Selling Liberty to an Entitled World

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: We've had an interesting discussion in the private FB group (you can join here: about how best to spread liberty here in the United States. Should we spend our days trying to convert our friends, family and co-workers or should we focus on solving big issues and coming up with "solutions." I think most of you know I believe Liberty has a messaging problem. This extends into the libertarian party which should be the torch bearers of that message. Although I have been a libertarian for a long time, the show is only a little over a year old and although I'm already being called a "Celebritarian" I am fairly new to the public scene. In that very short period, I have been able to amass an audience most libertarian voices would envy. Not only that a large portion of my viewers and listeners are POL's (Person other than libertarian). So what's the secret to reaching those looking for a better solution than a Trump or Sanders? Well, in today's episode I'm going to tell you. I don't know if I'm right or not, but I know what we're doing is working. The message is growing, and we're growing in number. I hope you can take some of the ideas away with you and use them in your life. Lord knows we need more people spreading the message.