The Amazing Seller show

The Amazing Seller

Summary: Scott Voelker from The Amazing Seller podcast will be sharing Amazon FBA and eCommerce marketing strategies from his own experience, case studies and interviewing the experts. Discover how you can apply and use these techniques to create a business that will allow you to do what you love, weather it's traveling more or spending time with your family. Scott has confessed that he's not a millionaire, but he has been supporting his family by earning a six figure income per year, 100% online for the past 6 years and most recently adding his Amazon FBA business.. This show will discuss topics like product selection, private labeling, sourcing suppliers, promotions, marketing, list building , brand building, Amazon PPC, Facebook PPC and everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you better understand how to build a successful business you can be proud of.

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 TAS 547: Ask Scott #171 – How To Create a Face to My Brand if It’s Not ME? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:53

Are you ready to keep pushing on with your ecommerce business? Do you have all the resources you need to take your brand to the next level of growth? If you need that extra little push, you’ve come to the right place! It’s time for another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller! On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he goes over why you should check out the PACE method, his thought of the week, and as always - the answer to a question from a TAS follower like you! Come ready with pen and paper, you are going to need it for this engaging episode! Is your business on PACE? If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott and Chris have been working through a great series that explores the PACE method. Have you jumped in to hear what it’s all about? If not, in a nutshell, PACE is built on the following pillars; Prepare. Attention. Cultivate. Expansion. By exploring each of these pillars of PACE, you’ll have the tools necessary to expand your brand and get in on the right track for success. Make sure to check out the resources section at the end of this post to get more info on PACE! Life is short, make the most of it! When you are young, you tend to live life under the assumption that anything is possible. While that’s great, as you get older, you realize that life is short and you need to do everything you can to make the most of it. Are you heeding that wisdom or are you wasting some of the best years of your life in a job or a situation that makes you miserable? If that’s the case, do something about it! You don’t get any awards at the end of life for suffering through situations you could have changed! To hear more about making the most of life, make sure to listen to this episode as Scott expands on this topic and more! Considering multiple brands? Slow down! So you’ve built your first brand, great work! Building a brand that can go the distance is no small feat. Now, what do you do? Should you expand your brand? Retool your brand? Or launch a new brand? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he shares his thoughts on this crucial topic! According to Scott, it may be wise to slow down and consider if it really is in your best interest to spread your time, energy, and resources to start a second brand. Speaking from personal experience, Scott suggests building out and expanding your successful brand to its fullest capacity before you ever consider starting a second one. Learn more from Scott’s expert take on this subject by listening to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [1:25] Make sure to check out the PACE method! [3:30] Scott’s thought of the week; life is short! [8:00] Question: How do I get someone to be the face of my brand? [13:00] Why you should be cautious about starting multiple brands. [14:30] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 547 TAS 547: Ask Scott #171 - How To Create a Face to My Brand if It's Not ME? [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Well, hey, hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 547 and session number 171 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast and I’m going to do it again here today and... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE NEW To The Blog and Podcast? I created a Page Just for You called…START HERE!

 TAS 546: (Part 2) P.A.C.E – Getting ATTENTION In Your Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:13

Let’s face it, all of your preparation work to build a rock solid brand won’t do you any good if you can’t grab the attention of your target audience! What is the answer? How do you plan to connect with your prospective customer? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they break down “Attention,” the second pillar of the PACE method. Make sure your brand is on PACE for success by listening to this whole series starting with an overview of PACE and the episode exploring the first pillar, “Preparation” located in the resources section at the end of this post! How do you identify your target audience? Who is in your target audience? Are you trying to connect with busy professionals, stay at home mothers, people under 30? Does your strategy match your audience? Don’t expect to go to Instagram to connect with rural hunters! A huge part of setting your brand up for success is not only figuring out your niche market but actually spending time in the digital spaces where your audience hangs out! Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott and Chris expand on this topic and reveal how sellers like you can connect with your audience in a meaningful way. Attracting your ideal customer. Don’t waste your ideal customer’s time! Seriously! Too often ecommerce leaders will put in a tone of time and effort to find a niche market and identify their target audience only to blow their chance to get them connected to their brand! You can avoid that common mistake by making taking your ideal customer seriously by putting something cool and valuable in front of them. According to Scott and Chris, one of the best ways to do this is by running a giveaway on the social media platform that they hang out on and that appeals to the niche market you are targeting. Get more details on how to effectively put this strategy into practice by checking out the listing building workshop located in the resources section at the end of this post! 5 lead magnets you can use to build your email list. As you continue to hone your strategy and find ways to get good offers in front of your ideal customer, consider using Scott’s tried and tested lead magnet approach. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he briefly runs through five lead magnets you can use to get your audience to raise their hand, submit their email address, and in some cases - put their credit card on file. Contest. PDF or Ebook download. Video series. Checklist. Free plus shipping offer. Find out how these five lead magnets can fit into your overall approach by listening to this helpful episode, you don't’ want to miss it! You don’t have to be an expert to get started! How are you feeling about your chances to get your ecommerce business on PACE to succeed? Do you feel intimidated and overwhelmed? That’s to be expected! While the prospect of getting this dream of yours off the ground can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. Scott and Chris want to encourage and equip leaders like you with as many tools necessary for you to succeed. The truth is, you don't’ have to understand each and every step to get started. Scott frequent advice to chunk it down really does work! Find an action step you can work on today and work toward that one, don’t let fear paralyze you with inaction! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [1:15] Don’t forget to take the time to PREPARE! [2:45] How do you identify your target market? [12:00] What does it take to attract your ideal customer? [20:45] Start exploring and getting to know your market right now! [24:00] Scott touches on the five aspects of the Preparation pillar. [27:30] Learn and adjust along the way!

 TAS 545: (Part 1) P.A.C.E Preparing The Foundation of Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:36

What will it take to get your business on PACE? How can you take practical steps right now make sure your brand is poised for profitability and long-term growth? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they break down the first pillar of their PACE method. In their conversation, the guys go over how to start building a solid foundation for your business, what it takes to niche down and locate a long-term market, why you should make sure to tell your story and your brand’s story, how to create a roadmap for success, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this helpful episode with Scott and Chris! Laying the foundation. If you think of building your business like you would a building, it makes sense to spend a lot of time making sure that you get the foundation right. In a similar fashion to building a brick and mortar store, if you mess up the foundation of your business, it’s really hard to go back and fix that damage. What steps have you taken to make sure your foundation is solid? Do you have a good plan in place? Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller to hear from Scott and Chris as they explain what it takes to set up a solid foundation that will last! How to locate a long-term niche market. As tempting as it may be to build a business by capitalizing on a trend or new fad, there is a good reason for caution! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris talk about what it takes to locate a long-term niche market to build your brand around. One of the best points that the guys make is going to social media to investigate whether your prospective niche market has presence and community around it. Don’t come up with a great product idea and then go looking for the community - that’s a backward approach! To hear more about building your brand the right way, make sure to listen to this helpful episode! Tell your story! Whether you know it or not, you have a story to tell! Be honest, you aren’t starting your own business up and out of the blue. Dig deep, find, refine, and tell your story. This is one of the best ways to connect with your target audience and build a brand that people can relate to. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris share how sellers like you can craft and shape your personal and brand narrative in a compelling way. You don’t have to lie or make up a story to sound interesting, trust that people will connect with your story if you work on telling in an effective way. Listen to this episode to hear how Scott has done it, you don't’ want to miss it! Why you need to create a roadmap. When have you ever gone from point A to point B without making a plan to get there? Sure it can happen by accident or luck but if you want steady and predictable results, you’ve got to make a plan! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they discuss how to make a road map from where you are to where you want to be with your business. It can be really helpful to come up with a macro (large scale) plan and a micro (small scale) plan. As you identify your macro objectives, the micro-objectives exist to help you tackle each step along the way. While it may sound intimidating, as Scott often stays, when you chunk it down, your goals become a lot more attainable. Learn more from Scott and Chris about this important topic by listening to this episode! Watch The Video Explaining Everything: OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [1:30] Make sure to get the PACE overview! [3:30] Looking at the foundation of the “Preparation” pillar of PACE. [6:00] How to identify a long term and sustainable market. [13:30] The product you launch needs to lead back to your niche market. [21:30] Knowing your “Why” matters.

 TAS 544: Ask Scott #170 – How to Use Ebooks and Digital Downloads and Not Violate Amazon’s TOS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:06

Welcome back to another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller! This is where motivated and driven people like you can come and get that extra shot in the arm you need to push forward with your brand building and ecommerce dreams. On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he gives an update on what he’s been up to with the TAS brand, what he has planned for the future and an answer to a question submitted by a TAS follower like you! Don’t miss a minute of this exciting and helpful episode! Get to know Scott by listening to his story! Whether you’ve been part of the TAS community for a long time or if you’ve just joined, you’ve got to make sure you check out Scott’s story. From family struggles, personal hang-ups, and an unlikely starting point, Scott has been able to push past all the junk and create a more hopeful future for himself and his family. Part of the reason why Scott went out on a limb to tell his story was to help sellers like you who have doubted if you could really make a difference and make a name for yourself like he has. The truth is, you can! Make sure to check out the link to episode number 543 in the resources section to hear the full story! Is your business on PACE? You may have noticed that Scott has been shifting his focus recently to include more resources to help leaders like you build a thriving brand. In the process, Scott and his team have developed what they call the PACE method. The PACE method is built on the following pillars; Prepare Attention Cultivate Expansion Stay connected to the TAS community over the coming weeks as Scott has plans to drill deeper into each of these pillars and how leaders like you can use them get your brand headed in the right direction. In the meantime, check out the link in the resources section to episode 542 where Scott and Chris introduced his new method! How can I get my digital content into the hands of my buyers? According to Scott, one of the best ways to connect with your target audience and especially your customers is by providing them with value. A great way to do this is by creating content like ebooks and PDFs that will help your customers use your product effectively. Is this acceptable with Amazon’s Terms of Service? Scott says, in his opinion, that it is a great idea to offer a resource like an ebook or PDF as long as you don’t drive your buyer to purchase away from Amazon and that you are stipulating that you are including this resource with their purchase. To hear Scott go into greater detail with this important subject, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [5:10] Why you should check out the PACE method. [7:45] Question: Can I use Ebooks & Digital Downloads and not violate Amazon's TOS? [13:00] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 544 TAS 544: Ask Scott #170 - How to Use Ebooks and Digital Downloads and Not Violate Amazon's TOS? [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:03] Scott: Well hey, hey what’s up everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 544 and session number 170 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the Podcast and we're going to do it again here today and I am fired up that you're here because if you're listening to this on a Friday, well it's Friday. So... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE NEW To The Blog and Podcast?

 TAS 543: (Personal Story) Suicide – Drugs – Divorce to NOW Successful Dad and Multiple Business Owner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:39

Let’s face it, everyone has their own story filled with the highs and lows that life brings along. Some people have more tragedy and pain in their life than others but at the end of the day, it all comes down to how you choose to move forward. Will you stay stuck and defeated by your pain or will you move forward and rise above it? The choices you make today can have the power to shape your life for years to come! Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott sits down with Joel Bower and opens up about his childhood, the pain his mother struggled with, how that’s impacted him today, and more. Why it’s helpful to understand how the past shapes us. Did you know that there is one on earth who is a self-made individual? It’s true! While the term often refers to someone who’s worked hard to build their wealth or fame with their talent and hard work it can be misleading. People are a product of their surroundings, for good and for bad. The more you buy the lie that your past doesn’t matter, the more you cut yourself off from growth. What lessons can you learn from looking back at your past? What healing could occur? Learn from Scott’s story and how he’s been able to embrace and come to terms with his past to plot a more hopeful future by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller. Pain is part of the story, you choose what power it holds. Hearing Scott open up about the pain that filled his childhood from the tension in his parent's relationship to financial struggles, alcoholism, and an eventual divorce seems like too much for any one person to bear. While it would have been understandable for Scott to succumb too much of the pain in his life, he chose a different path. He didn’t want his story to be dominated by the pain in his past, he wanted to use it as fuel for a brighter future. You can do that too! You don’t have to let the narratives of past hurt or failure to define your future. Hear more about Scott’s journey by listening to this powerful episode of The Amazing Seller. If the pain is too much to bear, please get help. One of the toughest aspects of Scott’s story is hearing the long-term impact of substance abuse and isolation. As she struggled with the pain of her own past, Scott’s mother sought relief by depending on alcohol and prescription drugs to relieve the pain. Thankfully, he was able to witness his mother find freedom through sobriety before her death. During a particularly difficult time in his life, Scott had mentioned taking the route of committing suicide. Looking back, he doesn’t think he really would have followed through with the threat, he was just trying to elicit a response from his mother. Both of these aspects of Scott story serve as a reminder that life can pull you in directions you would never have imagined if it gets to be too much to bear, get help. Don’t struggle and suffer alone, a healthy and fulfilling life is worth fighting for! Believe in yourself and pursue what makes you happy! At the end of the day, Scott wants his story to serve as an example that you can rise above your pain and pursue a life of joy and happiness. While it is not helpful to ignore your pain, the key is to find a way to focus on what you can do with your life in the here and now. Embrace a future where you can pursue what makes you happy. Believe in yourself and your ability to go out there a succeed. If you need encouragement and motivation, look to what Scott has done. No, he’s not perfect but he wants his story to help leaders like you who are wondering if they have anything to offer the world - you do! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [1:30] Scott welcomes Joel to the podcast. [5:00] You can use your pain as fuel to move forward. [7:15] A preface to Scott’s story.

 TAS 542: The P.A.C.E Method (4 Pillars Successful Brands Are Using) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:53

What are the building blocks for a successful and long-lasting brand? How can you start putting together your plan to get your brand on track and growing? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they reveal their PACE method for building an engaging and successful brand. PACE is built on the following pillars; Prepare. Attention. Cultivate. Expansion. Make sure to listen to this episode as the guys walk through each pillar and explain how business leaders like you can use them to build a thriving brand. Have pen and paper ready, you don’t want to miss it! Put in the time and prepare your brand for success! Too often people want the results without the hard work. Wouldn’t that be nice? The truth is, anything worth having takes time to build and acquire. Nothing comes easy in life! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris talk about the important pillar of preparation. In many ways, you can think of this step as pouring the concrete foundation of a building. It’s not sexy but it is important! Take your time, do your research - this is a vital phase in building your brand for long-lasting success. Learn more about this pillar by listening to this episode! Grab the attention of the right people for your brand. One of the worst things you can do as a business leader is waste time and resources on people who will never connect with your brand. Businesses do this all the time by placing ads in markets that are not relevant to their audience. Don’t make the same mistake! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they explain why it’s so important to grab the attention of the right people for your brand. An important part of this pillar is knowing who your target audience is and how they behave. Don’t go spending money Facebook ads if your audience is spending all their time over on Instagram! Find out more about how this pillar fits into the PACE method by listening to this engaging episode! Cultivate a connection with your audience. Why would your ideal customer choose your brand over your competition? What will happen if your competitor slashes their prices, will you see your target audience flock to them for the better price or will they stay with you? You’ve got to start thinking of ways to connect with your audience if you have any hope for a long-lasting brand. A great way to cultivate a connection with your audience is by telling stories and letting them in on who you are and what you are all about. If you are a single guy to loves to travel and explore, use that! If you are a married woman with kids who love to do crafts and fun projects, use that! The key is to build that personal connection. To hear more about cultivating a connection with your audience, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller! Take your brand to the next level by focusing on expansion. The business world is filled with stories of organizations that make all the right moves only to see their growth plateau. How can you put a plan in place so that doesn’t happen to your brand? According to Scott and Chris, it all comes down to the last pillar of the PACE method, expansion. Once you’ve fine-tuned your brands approach to connecting with and cultivating your target audience, you’ve to start thinking about long-term success. In what ways can you start diversifying your sales channels? How can you begin to work smarter, not harder? What roles and tasks can you start automating or outsourcing? To hear the full breakdown of this final pillar in the PACE method, listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:30] Building brands that last using the P.A.C.E method. [4:00] Pillar #1: Prepare.

 TAS 541: Ask Scott #169 -What’s Best Way To Send Traffic to my Amazon Products and Listings Using Content? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:10

Are you fired up and ready to go out there an build your ecommerce business? What’s holding you up? What’s slowing you down? Do you have some challenges that you need some outside perspective on? You’ve come to the right place! It’s time for another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller! On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he goes over how you can participate in a new TAS contest, his thought of the week, and an answer to a question about driving traffic to your product listing. Make sure to have pen and paper ready for this exciting episode! Make sure to check out the new TAS contest! As an ecommerce seller, you are looking for every way possible to get an edge over your competition. One of the best advantages that you can get your hands on is connecting, personally with Scott and getting the opportunity to learn from him. Don’t let your chance to get private coaching sessions with Scott and a whole load of TAS classes and content pass by! Check out the resources section below for a link to enter the new TAS contest. Hear more about the contest by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller, you don’t want to miss it! Original content matters. Let’s face it, the internet is packed full of copycats. Too often people take advantage of that copy and paste tool to grab content that others work hard creating to pass it off as their own. Make sure you don’t follow that same mistake! It’s worth your time to sit down and plan out and think through creative content to engage your audience. Build something you can be proud of and something your followers will be proud to share. Hear more about this topic and other helpful tips from Scott by listening to this informative episode of The Amazing Seller! Customizing links and driving outside traffic. What is the best way to drive traffic to your Amazon product listing? Should you just provide the direct Amazon link to your brand’s product listing? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains his take on this important topic! Do not post the direct Amazon link to your product listing for outside traffic! There are some helpful tools that you can use to customize your own link for your audience. The main reason you want to do this is to maintain the control of that “asset.” Now it may seem odd to think of a link as an asset - but think about it this way, if you have these customized links out there that drive traffic to your product listing on Amazon, when you want to make the shift to your own ecommerce store, you can start by updating your link. To get the full breakdown from Scott on why this is so important, make sure to listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:30] Make sure to check out the TAS contest. [6:00] Scott’s thought of the week; create useful content! [9:00] Question: What is the best way to send traffic to my Amazon product listing? [14:00] Closing thoughts from Scott.  TRANSCRIPT TAS 541 TAS 541: Ask Scott #169 -What's Best Way To Send Traffic to my Amazon Products and Listings Using Content? [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Well, hey, hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 541 and session number 169 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast and I do it every single week and I’m going to do it again here today. And I am fired up that you are here with me because... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE www.

 TAS 540: How to Find Longtail Keywords to Rank on Amazon (Missed Opportunity) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

One of the most important aspects of building your ecommerce business is making sure that you are honing your efforts to target the right audience. Too often many ecommerce leaders waste time and energy on things like keywords that won’t get them any return on their investment. Is that happening to you? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he breaks down his approach to using longtail keywords to accurately target his audience. If you are ready to step up your keyword strategy, this is the episode for you - don't’ miss it! Why longtail keywords are so important. As an entrepreneur, you are always looking for ways to improve yourself and your business. What if you could take your ecommerce business to the next level of growth by spending some extra time and energy on an area you are already working on? It’s true! According to Scott, if sellers like you could take a little extra time to niche down on your longtail keywords, that could be just the thing that pushes your brand over the top. To hear why longtail keywords are so important and what you can do to take full advantage of this important aspect of your business, make sure to listen to this helpful episode of The Amazing Seller! How to conduct keyword research. What does it look like to go through the whole keyword research process in the most effective way for your ecommerce business? Are there any shortcuts and tips that you need to know? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott goes over his process by giving concrete examples that will help sellers like you get a grasp on the process. Don’t over complicate it! Take the time to learn from Scott’s helpful advice and learn what he’s done, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. As always, if you have any questions or if you need some additional detail, make sure to connect with the TAS community and reach out to Scott! A helpful tool you can use with keyword research. Have you ever had a moment where you wished someone would develop a tool that would help you improve some of the more laborious processes associated with building your ecommerce business? You are in luck! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains how Jungle Scout has worked hard to develop a tool that can help sellers like you improve your keyword process. Make sure to check out the link to the Jungle Scout tool that will help you cut through the more clunky aspects of keyword research by checking out the link in the resources section below! Don’t be afraid to go deep! The life of an entrepreneur can be a risky one and no one would blame you for playing it safe, but where has playing it safe taken you? If you want to see results, you’ve got to be willing to try things you’ve never done before! One of those important steps you can take is to challenge yourself to go deeper and work to hone in on more specific longtail keywords. It may seem challenging but it’s worth it! What are you waiting for? Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller to get all the insights and tips you need to move your ecommerce business forward, don’t miss it! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:30] Why longtail keywords are so important. [5:00] A great tool you can use for keyword research. [6:00] How to conduct keyword research. [10:00] Scott breaks down how to find keywords and a goes through a helpful example. [15:00] What should be your goal when it comes to keywords? [22:00] Scott talks about his test budget for this keyword experiment. [25:00] Go deeper and be specific! TRANSCRIPT TAS 540 TAS 540: How to Find Longtail Keywords to Rank on Amazon (Missed Opportunity) [EPISODE] [00:00:02] Scott: Well,

 TAS 539: Brand Building EXPERT Reveals Powerful Formula used in Top Brands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:19

What does it take to get your message out there and build an audience? How do robust and successful brands get built? You’ve come to the right place! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from brand-building expert, Annabel Mendez. In her conversation with Scott, Annabel explains brand building, where to start in the process, how to make your brand stand out from all the rest, why customer service is so important, how to create compelling content, and so much more! If you are ready to get to work building up your brand, this is a great place to start! What is brand building? What is brand building? Why should sellers like you spend your valuable time and energy on this particular aspect of your business? Branding is telling the story of your brand. It’s also the way that your customers interact with every aspect of your business from packaging to logos. What is the status of your branding? Does it need a fresh take? If you want to build your reputation and expand your reach, you’ve got to make sure your branding is on point! To hear more about brand building and what it takes to get your business to the next level, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller. Customer service is EVERYTHING! When was the last time you gave your business to a company that you knew had terrible customer service? More likely than not, you wouldn’t! At the end of the day, everyone judges a brand based on how they’ve been treated. How would your customers describe your brand? Would they say that you have great customer service or would they say that it’s just average? A great way for you to make sure your brand stands out in a good way is by giving it all you’ve got when it comes to customer service. Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller to hear Annabel Mendez and Scott talk about why customer service is so important! Why content creation is so important. Think about the last brand you explored on the internet, chances are they have a YouTube channel, a Twitter presence, a Facebook fan page, a blog, or all the above! Why do successful brands go through all the trouble to create content for their customers to engage with? It makes you feel more connected to the brand! When you find resources that are entertaining and educational, you’ll find yourself going back to that resource time and time again. As a business owner, you want people to have that reaction to your brand and the best way to do that is by creating worthwhile content. To find out how to create that type of content, make sure to listen to branding expert, Annabel Mendez on this episode of The Amazing Seller! Don’t get overwhelmed! All these great ideas and brand building tips and be a little overwhelming. If you want to succeed, you’ve got to fight through the draw to be overwhelmed and focus like a laser beam on one or two action steps that you can take today. As Scott is fond of saying, you need to “Chunk it down” into bite-size pieces so you can set yourself up for long-term success. What will be your action step for the next week? The next month? What is your plan to get started and take action? Don’t assume that it’ll happen, it won’t! Plan it out and hold yourself accountable. Enjoy more helpful tips and insights about staying on target by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:30] Scott welcomes his guest, Annabel Mendez. [6:15] What is brand building? [11:00] Where to start with the brand building process. [18:30] How can you make your brand stand out from all the rest? [23:00] Consider how your branding will impact your customers. [28:30] Customer service is EVERYTHING! [33:00] Draw your customer in, show them that you care.

 TAS 538: Ask Scott #168 – I’m Running Out of Stock (How to KEEP My Keyword Rankings? + Winning in LIFE and Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:13

This is it, it’s time for another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller podcast! Are you ready for your weekly dose of excitement and enthusiasm? What are you waiting for?! On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he shares some exciting news about a new TAS contest, what he’s been thinking about lately with his thought of the week, and the answer to a question from a TAS follower like you! Jump in for this short but powerful episode, you don’t want to miss a minute! A new TAS contest, get the details! Don’t miss it!! There is another TAS contest that you can enter and possibly win access $3,000 of valuable TAS content. What are the details? If you win, you’ll get a scholarship to the Private Label Classroom, Product Discovery Bootcamp, and TAS Breakthrough U which includes a monthly coaching call with Scott and Chris. Scott has also included some valuable runner-up prizes that will be well worth it as well! How do you sign up? Easy! Just go to the contest link included in the resources section at the end of this post! Look for the good! Let’s face it, our culture has conditioned us to only focus almost exclusively on the negative aspects of our situations. That can lead to a depressing and demoralizing outlook on life! What’s the solution? How can you go against the grain and find a way to not only survive but thrive!? According to Scott, it all comes down to changing your perspective, commit to finding the good in whatever situation you find yourself in, it’s that easy! Don’t give in to the negative aspects whatever has happened, choose to find the good. To hear how Scott has let this wisdom play out in his own life, make sure to listen to this encouraging episode of The Amazing Seller! What to do when your inventory starts to run low.   What should you do when you see your product inventory start to run low? What steps can you take to preserve your keyword ranking? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he goes over the ways you can prepare for this likely scenario. First off, Scott stresses how important it is to avoid running out of inventory as much as possible, you don't’ want to slow that momentum! If you do run out of inventory, Scott suggests going out with a BANG! Keep up your sales and make sure Amazon knows that you can serve their audience effectively. When you get your product back in stock, Scott suggests aggressively ramping up your PPC efforts and spiking your sales by driving your email list to the product listing. To hear Scott expand on these tips and more, make sure to listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [3:00] A special TAS contest announcement. [6:30] Scott’s thought of the week. [10:45] Question: I'm running out of stock, how do I keep my keyword rankings? [16:15] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 538 TAS 538: Ask Scott #168 - I'm Running Out of Stock (How to KEEP My Keyword Rankings? + Winning in LIFE and Business [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Well, hey, hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 538 and session number 168 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast and I’m going to do it again today and if you were listening to the last episode or last Ask Scott episode that is, you heard me talk about how I’m going to... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE NEW To The Blog and Podcast?

 TAS 537: (Part 2) How to Use YouTube to Build Your Brand and SELL More Products | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:13

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level of growth and reach? Have you come to the point where you need to build your audience and establish a following? You’ve come to the right place! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear part two of Scott’s conversation with video marketing expert, Sean Cannell. In his conversation with Scott, Sean explains why it’s important to build credibility, how to lead with storytelling, some practical video creation tips, what it takes to get your YouTube channel launched, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this valuable episode with Sean! Why it’s important to build credibility. Let’s face it, the last thing your viewers want to do is watch someone they can’t relate to. What do you do? How do you build credibility and connect with your audience? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Sean as they explain why building credibility is so important. According to the guys, one of the best ways to build credibility is by sharing aspects of your personal life. You don’t have to give all the details in a way that feels like your whole life is on display for the internet to see, but there are ways to subtly show who you are and what you are passionate about to your following. Hear practical examples of this strategy by listening to Scott and Sean on this helpful episode! Lead with storytelling! At the end of the day, as humans, we are drawn to stories. Big stories and small stories draw you in and help you feel connected to the person who is speaking. Think back to the last time you were bored out of your mind by a public speaker, chances are they failed to share a compelling story! If you have any hope of launching and sustaining a successful YouTube channel, you’ve got to work on telling good stories. Learn more about the power of storytelling as it related to YouTube and building your brand by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller! Practical tips for creating great videos. Let’s get down to it, what are some helpful tips that sellers like you can use to create great videos for your YouTube channel? Here is a glimpse at a few methods you can use from Sean; The average time you should shoot for is between 7 and 16 minutes. Sean says that it’s important to keep your videos as long as they need to be but try to keep them as short as possible. The first 10 seconds of your video is critical. Make sure you lead with a hook! Tell your audience what you will deliver and tease it out. Use YouTube tools to drive your audience to the next video they need to see. Create bingeable content that serves your audience. Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller to hear Sean go deeper with these tips and more! Just start putting content out there. Too often you can get overwhelmed by so many options that you are paralyzed by inaction. Don’t let that happen to you! You shouldn’t buy the lie that you need to become an expert at video creation before you put your first video out there. The truth is, your first handful of videos are going to be your worst videos, that’s OK! As you put one foot in front of the other and keep producing content, you’ll learn along the way. You’ve already come so far by connecting with Scott and Sean to hear how to put your best foot forward, so do it! Go out there and start creating content, there is no better time to do it than now! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [3:40] Scott and Sean Cannell continue their conversation. [5:15] Two styles of videos you can create. [8:00] Why it’s important to build credibility. [12:00] Start with “Why!” [16:00] Telling your story is powerful. [19:30] Sean shares some helpful video tips.

 TAS 536: (Part 1) How to Use Youtube to Build Your Brand and SELL More Products | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:39

How can sellers like you get the most out of your efforts to build your brand and reach more people using video? How can you leverage your YouTube channel to expand your brand? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he sits down with video specialist, Sean Cannell. In his conversation with Scott, Sean opens up about how he got started with video, the difference between branding and sales, what to do if you don’t want to be the “Face” of your brand, why delivering valuable content is so important, where to start with content creation, and so much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this engaging episode featuring Sean! Put in the work and hone your craft! How do you expect to become great at something worthwhile? Do you think that talent and skill will just fall into your lap? No way! If you want to become an expert or a professional, you’ve got to put in the time and effort to hone your skills. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear how Sean Cannell fell in love with video work and how he honed his abilities over time. What started out as a way to serve in his local church, Sean ended up finding a skill and a pursuit that he was passionate about. Sean then took this passion and continued to hone his skill set over the years becoming the go-to expert for many ecommerce entrepreneurs. To hear more of Sean’s story and how his expertise can help you get started with online videos, make sure to listen to this episode! Are you the “Face” of your brand? How will your target audience connect with your brand? Do you plan on being the “Face” of your brand or do you have something else in mind? According to Sean Cannell, you can have a successful “Face” or “Voice” of your brand without that being you! Sean has seen many brand leaders just use their voice when they narrate their videos and that’s seen great results. You can also connect with other social media “Voices” out there and explore a partnership and have them serve as the spokesperson for your brand. Learn more about all the options available to you by listening to Sean’s expert advice on this episode! Focus on value first!   Let’s face it, no one is going to keep coming back to your brand if you don’t provide value! Whether the value is educational information on your niche subject matter or if the value is in a good product at a great price, you have to deliver if you have any hope for sustained momentum. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Sean as they explain how sellers like you can keep your audience engaged. Sean suggests that before you make an offer to your audience that you focus on delivering solid and helpful content for a couple of months. Using this strategy, you’ll earn credibility and trust with your target audience. Hear more from Scott and Sean as they expand on this topic by listening to this helpful episode!   How to start creating engaging content. What do you do to start creating engaging content for your target audience? What is the low hanging fruit that sellers like you can pick to begin growing your brand’s reach? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Sean Cannell goes over several options that you can use to begin creating engaging videos. Sean says that one of the best ways to find good content subject matter is to use the predictive text in the search bar on YouTube, Amazon, and Google. This is a free tool that you can use to find out what people are looking for in relation to your subject matter. Learn more about why it’s important to create weekly content and back your content up with solid research by listening to this exciting episode with Sean! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:20] Scott welcomes his guest, Sean Cannell. Sean talks about his video background.

 TAS 535: Ask Scott #167 – How Do I Profit With a Small Email List & Facebook Fan Page to Promote MY Brand? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:28

Are you fired up and ready to go? What’s holding you back from reaching your fullest potential as an ecommerce business owner? Are you missing that one piece of insight that will help take your business to the next level? Look no further! It’s time for another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller! On this episode you’ll hear from Scott as he shares his thought of the week, gives an update on what to expect from future Ask Scott sessions, answers a question from a TAS follower like you, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this engaging episode! New changes to Ask Scott If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott has been branching out to expand his brand to YouTube and beyond. Due to this new focus on YouTube, Scott has been answering questions from TAS followers like you over on that channel. Check out the resources section on this post for the link! What you need to know is that the Ask Scott sessions here on the podcast will look a little different going forward. Scott is going to keep these sessions short by including his “Rant” or “Thought of the week” at the beginning but then end up only addressing one question which will be the audio of a question he answered from the YouTube channel. To hear Scott explain these changes in greater detail, make sure to listen to this episode! Build assets! One of the best ways to expand your ecommerce business so it’ll have a sustainable and long-lasting future is to start building assets! If you are unfamiliar with the term assets, these are simply tools and resources that add value to your business. Assets can be physical products like your inventory or they can be digital products like email lists. Don’t assume that you can just roll the dice and expect your business to grow! You’ve got to be willing to put in the time and resources necessary for long-term expansion. What assets do you need to start focusing on and begin building? Get a more detailed explanation of assets and how to start building them by listing to Scott expert perspective on this episode of The Amazing Seller! How to leverage a small email list to grow your brand. What does it take to leverage even small-scale assets like a low volume email list? How can you deepen your connection with your Facebook audience? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains how to use even small assets to grow your ecommerce business. Even if you have a small email list, you can leverage it to gain a larger following. The key is to connect with your audience and engage them, once you do this, search algorithms will increase your traffic and exposure. To get the full rundown from Scott, make sure to listen to this helpful and informative episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:30] A big change for Ask Scott. [7:30] Scott’s thought of the week, build assets! [10:30] Question: How do I profit with a small email list & Facebook fan page to promote my brand? [15:30] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 535 TAS 535: Ask Scott #167 - How Do I Profit With a Small Email List & Facebook Fan Page to Promote MY Brand? [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Well, hey, hey, what’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 535 and session number 167 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast and I’ve been doing it now for over 167 weeks so it’s pretty awesome and I’m pretty excited... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE www.theamazingseller.

 TAS 534: 5 Lead Magnet Offers to Build Your Email List and Attract BUYERS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:55

What does it take to create lead magnet offers that appeal to your target audience? How do you build off of that offer and use an email list to grow your ecommerce brand? Where do you even start? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he provides five lead magnet offers that sellers like you can use to start your email list and attract the right buyers you need for your brand. You don’t have to leave it all up to guesswork! Find out how you can create compelling lead magnet offers by listening to this helpful episode, you don't’ want to miss it! Why build an email list? Is building an email list really worth all the trouble? Can it really serve as a valuable asset as you build your ecommerce business? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott breaks down why email list building is so important and why sellers like you shouldn’t skip this important step. The primary reason why Scott is such a huge fan of email list building is due to the fact that he’s seen it work! In multiple test runs and in his own brand, Scott has seen the impact a well-constructed email list can have for an ecommerce brand. If you are ready to take the dive and find out how you can start building an email list today, make sure to catch this episode! Launch a giveaway contest. You’ve heard the old saying, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” right? The same goes for people too! If you want to connect with your target audience, a great way to do that is by offering them a sweet deal. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains how you can craft a giveaway contest that appeals to your target audience. A great tip that Scott provides on creating a great contest is making sure that your prize is something that is valuable to your audience. It would do you no good to offer a $200 sewing machine in a contest for bass fishermen! Learn more from Scott’s expert perspective on list building and giveaway contests by listening to this episode! Feature an ebook or PFD guide. Let’s face it, just about everyone knows what they aren’t an expert in! That’s why we often seek out the wisdom and advice of people who have been where we want to go. This same logic applies to your target audience! If you want to connect with your audience and provide them with something that is valuable, an ebook or a PDF guide is a great way to draw them in. If you are targeting the bass fisherman market, a great way to appeal to that audience is to offer an ebook that explains how to improve your form and get better results. There are so many great applications for this strategy! Learn more from Scott and how you can use this option and many others to connect with your target audience by listening to this episode! Take action! Too often highly motivated and energetic business people get overwhelmed by the large variety of options that are available. Has that ever happened to you? What is the solution? How do you cut through the noise and find a clear-cut path toward where you need to go? One way to silence all the noise and get moving is to just pick an option and start moving in that direction. If things don’t work out, it’s not failure, it’s a useful lesson! The last thing you want to do is look back a year from now and see no movement. Follow Scott’s wise words and pick a direction to start moving, take action today! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:45] Why should you build an email list? [11:30] Create a contest to connect with your audience. [16:00] Feature a PDF guide or an Ebook. [19:00] Offer a video series on your niche category. [21:20] Make a checklist for your audience and create a free plus shipping offer. [24:40] Scott recaps all 5 lead magnet offers. [28:00] Action steps you can take today!

 TAS 533 – UPDATE: Retail to Online Sales to Digital Products to Funnels? + Uncovering More Opportunities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:47

What does it take to get great brand and business ideas from the retail space and into the digital space? What will it take to leverage sales funnels and other great tools to get the traffic flowing? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he welcomes returning guest, Keith Snow. In his conversation with Scott, Keith gives an update on his business, how its changed over the years, what he’s working on right now, steps he's taking to bring his brand to the next level of success, and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this engaging episode featuring Keith! Small adjustments can make a huge difference. Why do so many leaders in the business world spend so much time and money to attend conferences? Sure networking with other like-minded individuals is helpful but more often than not, it's for that one nugget of insight that has the power to transform their business. Both Scott and his guest, Keith have experienced this reality. If you are wondering if conferences, events, or even podcasts are worth your time, Keith is here to share that they are! You never know when you’ll come across that one idea that will take your business to the next level of growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Keith’s story and Scott’s helpful insights on this episode of The Amazing Seller! Why it’s so important to leverage your passion. If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott often drives home the point that sellers like you need to leverage the things you are passionate about to build your brand. Keith Snow’s story is a prime example of what Scott teaches! Keith is a chef who is passionate about helping people enjoy high-quality food and flavors. Leveraging his passion, Keith has been able to build a thriving ecommerce business around his how-to videos and his custom blended spices. Learn more about Keith’s story and how sellers like you can learn from his success by listening to this informative episode! How legitimate scarcity can help you drive business. One of the best ways to drive business and interest in your products is to inform your customer base about the limited availability of your products. While some may manufacture this “Scarcity” mindset, there are some legitimate ways to inform your customers of this type of shortage without manipulating them. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains how Keith Snow can utilize his limited resources to build up his buyers' desire for his products. In their conversation, Keith shares how he often runs out of certain spice blends and that it can take time to get those orders refilled. Scott then explains that Keith can invite his customers in on that process and let them know how and when they can sign up and stay up to date with Keith’s great products. To hear more about an ethical way to leverage the scarcity angle of product availability, make sure to listen to this episode! Find a way to keep your customers coming back! What can you do to keep your customers coming back for more products? Is there a way that you can create content that keeps them coming back? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he sits down with Keith Snow to explore the ways that Keith can bring his customers in through a reoccurring or subscription service. Keith is passionate about his spices but he is also passionate about creating recipes that people can use to enjoy the spices to their fullest potential. Scott encourages Keith to consider making future recipes only available through a subscription service in order to grow and expand his business. Hear all about Scott’s thinking behind this option and why more sellers should be taking this angel by listening to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!


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