Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Behind Enemy Lines Radio

Summary: Behind Enemy Lines is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York that airs on WJHC 107.5 FM (Jasper, FL), WDDQ 92.1 FM (Adel, GA) and WLBB 1330 AM (Carrollton, GA) as part of the Talk America Radio Network, as well as across premium networks streaming across the internet.The show highlights national politics with a conservative spin from "insurgent" Republicans fighting for every scrap they can get! Guests from the world of politics - candidates, elected officials, journalists, authors, personalities, pundits and prognosticators - stop by to discuss current events. The show and its predecessor, Brooklyn GOP Radio, has been recognized as a legitimate source - even shows like The O'Reilly Factor and CBS This Morning have cited the show and its blog for original source material!But it's not all business on air - in fact, there's rarely a dull moment. Sarcasm is a second language on Behind Enemy Lines, as evidenced by the wildly successful "Buffoon of the Week", where the hosts will nominate a public figure and hold him/her out for ridicule for some dubious distinction ripped from the headlines, culminating at the end of the year with "Buffoon of the Year" honors bestowed upon the truly deserving. We're surrounded. And taking heavy fire. But we stand and say "Bring. It. On." We're Behind Enemy Lines.

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  • Artist: Behind Enemy Lines Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Behind Enemy Lines Radio


 Behind Enemy Lines: War On Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

It's time to go Behind Enemy (Head)Lines to discuss the escalation of hostilities between the Trump Administration and the mainstream media. Who started it? Who escalated it? Did the Trump Administration waste political capital in fighting too many small battles? What is the motivation for the media to take down Trump? Dan Gainor from Media Research Center / NewsBusters has some answers for us. Plus, we take a look at the litany of fake news stories that the media has conjured up against Trump since election day. Is this an organized effort? Or is it general incompetence? All that, and Gene predicts the outcome of the 9th Circuit's (forthcoming) decision on the travel ban.

 Behind Enemy Lines: Make SCOTUS Great Again! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3240

Behind Enemy Lines delves deeply into President Trump's nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch. What is his background? What does he believe in? What is his judicial philosophy? All this, plus we examine the political battle setting up in the Senate over his confirmation. Then, Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin compares and contrasts the protests against President Trump and the tea party movement, and how the tea party movement sprang to protest liberal policies, while the recent protests are clearly aimed at the President himself, rather than any concrete policy. Martin also touches on the qualities of the ideal tea party Supreme Court Justice. Then, Attorney Cynthia Garrett, Co-President of Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), and Board President of Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), the devestating impact of "Kangaroo Courts" on college campuses the sprouted out of the Obama Administration's DOE, and what a Trump administration can do to balance between supporting the rights of the wrongfully accused and encouraging credible reporting of misconduct. All that, plus Gene is really ticked off by a meme!

 Behind Enemy Lines - And So It Begins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Gene Berardelli goes Behind Enemy Lines to discuss the first week of the Trump administration. He tackles the good, the bad and the ugly of one of the moat chaotic weeks in politics.

 Behind Enemy Lines: Illegit? Illegit?!? Just Quit! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Behind Enemy Lines returns with its first show of 2017! We are joined by the Opinions Editor of the Washington Times and former NRA President and author of "Shall Not Be Infringed, The New Threats to Your Second Amendment", David Keene, who discussed the Obama administration's last gasp to infringe on your Second Amendment rights. Then, Gene discusses the Democratic's incredulous attempt to de-legitimize President-elect Trump by boycotting his inauguration.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Year In Review Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Enjoy Part 2 of Behind Enemy Lines Radio's Year in Review as we look back at interviews we did over 2016. The Warrior Angels Foundation, Van Hipp, former Congressman Steve Stockman, Shaun Adkins and James O'Keefe.

 Behind Enemy Lines - 2016 Year in Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

We end our broadcast year here Behind Enemy Lines with a look back at a few of our best interviews with some of our favorite guests. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Behind Enemy Lines Radio!

 Behind Enemy Lines - 2016 Worst X-Mas Carols. Ever. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

It's that time of year again! Time to spread some smiles and a little Christmas cheer! Behind Enemy Lines presents the Top 10 Worst Christmas Carols. Ever. Grab more than a few cups of eggnog and let the laughs ensue. And no, before you ask – the songs were not created as a parody, though we did turn them into just that! Enjoy – and Merry Christmas one and all from everyone here at Behind Enemy Lines Radio!

 Behind Enemy Lines - 2016 Buffoon Of The Year Selection Show! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

It's the most wonderful time of the year for Behind Enemy Lines Radio! It's #BOTY time! Join us for our annual Buffoon of the Year Selection Show where Gene, Russ & friends run down the "Scandalous 16" as selected by the show from the ranks of politics and media that really REALLY screwed the pooch this year. For those unfamiliar with "Buffoon of the Year", you can check out past winners at It's basically what you think it is - we here at the show hold the truly idiotic, dim-witted and buffoonish characters from the past year of politics for abject ridicule in the hopes that our public shaming will lead to corrective measures. It's all about the kids, y'all. Join us for the hilarity and shenanigans.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Spiking the Election 2016 Football! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3232

Gene Berardelli and Amanda Kohut run down Election 2016! We break down the "how" and "why" of the 2016 Presidential election, we revel in the come-uppance of the mainstream media's epic fail during the election cycle, and Amanda and Gene have some fantasy picks for President-elect Trump's cabinet. Tune in!

 Behind Enemy Lines - In Video, Veritas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Gene and Russ are back as we're comin' down the home stretch in Election 2016. Among tonight's topics: - Where in the World is Sen. Mitch McConnell? Has anyone seen the U.S. Senate Majority Leader? Gene and Russ discuss how the Republican "establishment" is nowhere to be found when it comes to talking Trump. - Did you see Newt get after Megyn Kelly? Russ goes after the popular Fox News host and lauds Newt Gingrich for taking her on this week when he appeared as a guest. - Early Voting - Gene and Russ talk the pros and cons of early voting, which over 30 states voting for President across the country as you read this! - Project Veritas's Videos - Are They Making a Dent? We can all agree that James O'Keefe has done a magnificent job of exposing the left's incestuous relationship with the media and how, in his latest video, he exposed the collusion between the Clinton campaign, the DNC and a now-infamous Super PAC. But, what difference, at this point, does it make? Are voters watching? Do voters even care? Russ and Gene disagree on the answer. All this, and the return of Buffoon of the Week!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Hillary's Leaking Wiki | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Russ and Gene go Behind Enemy Lines to discuss the dramatic turn of events involving Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Wikileaks. We'll also talk about the "men behind the curtain" found when James O'Keefe went undercover to expose election fraud committed by Democrats. Then, Gene and Russ spar over Donald Trump's comments that he will fight for a constitutional amendment on term limits. Plus, the boys revive an old election tradition! Tune in!

 Behind Enemy Lines - How We'd Debate Hillary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3279

Gene and Russ bring you highlights from this week's debate and discuss how they would have dealt with Hillary Clinton's remarks on TPP, race relations, cybersecurity and more! Tune in!

 Behind Enemy Lines - KY Gov. Matt Bevin, VA Rep. Dave Brat & More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3475

In case you missed the live broadcast, Behind Enemy Lines Radio welcomed KY Gov. Matt Bevin and VA Rep. Dave Brat, talking governing and election politics. No doubt, Donald Trump was discussed! Plus, Russ and Gene talk about the NYC explosion, especially how liberals in the People's Republic of NYC handled the words "terrorism" and "bombing", We also discuss Tulsa Shooting involving a female police officer and an unarmed black male and unveil some inconvenient truths about race and policing. Finally, will there be a debate? Russ Gallo doesn't think so - find out why!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Is Hillary THAT Sick?!? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3254

Tonight, we welcome a good friend of the show, the Opinion Editor of the Washington Times, David Keene, who just released a fantastic new book, "Shall Not Be Infringed", charting the history of the fight against gun control. Plus, Gene and Russ discuss whether Hillary Clinton really is that sick or if it's just tin-foil-hat material, and the seeming-implosion of Fox News

 Behind Enemy Lines - Oh, The Crazy! It Burns! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3409

Whole lotta craziness in the news - Colin Kaepernick sits for the national anthem (in preparation for his role as benchwarmer with the Niners?), Anthony Weiner... i mean, "Carlos Danger" rears his ugly.... you know... again! And Alex Jones trends on Drudge for a "Please don't kill me, Hillary" rant - and thinks Jimmy Kimmel is in on it?!? To balance it out, talk show host / financial whiz Steve Beaman compares Hillary's and Donald's economic plans in a calm, rational way. Then back to the crazy - is Donald Trump right in saying that "they" are stealing the election given recent comments from DHS Secretary Johnson talking about taking over the Presidential election administration?!? All this and more from Gene and Russ!


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