Is Our Military Really Crumbling?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Last night during the Debate Marco Rubio brought up an argument I hear being touted by countless numbers of Republicans. It tends to come up around election cycles, and this presidential election is no different. Rubio suggested that we have a crumbling military. Is assertion (although he did not come right out and say it) was that our military had been cut to the bone and lacked the resources necessary to defend America and defeat ISIS. He blamed this, of course, on President Obama who he claimed has cut the legs out from under our military. There is some truth to this. The rules of engagement for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan would leave you with the impression that our commander-in-chief is more concerned with making sure nobody on the other side get's hurt while we fight a war rather than winning one. But the implication that our military is too small to defend us is total fiction. Today on the show I'll discuss why. We'll also talk about the new feud between Bernie Sanders and the Washington Post editorial board. Apparently they have not been swayed by Bernie's siren call of more stuff without more pain. All that and some witty banter on today's episode. Listen now!