's (Person other than libertarian). So what's the secret to reaching those looking for a better solution than a Trump or Sanders? Well, in today's episode I'm going to tell you. I don't know if I'm right or not, but I know what we're doing is working. The message is growing, and we're growing in number. I hope you can take some of the ideas away with you and use them in your life. Lord knows we need more people spreading the message.

 The Clinton Scandal - What you need to know. PLUS: I might be a racist. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3067

No, I don't think I'm a racist. In fact, I know I'm nothing of the kind. But the second half of today's episode will likely cause some people to claim that I am. But first thing's first. The Clinton scandal; Now, you may be asking yourself, "Jason, which one?" and that would be a valid question. There have been so many I lose track myself. The one I'm referring to is the most recent documents released claiming Hillary had ultra top secret documents on her private email server. Information classified as Speical Access Program or SAP. The question I'm asking is why has it taken so long to bring charges? There certainly appears to be overwhelming evidence of a crime. I think if it was anyone other than a Clinton we'd already see charges being filed. Don't believe me? Ask General Petraeus. In the back half of the show, we take a look at some of the results of the progressive move to import millions of middle eastern refugees into European countries while laying the bill one the doorstep of European citizens. The results have not been good. Give it a listen. Jason

 ISIS Showing More Budget Restraint than Congress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2940

I know this sounds crazy, but ISIS just cut the pay to all state members by 50% This comes on the back of rapidly declining oil prices that have no doubt put a pinch on ISIS's cashflow. What I find most offensive is how quickly ISIS did what we in America have needed to do for decades yet can't seem to get done. CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING! Today's show is going to focus on the global economic conditions facing countries around the world and the sovereign debt that's on the verge of collapsing the global economy. This is not a joke. The threat is real. I don't know when it will come or what the tipping point will be, but the threat is real and present. We'll also talk a little about Palin's endorsement of Trump and the effort of some 7,500 students to get their loans forgiven. It's a mad, mad world. Here's to surviving it together.

 How to Protect Your Wealth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3084

I've been asked to do an episode about wealth protection for a long time. We talk a lot about the economic and financial conditions in the markets today. None of it is good, and everyone is always talking about protecting your assets but what does that mean? Today we'll explore in detail about the different ways you can protect yourself from both persistent inflation and rapid inflation. How you can use different investment vehicles to put your money to work and how you can ensure no matter what happens you'll be able to provide for yourself and your family. I'll warn you we are going to talk about some scenarios that sound a little crazy. That's ok. There's nothing wrong with discussing what the "worst case" would look like. Your level of concern will dictate what action you take. All I can do is try to explain a little about your options.

 Inside Bernie Sanders' "New" Healthcare Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3115

While I was suffering through last night's Democrat debate, I heard Bernie Sanders mention he had a new plan out for a single payer healthcare system. I always find it funny when politicians talk about their "plan" since it usually amounts to an eighth-grade version of a Christmas list. But I decided to head over and check it out for myself. If you remember from our previous discussions, America is standing under a debt avalanche that I don't see how we get away from. We've got 19 trillion in debt and another 200 trillion in checks we've written that haven't hit the bank yet. (Unfunded liabilities for those of you who know the lingo) All three of our hopeful leaders last night spent their time trying to do out the others in all the new programs they plan to start. Everything from free health care to equal pay. What is downright insulting is they each claim they can offer these new programs without any new debt. They even claim it will save you money. I don't know about you, but the Obamacare promises of cheaper, and better care still have me screaming. Does any of you believe the U.S. government is going to create a cheaper more efficient system for insuring Americans? If you do, there's nothing I can do to save you. You're lost. For everyone else, listen to today's episode and prepare yourself for some very rough times ahead regardless of who get's elected. Jason

 KrisAnne Hall: A Constitutional Lesson You Can't Afford to Miss. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3652

I know many of you have been waiting for this interview all week, and I'm excited to bring it to you. KrisAnne Hall is a constitutional lawyer, a Russian linguist, an Army vet, wife, mother...the list goes on. She now spends her days going from one corner of the country to another spreading the message of liberty, teaching individuals as well as State legislators how to battle the federal government. We cover a wide variety of tops today, and KrisAnne did not disappoint. I think this is an episode worth sharing so make sure you do! With that, I'll leave you to listen.

 FBI Caught Red Handed Harassing Oregon Residents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3071

And that's not the worst part. The worst part is that they were posing as militia. Yes, you read that right. The FBI was just caught by a local fire marshall in Oregon posing as militia members. According to the Marshall, the agents were found poking around the armoury and following local citizens. You would think this would be a HUGE story. But it's not getting any play from the mainstream media. Instead, we're busy talking about tonight's debate and what Trump might say. I know some of you have heard "conspiracy" tales of our government doing stuff just like this but you may have dismissed them as a hoax or misunderstanding. That is not what this is. This is the clearest evidence of our government committing the crime of harassment to try and turn local citizens against the militia. I've also got a very compelling story to tell you about another man who shot down a drone in his back yard. The story itself isn't all that interesting but what is interesting is what the FAA say they have the right to control in your back yard. All that and much more today on the show. Listen Now!! Jason

 The Lottery, Taxation and Hillary Clinton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3030

I'm going to warn you this is not the best show I've ever done. It's probably my worst. We had a host of Monday issues starting with audio problems. It threw off my game, and I never recovered. It's one of the downsides to doing a live show. The good new is, tomorrow's a new day so we'll write this one off as a loss and move one. (I'm sure you're dying to listen now. ) Today on the show we talk the lottery and gambling in general. I did a poor job of explaining it, but the point I was attempting to make is that although gambling is fun and, lotteries are a viable way to pay for necessary and constitutional functions of government it doesn't change the fact that I find the act of preying on the emotional desire of the poorest among us toe be a less than honorable way to raise revenue. Then it's on the Clinton email scandal. The FBI just released new emails and said they contain 66 new violations of the law. Will this woman ever see the inside of a prison? Not unless she's visiting a pen pal. Finally, we talk a little about the economics behind low oil prices. In economics, there are no good or bad choices. There are just choices. Thanks for listening, Jason

 LP Presidential Candidate Steve Kerbel Makes his Case for Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2915

It's been my great pleasure to have the opportunity to sit down with Austin Petersen and Steve Kerbel, both of whom are currently running for president of the United States under the Libertarian flag. I don't want to give too much of my opinion way as it relates to Steve, but I can say that if you've never heard him speak or worse yet don't know who he is, this is an interview you don't want to miss. Over the course of about 45 minutes, we discussed everything from the Oregon standoff to what's holding the libertarian party back from achieving greater notoriety as a politically viable alternative to the status quo. I found Steve to have an excellent command of the issues and a set of political ideas based soundly on Libertarian principles. I know Gary Johnson just announced his candidacy, and many libertarian minded people will default to him simply because of his notoriety and instant name recognition. But I think it's worth your time to spend a few minutes to hear from some of the other candidates. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to find we have a lot of great people offering alternatives to the Republican and Democrat monopoly.

 Will China Destroy Us All? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3082

I know some of you don't follow the stock market but today I've got an important economic lesson and warning to all of you who follow this show. Over the past week, China's stock market has triggered its circuit breakers twice. What that means is, in the past week, twice they have had a 7% decline in prices. The tripping of theses circuit breakers has triggered a stop in trading in an attempt hold back a crash scenario. The U.S. has circuit breakers like this, but they are set at 20% giving U.S. markets much greater latitude to correct themselves. What does all of this mean? Is China really in bad shape? How is this going to affect your life and your savings? These are all questions I want to try and answer in this episode. For many years, the Chinese government would have us believe their economy has been humming along at 8-10% growth per year. This type of growth is rare especially in a post-housing bubble global economy. But as long as things remained calm and stock prices continued to rise, everyone was content to believe what China told them. What we see now is that the Chinese government, (in an attempt to prop up its own failing companies) has built an economy on a bed of lies, lies that will have global repercussions. Today I'll explain everything and leave you better informed about the recent economic turmoil than many Wall Street investors. From there I'll give you a prelude to tomorrow when you'll get to hear my interview with Steve Kerbel, libertarian presidential hopeful. I also announce that I've booked KrisAnne Hall in the studio show next week to discuss the constitution. Her recent video on the Oregon standoff has made some waves. Here's the video if you haven't seen it. It's a great show today. Listen Now! Jason


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