Behind Enemy Lines Radio show

Behind Enemy Lines Radio

Summary: Behind Enemy Lines is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York that airs on WJHC 107.5 FM (Jasper, FL), WDDQ 92.1 FM (Adel, GA) and WLBB 1330 AM (Carrollton, GA) as part of the Talk America Radio Network, as well as across premium networks streaming across the internet.The show highlights national politics with a conservative spin from "insurgent" Republicans fighting for every scrap they can get! Guests from the world of politics - candidates, elected officials, journalists, authors, personalities, pundits and prognosticators - stop by to discuss current events. The show and its predecessor, Brooklyn GOP Radio, has been recognized as a legitimate source - even shows like The O'Reilly Factor and CBS This Morning have cited the show and its blog for original source material!But it's not all business on air - in fact, there's rarely a dull moment. Sarcasm is a second language on Behind Enemy Lines, as evidenced by the wildly successful "Buffoon of the Week", where the hosts will nominate a public figure and hold him/her out for ridicule for some dubious distinction ripped from the headlines, culminating at the end of the year with "Buffoon of the Year" honors bestowed upon the truly deserving. We're surrounded. And taking heavy fire. But we stand and say "Bring. It. On." We're Behind Enemy Lines.

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  • Artist: Behind Enemy Lines Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Behind Enemy Lines Radio


 Behind Enemy Lines: Special Election Lessons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Yes, we're all thrilled about the two special election wins in Georgia and South Carolina. And yes, Democrats wasted millions in Georgia on a carpet-bagger of a liberal candidate and mis-read a conservative district. But that doesn't tell the whole story. BEL contributor Sgt. Jon Lubecky (U.S. Army, Ret.) had a front row to the SC special election, and he explains how if Democrats replicate what he saw, Republicans may be in trouble in 2018. Then, one of the most interesting interviews we've ever brought you. Ali Safavi isa member of the Foreign affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the parliament in exile of the Iranian opposition. Hear his riveting personal story, learn about those putting their lives on the line resisting the Iranian regime, and learn about the gathering this weekend in Paris of the international community. All that, plus a special birthday message!

 Behind Enemy Lines: MSM Narrative: REKT! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Between the Comey testimony last week and the testimony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week, the Democratic / mainstream media narrative of President Trump has taken a beating! Gene reviews the #FakeNews that got it wrong on whether the President was under investigation by the FBI. Then, Gene talks about the similarities between the era of McCarthyism and the zealotry of the Left's rush to judgment on the AG, who laid out in his own testimony how his good name has been sullied by inuendo without proof. Then, Gene reveals his latest legal hero - you have to hear her take the MSM to the woodshed on what "obstruction of justice" actually is!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Scottie Hughes on Kathy Griffin, London Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Conservative journalist, author, former CNN contributor and Trump campaign surrogate Scottie Hughes goes back Behind Enemy Lines to discuss Kathy Griffin's disgusting photo shoot the terrorist attacks in Great Britain, and her latest role as National Spokeswoman for the Committee to Defend the President Super PAC. Does she think President Trump needs defending? We'll find out! Plus, we have a little bit of fun with Hillary Clinton's excuses tour!

 Behind Enemy Lines - A Memorial Day Tribute | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, Behind Enemy Lines Radio will be paying tribute to our veterans in our post-Memorial Day special. We'll re-play one of our interviews with Warrior Angels Foundation's Andrew Marr & Chase Rowan to highlight the importance of taking care of our veterans. If you haven't heard about the amazing work they are doing, tune in. We'll also re-play Tony Lo Bianco's Emmy Award Nominated rendition of "Just a Common Soldier". What an amazing tribute to our fighting men and women. And, we'll feature two great songs from veteran recording artist John Preston.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Fear, Anger & Loathing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

With news of the atrocious ISIS-inspired attack in Manchester comes a flood of emotions. Behind Enemy Lines recaps what we know, the fear that remains in the air, and Gene adds his views on these latest events. Speaking of terrorism, has the #PeopleRepublicOfNewYorkCity finally gone off the deep end and is set to honor a convicted murderer and terrorist who killed New Yorkers? Gene gets angry as he breaks down this latest instance of a shocking lack of self-awareness in discussing the National Puerto Rican Day Parade's decision to honor a terrorist, and how corporate sponsors are running away in droves. Finally, have you seen any evidence of collusion? It seems like the MSM is asking on an hourly basis. In the wake of the appointment of a special counsel to investigate alleged criminal activity in connection with Russian collusion, Gene delves into the Left's loathsome campaign to convict President Trump without evidence.

 Behind Enemy Lines - The Anonymous Source Hustle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Behind Enemy Lines explores how liberal-leaning media uses anonymously sourced and filtered information to create a false credibility. It's a vicious cycle that Gene picks apart in the context of the latest news stories from the Washington Post and the New York Times - both sourced anonymously - and how the Trump administration is left fighting shadows.

 Behind Enemy Lines: HOT TAKE! FBI Director Comey is FIRED! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3240

We had an amazing edition of Behind Enemy Lines Radio planned. But that plan got scrapped when President Trump FIRED FBI Director James Comey. Here's our "Hot Take" on this breaking news, as we breakdown the facts as we currently know them, look at some reaction from the head-explodin' left, and a few opinions of our own!

 Behind Enemy Lines - Art Of The Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Behind Enemy Lines takes a hard look at the first real bi-partisan legislation negotiated by the Trump administration. Did Democrats REALLY win? The devil is in the details, as you'll find out! Then, we welcome two dynamite guests! Bob Dvorchak is a Veteran, War Correspondent & Author . His most recent book "Drive On: The Uncensored War of Bedouin Bob and the All-Americans." In his new book, Bob draws a vivid picture of his days dug in with the 82nd Airborne, awaiting "go" time for Operation Desert Storm. He actually joined the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division (The All-Americans) to live with paratroopers prior to and during their invasion of Iraq. We discuss his book as well as the current state of journalism from the view of a "journalist's journalist". Then, we are happy to welcome attorney Michelle Owens, who is defending young male college students from Title IX "kangaroo courts". Michelle is an expert in University Title IX cases, and is actively combatting University bias in these matters. She recently published an article in The Daily Caller revealing how the campus zealots are biasing the system and taking away students due process rights. Top to bottom, an awesome show!

 Behind Enemy Lines - First 100 Days-ish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

Behind Enemy Lines Radio tackles the first 100 days of the Trump Presidency. What got done? What did we learn? Where do we go from here? We tackle it all! Then, Gene discusses the disturbing trend of chilling the First Amendment coming form the left, in light of the latest cancellation of Ann Coulter's appearance at Berkeley.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Exclusive With Roger Stone! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, Behind Enemy LInes landed a HUGE exclusive interview with one of the men in the eye of the hurricane that is the claim of Russian interference in the 2016 Elections - political iconoclast Roger Stone. Gene and special co-host Gerald Gross talk to Roger about his new book, The Making of the President 2016, the upcoming Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone" and the latest on the Congressional investigation into his alleged involvement in the alleged Russian election hacking scandal. Expect nothing but Stone Cold Truth. That, plus Gene discusses America's re-emergence onto the world scene with President Trump's proportional response in Syria, position on North Korea and more.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Enemies At The Gates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, Behind Enemy Lines takes on a lot of heavy issues with a common thread - a look at emerging local, national and international "enemies" and what government can do to combat them. First, a discussion of "sanctuary cities" in light of AG Jeff Sessions emphatic statement. We flash back to our interview with Rep. Lou Barletta from the past summer, which is a primer for those unfamiliar with the issue. Then, we welcome back one of our most popular guests, national security expert, and former deputy assistant secretary of the Navy Van Hipp, who has some novel ideas on how to shut down leaks coming from the "enemies" in the intelligence community. Finally, we check in with BEL contributor, Lobby Correspondent for the Observer, Andre Walker, with a discussion of the Westminster terror attacks of the past week. And hang around for the show's final thought where our friend Jack Buckby explains, in his own words, the personal "enemies" he and his fiance are battling in the Anti-Fascist movement, and how you can help.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Double Feature! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3240

We're happy to welcome two amazing guests this week on Behind Enemy Lines! First, we talk to Culture Correspondent for the Daily Wire - and Amazon No. 1 Best Seller Author - Michael J. Knowles, as we delve DEEP into his best-seller "Reasons to Vote For Democrats" - it's a real page turner! Then, BEL is honored to welcome Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory, as we discuss his efforts in leading the Louisiana GOP outreach to improve educational opportunity and economic re-birth. All that, plus Gene talks about how proud he is to be a lawyer listening to the confirmation hearings for Judge Neil Gorsuch.

 Behind Enemy Lines - Superman Falls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, we are very lucky to have our good friend John Preston, who not only talks a little politics with us, but also gets real personal about his new album and its first single, Superman Falls, a song dedicated to the memory of his brother, a veteran and police officer who committed suicide. This is one powerful interview. Then, Gene brings up his first grievance with the Trump administration - the firing of Asst. US Attorney Preet Bharara. Has Gene gone full RINO? Listen as he airs his complaints and how he believes Trump may have just created the Democrats' latest matinee idol. It's a packed show - tune in!

 Behind Enemy Lines: politics - lies & wiretaps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, Behind Enemy Lines delves deep into a lot of BIG topics. First, Gene Berardelli explains how to prepare someone for answering questions under oath and how Attorney General Jeff Sessions was not only truth in answering questions during his confirmation hearing, but how he has legally and ethically gone above and beyond the call of the legal profession in his response to the faux outrage over his testimony about his interaction with Russian government officials. Gene then goes through what we know about the growing wiretapping controversy involving allegations by President Trump against then-President Obama wiretapping Trump Tower. And at the end of the show, Gene brings back Buffoon of the Week! Can you guess who won that dubious distinction? Tune in to find out!

 Behind Enemy Lines - The RELOA(D) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

This week, Behind Enemy Lines Radio returns with an examination of the reloading of the progressive left politically (with the election of DNC Chair Tom Perez), in media (with renewed allegations of racism and anti-semitism smeared against the President with no basis) and culturally (with Hollywood's preoccupation with President Trump - and no, we don't mean the wrong winner announced for Best Picture)


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