Behind Enemy Lines - Did Jeb! Get "Trumped"?

Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Summary: This week, while Gallo is on a well-deserved vacation, I'll be joined by a good friend from a state that's grown two bond fide candidates for President. This week, Daniel Ruoss, Chair of the Florida Federation of Young Republicans, goes Behind Enemy Lines to school us on why Jeb! is the man.Daniel is a big supporter of Jeb Bush - so who better to tell us why he should be the Republican nominee for President! But with all the love for Jeb in the air, we have to ask - did he get "Trumped" ??? PolitiChicks' Mona Salama stops by with some "notable quotables" for The Donald's campaign announcement, and we all debate whether Trump is serious or a sideshow. All of that, plus WHO YA GOT! For Buffoon of the Week!