TAS 545: (Part 1) P.A.C.E Preparing The Foundation of Your Business

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: What will it take to get your business on PACE? How can you take practical steps right now make sure your brand is poised for profitability and long-term growth? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they break down the first pillar of their PACE method. In their conversation, the guys go over how to start building a solid foundation for your business, what it takes to niche down and locate a long-term market, why you should make sure to tell your story and your brand’s story, how to create a roadmap for success, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this helpful episode with Scott and Chris! <br> Laying the foundation. <br> If you think of building your business like you would a building, it makes sense to spend a lot of time making sure that you get the foundation right. In a similar fashion to building a brick and mortar store, if you mess up the foundation of your business, it’s really hard to go back and fix that damage. What steps have you taken to make sure your foundation is solid? Do you have a good plan in place? Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller to hear from Scott and Chris as they explain what it takes to set up a solid foundation that will last!<br> How to locate a long-term niche market. <br> As tempting as it may be to build a business by capitalizing on a trend or new fad, there is a good reason for caution! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris talk about what it takes to locate a long-term niche market to build your brand around. One of the best points that the guys make is going to social media to investigate whether your prospective niche market has presence and community around it. Don’t come up with a great product idea and then go looking for the community - that’s a backward approach! To hear more about building your brand the right way, make sure to listen to this helpful episode! <br> Tell your story! <br> Whether you know it or not, you have a story to tell! Be honest, you aren’t starting your own business up and out of the blue. Dig deep, find, refine, and tell your story. This is one of the best ways to connect with your target audience and build a brand that people can relate to. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris share how sellers like you can craft and shape your personal and brand narrative in a compelling way. You don’t have to lie or make up a story to sound interesting, trust that people will connect with your story if you work on telling in an effective way. Listen to this episode to hear how Scott has done it, you don't’ want to miss it! <br> Why you need to create a roadmap. <br> When have you ever gone from point A to point B without making a plan to get there? Sure it can happen by accident or luck but if you want steady and predictable results, you’ve got to make a plan! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they discuss how to make a road map from where you are to where you want to be with your business. It can be really helpful to come up with a macro (large scale) plan and a micro (small scale) plan. As you identify your macro objectives, the micro-objectives exist to help you tackle each step along the way. While it may sound intimidating, as Scott often stays, when you chunk it down, your goals become a lot more attainable. Learn more from Scott and Chris about this important topic by listening to this episode! <br> Watch The Video Explaining Everything:<br> <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [1:30] Make sure to get the PACE overview! <br> [3:30] Looking at the foundation of the “Preparation” pillar of PACE. <br> [6:00] How to identify a long term and sustainable market. <br> [13:30] The product you launch needs to lead back to your niche market. <br> [21:30] Knowing your “Why” matters.