Behind Enemy Lines - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Breaks News!

Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Summary: In Our Lost Constitution, Senator Mike Lee tells the dramatic, little-known stories behind six of the Constitution’s most indispensible provisions. He shows their rise. He shows their fall. And he makes vividly clear how nearly every abuse of federal power today is rooted in neglect of this Lost Constitution. Plus, Gene and Russ will try to find out what qualities Sen. Lee is looking for in the next President and who - if anyone - in the current field he supports! And you won't believe his response when we ask about his plans for 2016 - needless to say, he will be on the ballot! Plus, Russ and Gene discuss the latest goings-on in Garland and in Baltimore, as well as a robust discussion on constitutional conservatism and how political correctness threatens liberty. All that, plus who was the bigger Buffoon this week? Natalie Portman or people tweeting about the Price is RIght's choice of prizes for a wheelchair bound winner? Vote now at!