Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Behind Enemy Lines Radio

Summary: Behind Enemy Lines is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York that airs on WJHC 107.5 FM (Jasper, FL), WDDQ 92.1 FM (Adel, GA) and WLBB 1330 AM (Carrollton, GA) as part of the Talk America Radio Network, as well as across premium networks streaming across the internet.The show highlights national politics with a conservative spin from "insurgent" Republicans fighting for every scrap they can get! Guests from the world of politics - candidates, elected officials, journalists, authors, personalities, pundits and prognosticators - stop by to discuss current events. The show and its predecessor, Brooklyn GOP Radio, has been recognized as a legitimate source - even shows like The O'Reilly Factor and CBS This Morning have cited the show and its blog for original source material!But it's not all business on air - in fact, there's rarely a dull moment. Sarcasm is a second language on Behind Enemy Lines, as evidenced by the wildly successful "Buffoon of the Week", where the hosts will nominate a public figure and hold him/her out for ridicule for some dubious distinction ripped from the headlines, culminating at the end of the year with "Buffoon of the Year" honors bestowed upon the truly deserving. We're surrounded. And taking heavy fire. But we stand and say "Bring. It. On." We're Behind Enemy Lines.

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 Behind Enemy Lines - Sanctuary Cities... For Crime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3605

This week, Behind Enemy Lines tackles the issue of illegal immigration from all angles, in light of the recent events in San Francisco. Should urban jungles like the "People's Republic of " New York City and San Francisco be made to follow federal law and report illegal immigrants living "behind enemy lines", or - at the very least - not hinder efforts to deport illegals who commit crimes by issuing municipal IDs or driver's licenses?!? Then, Russ takes Gene to task over the recent decision on same-sex marriage for talking about how Oregon has unconstitutionally harmed a small bakery business All that, plus WHO YA GOT! For Buffoon of the Week! Vote NOW!

 Behind Enemy Lines - It's An Article III Kind Of Night | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3575

Many conservatives have been fretting over the recent SCOTUS decisions on same sex marriage and Obamacare. Well Gene and Russ from Behind Enemy Lines are right there with you! But instead of crying over spilled milk (well, we do some of that, too). It's time for some solutions. The biggest one - READ THE CONSTITUTION. The solution lies in Article 3 - if Congress has the... um... let's call it testicular fortitude to use it! After a bit of a Constitutional refresher, listen to the boys talk about the decision that wasn't really a decision that could mean that illegal immigrants will be able to vote in 2016! All that, and we wanna know WHO YA GOT! for Buffoon of The Week!

 Behind Enemy Lines - #NRLC2015: RNC's Raffi Williams & More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3301

It's a week of interviews on this week's Behind Enemy Lines! We open with a discussion with Raffi Williams, Deputy Press Secretary from the RNC, who reveals how many debates we'll see on the road to the Republican nomination - hint: It's a lot. We then were lucky to talk to Michael Rounds from PA's WIlliamson College of the Trades, which is a school that selects students looking for a vocational education - something prevalent in our nation's history but has died out in favor of the era of common core and teaching to the test. Rounds candidly discusses how a move back to the future will benefit job creation. Then, we reach back into our archives for two dandies. Julie Gunlock, author and senior fellow of the Independent Women's Forum, discusses the "culture of alarmism" and the resulting nanny state that has developed. Then, we re-focus on what conservative goals can be accomplished in Congress this year and beyond. It's a packed show - listen now

 Behind Enemy Lines - Did Jeb! Get "Trumped"? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3528

This week, while Gallo is on a well-deserved vacation, I'll be joined by a good friend from a state that's grown two bond fide candidates for President. This week, Daniel Ruoss, Chair of the Florida Federation of Young Republicans, goes Behind Enemy Lines to school us on why Jeb! is the man.Daniel is a big supporter of Jeb Bush - so who better to tell us why he should be the Republican nominee for President! But with all the love for Jeb in the air, we have to ask - did he get "Trumped" ??? PolitiChicks' Mona Salama stops by with some "notable quotables" for The Donald's campaign announcement, and we all debate whether Trump is serious or a sideshow. All of that, plus WHO YA GOT! For Buffoon of the Week!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Evan Sayet: One Night Only! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo welcome conservative comedian, satirist and best-selling author Evan Sayet onto the show to talk about his national comedy club tour and his own personal war against political correctness. Evan makes some strong points - political culture does travel downstream to pop culture, and the sooner we on the right recognize that and get into mainstream pop culture, the sooner we start winning the culture war. And speaking of war, isn't it comforting to know that from August 2014 to now, the Obama Administration STILL doesn't have a "Complete strategy" for ISIS? Russell Gallo outlines the issue to near perfection - and even unveils an interesting theory: Obama cares more about "CYA" than he does about winning the War on Terror. Then Russ and Gene ponder the "profession" of protesting in the context of what is unfolding in McKinley, TX. All this, plus WHO YA GOT for Buffoon of the Week? Vote now!

 Behind Enemy Lines - STAMPEDE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3597

It feels like a stampede of politically powered pachyderms pounding pavement on the path to the Presidency! Is there anyone at this point who ISN'T running for President? Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo break down the current Republican and Democratic field as it stands today, talking about who's on top, who's down and out, and who shouldn't even bother. Russ and Gene then take the pulse of the nation, reading the tea leaves of national polls. Do voters trust Hillary? What is the real motivation for allowing illegal immigrants to vote? Has the public soured on Voter ID? And who's more popular - Dubya or Obama? Some of the answers may surprise you! All that, plus Russ weighs in on Bruce Jenner, and of course, you gotta vote for this week's Buffoon!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Bob Dorigo Jones & More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3601

Amanda Kohut pinch hits for a conspicuously absent Russell Gallo to join Gene Berardelli Behind Enemy Lines LIVE from the "People's Republic of" New York City. After a brief discussion about how character counts in the context of the Josh Duggar controversy, Gene and Amanda welcome the Senior Fellow from the Center for America Bob Dorigo Jones. Bob is best known as the creator and host of CFA’s annual Wacky Warning Labels™ Contest, now in its 14th year. Through this contest, which highlights the lengths to which companies must go to try to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits, more than 150 million Americans learn about the absurdity of lawsuit abuse. Entries are sent in by people around the United States from which “the wackiest” are selected for final judging in July by a live audience on John Stossel’s national television show on Fox Business. But be came on to discuss his recent article showing how the overly-litigious and frivolous nature of America's judicial system hurt business - and to spar with Gene, who is a civil litigator! Even BEL Contributor Matt Fairley (another lawyer) felt compelled to jump in on the action. Then Amanda and Gene are joined by BEL contributor / PolitiChick Mona Salama to talk about how liberal policies have led to an overly-reactive and under-proactive police force in liberal cities - and how that led to increased murders from Chicago to Baltimore and DC to New York. All that - plus WHO YA GOT! for Buffoon of the Week! Voting opens on 5/28 on

 Behind Enemy Lines - The Cuckoo Show! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3596

Last night, we posed this question on many shows, but now Russell and I dedicate a whole show to it. Has the whole world gone crazy? That's the question you'll be asking yourself as the boys review the week that was in the news during a whirlwind hour behind enemy lines. From Barack Obama blaming climate change for Boko Haram, to the kid gloves the media uses to daintily question Hillary Clinton on the news bomb that the State Department was aware of a pending al-Qaeda attack in Libya 10 days prior to the Benghazi attack, to Rep. Alcee Hastings demanding a pay raise for members of Congress already earning 174K a year. And the list goes on and on and on. Speaking of "cuckoo", don't forget to vote for Buffoon of the Week!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Today's Demokrats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3601

Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo just put it out there - today's Democrats act a lot like Communists. President Obama calling hedge fund managers "Society's Lottery Winners" who have more than they "need" and should "re-invest" in government-supported programs?!? Hillary Clinton saying that corporations do not create jobs? Maxine Waters looking to socialize... I mean... ummm.... have government take over all the businesses? Hank Johnson saying that passing the GOP Budget will result in violence in the streets by the "have nots" and stating that "free marketers" are "detrimental" to America. Has every Democrat gone mad?!? Plus, check out this week's Buffoon of the Week - who ya got?!? Tom Brady or Roger Goddell? Vote on!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Breaks News! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3598

In Our Lost Constitution, Senator Mike Lee tells the dramatic, little-known stories behind six of the Constitution’s most indispensible provisions. He shows their rise. He shows their fall. And he makes vividly clear how nearly every abuse of federal power today is rooted in neglect of this Lost Constitution. Plus, Gene and Russ will try to find out what qualities Sen. Lee is looking for in the next President and who - if anyone - in the current field he supports! And you won't believe his response when we ask about his plans for 2016 - needless to say, he will be on the ballot! Plus, Russ and Gene discuss the latest goings-on in Garland and in Baltimore, as well as a robust discussion on constitutional conservatism and how political correctness threatens liberty. All that, plus who was the bigger Buffoon this week? Natalie Portman or people tweeting about the Price is RIght's choice of prizes for a wheelchair bound winner? Vote now at!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Pick Your Poison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3540

hreats to the American way of life are all around us these days. At home, Baltimore is plagued by riots over the arrest of eventual death of Freddie Gray, which the Washington Post reports may have been self-inflicted. Russ and I pull no punches and give you our honest take on the latest news, and their opinion of all the "players" involved. Abroad, we turn to guest Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Foundation who went "Behind Enemy Lines" to talk about the emerging threat of radical Islam in Europe, as painstakingly detailed in his five-part series "Europe's Last Stand", a project 10 years in the making. So pick your poison, America. Can we stand united long enough to face an emerging threat that seeks to fundamentally transform our nation. Or will we torn apart from within and be easy pickings for those who seek to destroy what it means to be American? Listen to the latest Behind Enemy Lines, and you tell us what you think in the comments. (Oh! and don't forget to vote for your choice in this week's Buffoon of the Week!)

 Behind Enemy Lines - The Science is SETTLED!!!!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3591

For a very special "Earth Day" edition of Behind Enemy Lines, Russell and Gene come to a definite conclusion. Yes, climate does change. One day it is sunny, the next it may rain. A few months from now, it will be warmer, then it'll be colder months after that. We get it. But are we supposed to believe that meteorologists - who can't get a 5 day forecast right - and climatologists can tell us that they KNOW that man has disrupted the earth's climate as compared to thousands of years ago? C'mon. But leave it to liberals to "settle" the science with such amazing theories like Guam capsizing or California is warmer than New York in the winter. And wait until you hear the potty-mouth on Al Gore! Also, Russ and Gene re-visit their Hillary-bash from last week to discuss instances where the Clinton Foundation's money trail may lead to the ruination of her 2016 bid. Speaking of following the money - maybe MSNBC personalities are feeling "taxed enough already" after news broke that Sharpton, Harris-Perry and Toure haven't ponied up their fair share. (By the way, if no one watches MSNBC, does it still qualify as a network?) All this, plus WHO YA GOT for Buffoon of the Week? Voting starts.... NOW!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Deconstructing Hillary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3571

This week, Behind Enemy Lines takes an in-depth look at now-declared Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with AEI Senior Fellow / Forbes Columnist Karlyn Bowman. Karlyn Bowman compiles and analyzes American public opinion using available polling data on a variety of subjects, including the economy, taxes, the state of workers in America, environment and global warming, attitudes about homosexuality and gay marriage, NAFTA and free trade, the war in Iraq, and women’s attitudes. In addition, Ms. Bowman has studied and spoken about the evolution of American politics because of key demographic and geographic changes. She has often lectured on the role of think tanks in the United States and writes a weekly column for Recently, Bowman released a public opinion study examining Clinton's favorability rating over time to try to understand changes in popularity over time, as well as overall trends and themes. Russell and I are looking forward to combing through decades of Clinton peaks and valleys to see if there is some kernel of knowledge that may be used in 2016 to gain an advantage over a candidate that seems to always ride a wave of partisan popularity. Then, Russ and Gene give their take on the announcement of Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential campaign - and a controversial take on the SC Police shooting from Russ that is sure to get you thinking!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Framework of Futility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

So how do you feel about the "Framework" outlined by the Obama administration - the "Good Deal" struck with Iran that the President is hanging his second term legacy upon? Do you like that there is no way to enforce sanctions should the need arise? Are you happy that thousands of kilograms of low-enriched uranium would "POOF!" disappear from Iran to... destination unknown? Are you secure knowing that the UN will be monitoring the situation? Haven't we heard this before, except that the President's name was Clinton and the deal was being brokered with North Korea? And how did that all work out? Gene and Russ break down the so-called "framework" to see if it stands or falls in the face of reason! But first, Gene and Russ talk about Rand Paul's announcement in the context of the state of the GOP in the show's latest 2016 Election update. And what show would be complete without a lil' "Hillary Bashing" - where does she stand on this "good deal"? And why does the Washington Examiner's Tim Carney call her, a "coin-operated politician?" Follow the money, folks! All that, and don't forget to vote for Buffoon of the Week online on the official blog for Behind Enemy Lines!

 Behind Enemy Lines - NRCC's Ian Prior, NY-11 & More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3586

Ian Prior, National Press Secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, went Behind Enemy Lines with Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo to talk about the special election set for May 5 in New York's 11th Congressional District between Republican Dan Donovan and "fourth-tier" Democratic candidate, Vincent Gentile. But before that, Russ gives everyone his conspiracy theory on why NJ Senator Robert Menendez was indicted this week on federal corruption charges - and it all has to do with President Obama's penchant for "settling scores" with his enemies. Then, Gene does his best Gallo impersonation by going off on more than one rant about the controversy surrounding Indiana's RFRA law, and why supporting Indiana's new law is part of the fabric of American political culture. And of course, with my corny sense of humor, I "Rick Roll'd" our listeners before the show started! Buffoonery. Tune in for one great show!


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