News On The Clinton Indictment and the Two-Headed Monster

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Last night was the last chance for Democratic front-runners Clinton and Sanders to speak nationally to America before the Iowa caucus. This was an event Clinton pushed for, and I think it was a good decision. Unlike most of her appearances in interviews and on stage, Hillary looked relaxed and in command, two things Clinton has lacked over the course of her campaign. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, looked tired. His voice was shot from 3 speeches a day, and he stuck mainly to the campaign line that all of the problems in America will be solved with a little tax hike here and a little regulation there. It's becoming tiresome to come in every day and refute the utter fabrications and in some cases outright lies of both Hillary and Sanders. It's a wonder Hillary hasn't been indicted yet but according to Tom DeLay, she may soon be. Today I also spend some time discussing the Two-headed monster of government that is the Republican and Democratic parties. If you ever thought the government was working for you, this episode will shock you back into reality. Jason