Behind Enemy Lines: Make SCOTUS Great Again!

Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Summary: Behind Enemy Lines delves deeply into President Trump's nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch. What is his background? What does he believe in? What is his judicial philosophy? All this, plus we examine the political battle setting up in the Senate over his confirmation. Then, Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin compares and contrasts the protests against President Trump and the tea party movement, and how the tea party movement sprang to protest liberal policies, while the recent protests are clearly aimed at the President himself, rather than any concrete policy. Martin also touches on the qualities of the ideal tea party Supreme Court Justice. Then, Attorney Cynthia Garrett, Co-President of Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), and Board President of Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), the devestating impact of "Kangaroo Courts" on college campuses the sprouted out of the Obama Administration's DOE, and what a Trump administration can do to balance between supporting the rights of the wrongfully accused and encouraging credible reporting of misconduct. All that, plus Gene is really ticked off by a meme!