Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Radio Golden Dawn America



 SYRIZA: Capital's Last Line Of Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6689

Corruption in the Greek elections- Parties conspire together to undermine the votes for Golden Dawn, including the deployment of Anarchist militias at polling station to intimidate voters. SYRIZA'S 'Chutzpah'- The radical Left rescind's every one of its economic promises just 1 month after being elected. That hasn't stopped them from pretending otherwise: they took a little pink eraser to "Troika" and penciled in "The Institutional partners". They're hoping Greeks are too stupid to notice, but the walls are closing in on them. SYRIZA Lays Out Red Carpet For Wall Street! - "Radical" Varoufakis to appoint the New York Jewish banking house Lazard as "consultants" to restructure the public debt. Lazard helped crucify Greeks in 2012, where bonds were devalued by 70%, which almost exclusively hit pensioners and the life savings of working people. New York Jewish banks shorted the bonds and made a killing from this! Ideology vs Reaction- George and Ed talk about the importance of having a worldview and ideology, and avoiding the pitfalls of reactionary politics. The Economic Meltdown Explained - An in depth discussion on why the Greek economic collapse was not because of any mythical retirements at age 45, but instead thanks to the collaboration of finance capital with Wall Street installed cronies in the government. Democrats Lift Parliamentary Immunity For Golden Dawn, but Keep it For Themselves! - All of the political parties voted to lift Golden Dawn's political immunity, but our response is to lift theirs too. Discussion on the billions of dollars thieves in the establishment are able to take with impunity, and how Golden Dawn seeks to solve this problem with an audit that the system fears more than anything. Forced Occupation Loan - George and Ed clarify what exactly the Forced occupation Loan is, and why it differs (legitimacy wise) from WWII reparations certain groups shake Germans down for. Rats Abandon Ship! - Noam Chomsky predicts the rise of Golden Dawn in light of SYRIZA's failure, while influential Leftists start apologizing to the public for contributing to the SYRIZA lie! Independent Greeks: A Lesson About Kosher Conservatism - George and Ed speak about Panos Kammenos and the Independent Greeks- the Coalition partner of SYRIZA. Warning: controlled opposition-whether in Greece or in the other countries whose parties follow the Kammenos "eurosceptic template- will give you nothing but a knife in the back. Golden Dawn leadership to be released...likely without trial!- The illegal detention of Golden Dawn leadership is now close to hitting its 18 month mark, and the system is afraid to actually make a decision whether to try them or not. Every day that passes exposes the fact that the crackdown was purely political motivated, and still failed! Immigration- Why Northern Europe's ridiculous asylum seeker policies are enticing Africans and Asians to flood Mediterranean countries, and how capitalists in Germany and other nations use Dublin II to their advantage. SYRIZA: Lied about the memorandum, but will keep its social program - SYRIZA lied about the only issue people voted them to confront, but have stated that they will create pathways to citizenship to illegal invaders which the vast majority of Greeks don't want.

 SYRIZA: Capital's Last Line Of Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6689

Corruption in the Greek elections- Parties conspire together to undermine the votes for Golden Dawn, including the deployment of Anarchist militias at polling station to intimidate voters. SYRIZA'S 'Chutzpah'- The radical Left rescind's every one of its economic promises just 1 month after being elected. That hasn't stopped them from pretending otherwise: they took a little pink eraser to "Troika" and penciled in "The Institutional partners". They're hoping Greeks are too stupid to notice, but the walls are closing in on them. SYRIZA Lays Out Red Carpet For Wall Street! - "Radical" Varoufakis to appoint the New York Jewish banking house Lazard as "consultants" to restructure the public debt. Lazard helped crucify Greeks in 2012, where bonds were devalued by 70%, which almost exclusively hit pensioners and the life savings of working people. New York Jewish banks shorted the bonds and made a killing from this! Ideology vs Reaction- George and Ed talk about the importance of having a worldview and ideology, and avoiding the pitfalls of reactionary politics. The Economic Meltdown Explained - An in depth discussion on why the Greek economic collapse was not because of any mythical retirements at age 45, but instead thanks to the collaboration of finance capital with Wall Street installed cronies in the government. Democrats Lift Parliamentary Immunity For Golden Dawn, but Keep it For Themselves! - All of the political parties voted to lift Golden Dawn's political immunity, but our response is to lift theirs too. Discussion on the billions of dollars thieves in the establishment are able to take with impunity, and how Golden Dawn seeks to solve this problem with an audit that the system fears more than anything. Forced Occupation Loan - George and Ed clarify what exactly the Forced occupation Loan is, and why it differs (legitimacy wise) from WWII reparations certain groups shake Germans down for. Rats Abandon Ship! - Noam Chomsky predicts the rise of Golden Dawn in light of SYRIZA's failure, while influential Leftists start apologizing to the public for contributing to the SYRIZA lie! Independent Greeks: A Lesson About Kosher Conservatism - George and Ed speak about Panos Kammenos and the Independent Greeks- the Coalition partner of SYRIZA. Warning: controlled opposition-whether in Greece or in the other countries whose parties follow the Kammenos "eurosceptic template- will give you nothing but a knife in the back. Golden Dawn leadership to be released...likely without trial!- The illegal detention of Golden Dawn leadership is now close to hitting its 18 month mark, and the system is afraid to actually make a decision whether to try them or not. Every day that passes exposes the fact that the crackdown was purely political motivated, and still failed! Immigration- Why Northern Europe's ridiculous asylum seeker policies are enticing Africans and Asians to flood Mediterranean countries, and how capitalists in Germany and other nations use Dublin II to their advantage. SYRIZA: Lied about the memorandum, but will keep its social program - SYRIZA lied about the only issue people voted them to confront, but have stated that they will create pathways to citizenship to illegal invaders which the vast majority of Greeks don't want.

 Episode 18: Honor & Sacrifice | File Type: audio/x-ms-wma | Duration: 6954

-Overview of Golden Dawn New York City conference and experiences with MEP Georgios Epitideios - Update on the legal battle for the freedom of Golden Dawn parliament members. -SYRIZA meets with bankers in London to assure them in case of snap election. -Audio recording of Samaras planning Golden Dawn crackdown, and what it means.

 Episode 18: Honor & Sacrifice | File Type: audio/x-ms-wma | Duration: 6954

-Overview of Golden Dawn New York City conference and experiences with MEP Georgios Epitideios - Update on the legal battle for the freedom of Golden Dawn parliament members. -SYRIZA meets with bankers in London to assure them in case of snap election. -Audio recording of Samaras planning Golden Dawn crackdown, and what it means.

 Episode 17- War of The Worlds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8250

Golden Dawn, NYC Mockumentary: Billionaire Marxists, Sold out Politicians, Hucksters and Mops Connected To The Powers That Be Transcend Fake Ideological Differences : George and Ed address the massive exposure of individuals (both conservative and communist) claiming to speak for the Greek-American community, but who are actually a tiny clique of liars who staged the entire thing. Our reaction in exposing and why the media threw a temper tantrum, even going so far to say that our republishing of completely public information was violating the law. None of this is true, and the defamers and liars have been utterly. They know we're succeeding in awakening our people and they can't do anything about that. Endy Zemenides and the Hellenic American Leadership Council: Trying To Hide What Greeks Really Think- A talk about the massive censorship and purge within the impotent, Zionist owned lobby regarding multiple issues ranging from Golden Dawn to Israeli war crimes. European Union Icons In The 80's- This segment deals with various major figures in the European Union power structure (Angela Merkel, Jose Barroso and Daniel Cohn-Bendit) and their disturbing pasts, and how it exposes the hypocrisy of attacking Golden Dawn's leader for radical articles he wrote in the 1980's. Are you comfortable being ruled by East German bureaucrats, Maoist agitators, and pedophiles, Europe? Lost Generation - 60's counter culture and it's role in the destruction of the West. The "Kill Your Parents" generation, as Jerry Rubin stated, that brought us both poisons of "if it feels good do it" culture and neo-liberal capitalist economics. Politically organized homosexuality and its ultimate goal of legalizing pedophilia and bestiality are not a future slippery slope argument, it already happened in the past and the concessions they've made today are only tactical and temporary. The drug culture of the phoney opposition Left and theories connecting hallucinogenics and the typical Leftist's ignorance of reality. How sick ideas that took off with the Jewish-led 60's radicals in America and France were imported to Greece, despite in a watered down form. Updates On Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Pappas, etc illegal detention and coming trial- Updates on the laughable "evidence" they've been leaking, as well as the Samaras regime releasing the names of thousands of Golden Dawn supporters seized on a private computer to their murderous anarchist minions, which is a testament to their current lack of faith in the "democratic" prosecution of our movement. Greece as a historical capital of Europe- How Hellenism and Greece bridge the Latin, Germanic, and Slavic realms, and the real reasons why global Zionism want to exterminate Hellenic culture via forced illegal immigration, after failing numerous times before. When Arrogance Meets Evil - George and Ed discuss the current Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza and how Israel is purposely targeting women and children with the aims of genocide and terror. The sadism of the Jewish psychology in their perception of non-Jews embodied by Israeli's putting out lawn chairs and cheering as Palestinian children are burned alive. How Israeli tanks shelled a U.N. school in Gaza doubling as a refugee center and inflicted 16 casualties and many other maimed, the murder of 5 boys playing soccer on a beach, and countless other victims of their eternal hatred of mankind. The curious silence of "radical" leftist groups in the West, especially those like "ANTIFA" and "One People's Project" who are more concerned about containing "anti-semitism"/ global outrage at what is going while not even mentioning once the 1,060, mostly civilians, who have been murdered in cold blood in an illegal war by actual racists who are trying to exterminate this indigenous people. Are these the people who should be in charge of our economy, politics, and culture? Why do the supporters of "Operation Defensive Edge" lik(continued)

 Episode 17- War of The Worlds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8250

Golden Dawn, NYC Mockumentary: Billionaire Marxists, Sold out Politicians, Hucksters and Mops Connected To The Powers That Be Transcend Fake Ideological Differences : George and Ed address the massive exposure of individuals (both conservative and communist) claiming to speak for the Greek-American community, but who are actually a tiny clique of liars who staged the entire thing. Our reaction in exposing and why the media threw a temper tantrum, even going so far to say that our republishing of completely public information was violating the law. None of this is true, and the defamers and liars have been utterly. They know we're succeeding in awakening our people and they can't do anything about that. Endy Zemenides and the Hellenic American Leadership Council: Trying To Hide What Greeks Really Think- A talk about the massive censorship and purge within the impotent, Zionist owned lobby regarding multiple issues ranging from Golden Dawn to Israeli war crimes. European Union Icons In The 80's- This segment deals with various major figures in the European Union power structure (Angela Merkel, Jose Barroso and Daniel Cohn-Bendit) and their disturbing pasts, and how it exposes the hypocrisy of attacking Golden Dawn's leader for radical articles he wrote in the 1980's. Are you comfortable being ruled by East German bureaucrats, Maoist agitators, and pedophiles, Europe? Lost Generation - 60's counter culture and it's role in the destruction of the West. The "Kill Your Parents" generation, as Jerry Rubin stated, that brought us both poisons of "if it feels good do it" culture and neo-liberal capitalist economics. Politically organized homosexuality and its ultimate goal of legalizing pedophilia and bestiality are not a future slippery slope argument, it already happened in the past and the concessions they've made today are only tactical and temporary. The drug culture of the phoney opposition Left and theories connecting hallucinogenics and the typical Leftist's ignorance of reality. How sick ideas that took off with the Jewish-led 60's radicals in America and France were imported to Greece, despite in a watered down form. Updates On Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Pappas, etc illegal detention and coming trial- Updates on the laughable "evidence" they've been leaking, as well as the Samaras regime releasing the names of thousands of Golden Dawn supporters seized on a private computer to their murderous anarchist minions, which is a testament to their current lack of faith in the "democratic" prosecution of our movement. Greece as a historical capital of Europe- How Hellenism and Greece bridge the Latin, Germanic, and Slavic realms, and the real reasons why global Zionism want to exterminate Hellenic culture via forced illegal immigration, after failing numerous times before. When Arrogance Meets Evil - George and Ed discuss the current Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza and how Israel is purposely targeting women and children with the aims of genocide and terror. The sadism of the Jewish psychology in their perception of non-Jews embodied by Israeli's putting out lawn chairs and cheering as Palestinian children are burned alive. How Israeli tanks shelled a U.N. school in Gaza doubling as a refugee center and inflicted 16 casualties and many other maimed, the murder of 5 boys playing soccer on a beach, and countless other victims of their eternal hatred of mankind. The curious silence of "radical" leftist groups in the West, especially those like "ANTIFA" and "One People's Project" who are more concerned about containing "anti-semitism"/ global outrage at what is going while not even mentioning once the 1,060, mostly civilians, who have been murdered in cold blood in an illegal war by actual racists who are trying to exterminate this indigenous people. Are these the people who should be in charge of our economy, politics, and culture? Why do the supporters of "Operation Defensive Edge" lik(continued)

 Episode 16: European Counter-Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2574

Ep 16: Europe Awake! Topics of Discussion: -Golden Dawn's successes against all odds in the regional and municipal elections and solidifying its position as the 3rd most popular party in Greece. Also discussion as to wide scale corruption and vote rigging in the bannana republic style "democracy" of Greece. -Brief talk about the 3 MEP's Golden Dawn has elected to the European Union Parliament. -Overview of some of the other allegedly anti-EU parties that have been elected across Europe and the ideological breakthrough of nationalists continent wide. -The fall in support of mainstream parties despite all of their political and financial advantages, and how the United States government has welcomed the "radical left" SYRIZA taking the top position in politics. How Turkish government funded Muslims in Thrace are organizing in Gray Wolves affiliated parties. -Anti-Defamation League report on Greece being the most "anti-semitic" country outside of the Middle East. The Samaras-Venizelo junta's invitation to the ADL's Zionist extremist and Greek genocide denier Abraham Foxman to find ways to socially engineer the Greek people away from this. -The urgent need to awaken the people of Europe if we wish to survive into the next century.

 Episode 16: European Counter-Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2574

Ep 16: Europe Awake! Topics of Discussion: -Golden Dawn's successes against all odds in the regional and municipal elections and solidifying its position as the 3rd most popular party in Greece. Also discussion as to wide scale corruption and vote rigging in the bannana republic style "democracy" of Greece. -Brief talk about the 3 MEP's Golden Dawn has elected to the European Union Parliament. -Overview of some of the other allegedly anti-EU parties that have been elected across Europe and the ideological breakthrough of nationalists continent wide. -The fall in support of mainstream parties despite all of their political and financial advantages, and how the United States government has welcomed the "radical left" SYRIZA taking the top position in politics. How Turkish government funded Muslims in Thrace are organizing in Gray Wolves affiliated parties. -Anti-Defamation League report on Greece being the most "anti-semitic" country outside of the Middle East. The Samaras-Venizelo junta's invitation to the ADL's Zionist extremist and Greek genocide denier Abraham Foxman to find ways to socially engineer the Greek people away from this. -The urgent need to awaken the people of Europe if we wish to survive into the next century.

 Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8543

Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves! Samaras-Gate - George and Ed discuss Greek despot Samaras' predicament after General Secretary of the parliament Baltakos was filmed confessing that the Greek government is currently framing Golden Dawn to erase opposition. In depth discussion on high level corruption, hypocrisy, alien interests commanding Samaras' cabal, and who the real criminals in Greece are. Samaras Is A 'Putz'! How the "conspiracy theory" regarding global Zionist involvement is no longer up for debate. The veiled anger of the American Jewish Committee's press release on the subject, effectively being forced once again to come out from behind the curtain thanks to the incompetent Samaras-Venizelos 'Schmuck' junta. How the recent scandal has pulled the rug from under them and will cause them to abandon their current point-man in Greece possibly for SYRIZA. George and Ed pick apart some laughable Marxist narratives that the mainstream media has taken as a backdrop in reporting about the political persecution of Golden Dawn. Crumbling Before Our Eyes - New Democracy's massive exodus of voters for Golden Dawn is a well-documented phenomenon. Greeks sick of lying democrats who do the opposite of their campaign promises. Left-wing SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras overlap with the conservatives regarding the Memorandum/austerity, and how Leftist voters are vowing to support a Nationalist alternative. How democrats historically have bought votes in Greece, and find themselves without friends once the money runs out. "Potami"(The River) a new party that has sprouted out of nowhere with a TV personality as its head, a group that has no platform or municipal candidates, and how it's alleged popularity is a brazen media lie. Taking Back Agios Panteleimonas - How Golden Dawn led working class residents to wrestle this town's square back from violent immigrant gangs and drug dealers, then held it to the joy of the people until last September's crackdown. How the Greek government criminalizes nationalist self-defense and encourages anarchist and Marxist gangsters to attack them. A recent demonstration with 2,000 Greek nationalists came back to this Golden Dawn stronghold after anarchists (with the open funding and support of the Greek government) began declaring it for themselves. Who Are You Fighting For? - How a neighborhood that anarchists and communists declared as "liberated" after the Greek government's persecution of Golden Dawn recently hosted the global capitalist Eurozone conference. The "radical" left as a self-destructing terrorism tool of global finance who are good at bullying patriotic pensioners, shooting unarmed young men, and incinerating pregnant women, but never seem to attack any politicians. Ridiculous Greek court grants underground violent "ANTIFA" group organizational status, while banning the registered political party Golden Dawn's food distributions. Meandros Over Manhattan - George and Ed discuss Golden Dawn New York's presence at the Greek Independence Parade in New York City. 25 members of the chapter, 2/3 of them in full uniform handed out pamphlets and interacted with the crowd which was warm and friendly towards us. Media coverup of our presence and our charitable work, claiming it wasn't "newsworthy", yet these local papers have no problem printing an article a day about Golden Dawn. They Don't Represent Anyone Except Their Bank Accounts - Discussion of issues in terms of Golden Dawn -Greek-American community relations, and debunking lies from self-appointed spokesmen who represent no one. AHEPA, HALC and a certain priests (Father Alexander Karloutsos of the Hamptons) claim to speak for Hellenism, but openly serve its enemies and work as public relations experts for Samaras. Greek-American "spokesmen" who attack Golden Dawn and our New York chapter refuse to condemn the International Monetary Fund's policies causing hunger and poverty against their ki(continued)

 Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8543

Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves! Samaras-Gate - George and Ed discuss Greek despot Samaras' predicament after General Secretary of the parliament Baltakos was filmed confessing that the Greek government is currently framing Golden Dawn to erase opposition. In depth discussion on high level corruption, hypocrisy, alien interests commanding Samaras' cabal, and who the real criminals in Greece are. Samaras Is A 'Putz'! How the "conspiracy theory" regarding global Zionist involvement is no longer up for debate. The veiled anger of the American Jewish Committee's press release on the subject, effectively being forced once again to come out from behind the curtain thanks to the incompetent Samaras-Venizelos 'Schmuck' junta. How the recent scandal has pulled the rug from under them and will cause them to abandon their current point-man in Greece possibly for SYRIZA. George and Ed pick apart some laughable Marxist narratives that the mainstream media has taken as a backdrop in reporting about the political persecution of Golden Dawn. Crumbling Before Our Eyes - New Democracy's massive exodus of voters for Golden Dawn is a well-documented phenomenon. Greeks sick of lying democrats who do the opposite of their campaign promises. Left-wing SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras overlap with the conservatives regarding the Memorandum/austerity, and how Leftist voters are vowing to support a Nationalist alternative. How democrats historically have bought votes in Greece, and find themselves without friends once the money runs out. "Potami"(The River) a new party that has sprouted out of nowhere with a TV personality as its head, a group that has no platform or municipal candidates, and how it's alleged popularity is a brazen media lie. Taking Back Agios Panteleimonas - How Golden Dawn led working class residents to wrestle this town's square back from violent immigrant gangs and drug dealers, then held it to the joy of the people until last September's crackdown. How the Greek government criminalizes nationalist self-defense and encourages anarchist and Marxist gangsters to attack them. A recent demonstration with 2,000 Greek nationalists came back to this Golden Dawn stronghold after anarchists (with the open funding and support of the Greek government) began declaring it for themselves. Who Are You Fighting For? - How a neighborhood that anarchists and communists declared as "liberated" after the Greek government's persecution of Golden Dawn recently hosted the global capitalist Eurozone conference. The "radical" left as a self-destructing terrorism tool of global finance who are good at bullying patriotic pensioners, shooting unarmed young men, and incinerating pregnant women, but never seem to attack any politicians. Ridiculous Greek court grants underground violent "ANTIFA" group organizational status, while banning the registered political party Golden Dawn's food distributions. Meandros Over Manhattan - George and Ed discuss Golden Dawn New York's presence at the Greek Independence Parade in New York City. 25 members of the chapter, 2/3 of them in full uniform handed out pamphlets and interacted with the crowd which was warm and friendly towards us. Media coverup of our presence and our charitable work, claiming it wasn't "newsworthy", yet these local papers have no problem printing an article a day about Golden Dawn. They Don't Represent Anyone Except Their Bank Accounts - Discussion of issues in terms of Golden Dawn -Greek-American community relations, and debunking lies from self-appointed spokesmen who represent no one. AHEPA, HALC and a certain priests (Father Alexander Karloutsos of the Hamptons) claim to speak for Hellenism, but openly serve its enemies and work as public relations experts for Samaras. Greek-American "spokesmen" who attack Golden Dawn and our New York chapter refuse to condemn the International Monetary Fund's policies causing hunger and poverty against their ki(continued)

 Golden Dawn NY Statement on Conspiracy Against Nationalists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 277

Golden Dawn NY releases statement on the recent scandal regarding the conspiracy by the Samaras Junta against Greek nationalists.

 Golden Dawn NY Statement on Conspiracy Against Nationalists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 277

Golden Dawn NY releases statement on the recent scandal regarding the conspiracy by the Samaras Junta against Greek nationalists.

 Episode 13- Atemporal Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8585

EPISODE 13- THE WORKING CLASS IS AWAKE Illegitimate Greek Government Promises More Crackdowns- With Golden Dawn slated to overwhelm the political establishment in the May European and regional elections, the Greek government is now trying to sabotage the Greek people's voice. As soon as the candidate list is announced by Golden Dawn, the system moves into action to lift the immunity of 50 others. Countless tactics from political persecution to murder have failed to stop Golden dawn, why the desperation to shred the constitution if we are so "marginal"? PASOK, New Democracy, KKE all have street activists, yet this is used as "proof" Golden Dawn is a "criminal" organization". Europe Beneath The Iron Heel Of the "European" Union - EU embargoes and intimidation against Switzerland after their recent referendum to limit immigration. The ideological and economic tyranny of these elites, and how they seek to destroy all the rich cultures and peoples of Europe. Why the European Union's "success" is all smoke and mirrors and not reflecting the real opinions of the people in the countries within it. Addressing the latest trend of controlled "populist" opposition presented to the ever growing angry citizens across the West, as well as. Internal EU immigrants exploited by German monopolies, hurting both the immigrants and the German working class, and how smaller and poorer EU members can't afford to compete with the wealthier states due to expensive regulations and a locked down market. New Law Exposes Children To Homosexuality- Perverts sitting in Brussels demand the corrupt Greek government to indoctrinate children with homosexual propaganda, which was signed into law by "Conservative" New Democracy. Why the system chose a time of economic crisis to force this through and how taking E.U. "loans" means losing your right to have laws that reflect your nations mores and norms. Washington And Berlin Bring Ukraine Into Civil War- Jewish Secretary of State Nuland's confession regarding Ukraine and the geopolitical strategy to isolate and surround an up and coming Russia. How the EU angrily rejected proposals to cooperate in Ukraine together with Russia, and the increasing death toll caused by the policies of the United States and Germany. The pathetic displays of "Pussy Riot" and the CIA's 1960's style tactics for sabotage that are not giving the results in Russia they gave against the Soviet Union. Turkish and Albanian Citizens In The "Greek" Anarchist Underworld - Thugs and terrorists from the Greek deep-state have a high proportion of non-Greek, in particular Greece's traditional enemies. While Anarchists in Greece burn the Greek flag, such acts are swiftly punished in Turkey. Why Asian And Arab immigrants vote for social-democratic fools in Europe, yet support ultra-nationalist parties in their homelands. Why Turkey lobbies for mosques and minarets in Greece, while non-Islamic public displays are banned in Turkey. Israel-Palestine Peace Talks- Israel refuses to sign any peace treaty without specific recognition of Israel as a Jewish racial state, while leading members of the global Zionist movement do not believe Greece should even have a right to stop illegal immigration. The Young Turk Coup And The Bloody History Of Ataturk- Who financed Ataturk and the other perpetrators of the Greek and Armenian genocide. The Jewish founders of the modern Turkish identity and the forgotten mass murders against Greek Christians. How the average Turkish jingoist is a pawn in a greater geopolitical scheme. 20th Century Greek Nationalism And Golden Dawn - Some words on Triple Epsilon (EEE) , a social-nationalist political party founded by Greeks fleeing Turkish violence that pre-dates Hitler, yet would be called "Neo-Nazi" today. The Working Class Is Awake - A new study shows the bulk of Golden Dawn's supporters are working class, unemployed, middle class , and youth , while the Marxists(continued)

 Episode 13- Atemporal Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8585

EPISODE 13- THE WORKING CLASS IS AWAKE Illegitimate Greek Government Promises More Crackdowns- With Golden Dawn slated to overwhelm the political establishment in the May European and regional elections, the Greek government is now trying to sabotage the Greek people's voice. As soon as the candidate list is announced by Golden Dawn, the system moves into action to lift the immunity of 50 others. Countless tactics from political persecution to murder have failed to stop Golden dawn, why the desperation to shred the constitution if we are so "marginal"? PASOK, New Democracy, KKE all have street activists, yet this is used as "proof" Golden Dawn is a "criminal" organization". Europe Beneath The Iron Heel Of the "European" Union - EU embargoes and intimidation against Switzerland after their recent referendum to limit immigration. The ideological and economic tyranny of these elites, and how they seek to destroy all the rich cultures and peoples of Europe. Why the European Union's "success" is all smoke and mirrors and not reflecting the real opinions of the people in the countries within it. Addressing the latest trend of controlled "populist" opposition presented to the ever growing angry citizens across the West, as well as. Internal EU immigrants exploited by German monopolies, hurting both the immigrants and the German working class, and how smaller and poorer EU members can't afford to compete with the wealthier states due to expensive regulations and a locked down market. New Law Exposes Children To Homosexuality- Perverts sitting in Brussels demand the corrupt Greek government to indoctrinate children with homosexual propaganda, which was signed into law by "Conservative" New Democracy. Why the system chose a time of economic crisis to force this through and how taking E.U. "loans" means losing your right to have laws that reflect your nations mores and norms. Washington And Berlin Bring Ukraine Into Civil War- Jewish Secretary of State Nuland's confession regarding Ukraine and the geopolitical strategy to isolate and surround an up and coming Russia. How the EU angrily rejected proposals to cooperate in Ukraine together with Russia, and the increasing death toll caused by the policies of the United States and Germany. The pathetic displays of "Pussy Riot" and the CIA's 1960's style tactics for sabotage that are not giving the results in Russia they gave against the Soviet Union. Turkish and Albanian Citizens In The "Greek" Anarchist Underworld - Thugs and terrorists from the Greek deep-state have a high proportion of non-Greek, in particular Greece's traditional enemies. While Anarchists in Greece burn the Greek flag, such acts are swiftly punished in Turkey. Why Asian And Arab immigrants vote for social-democratic fools in Europe, yet support ultra-nationalist parties in their homelands. Why Turkey lobbies for mosques and minarets in Greece, while non-Islamic public displays are banned in Turkey. Israel-Palestine Peace Talks- Israel refuses to sign any peace treaty without specific recognition of Israel as a Jewish racial state, while leading members of the global Zionist movement do not believe Greece should even have a right to stop illegal immigration. The Young Turk Coup And The Bloody History Of Ataturk- Who financed Ataturk and the other perpetrators of the Greek and Armenian genocide. The Jewish founders of the modern Turkish identity and the forgotten mass murders against Greek Christians. How the average Turkish jingoist is a pawn in a greater geopolitical scheme. 20th Century Greek Nationalism And Golden Dawn - Some words on Triple Epsilon (EEE) , a social-nationalist political party founded by Greeks fleeing Turkish violence that pre-dates Hitler, yet would be called "Neo-Nazi" today. The Working Class Is Awake - A new study shows the bulk of Golden Dawn's supporters are working class, unemployed, middle class , and youth , while the Marxists(continued)

 Episode 12- Eternal Recurrence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6696

Episode 12- Eternal Recurrence Anarchist Murderers Speak- On the eve of November 17th-a holiday for the Greek Left- a manifesto was released by an Anarchist para-state group bragging about the political assassination of Giorgos and Manolis, as well as promising more violence. In the 18 pages of the "radical" manifesto of the "Militant People's Fighting Force" not a single statement is made about the United States, international moneylenders, or globalists who today are oppressing the Greek people. By acting in tandem with the Greek government's political oppression of Golden Dawn, the Left-wing terrorist deep-state subscribes to the "Popular Front" approach against nationalism that Joseph Stalin established in the Spanish Civil war. The historical precedent of Anarchists, Communists, and the plutocratic establishment joining together against Patriotic forces. George and Ed also talk about how the Greek government allows Anarchists to get away with murder and how both entities are openly cooperating. Polytechneio Students And May 68: Wall Street's Janissary Corps - Ed and George debunk the myths perpetrated by the system regarding 60's and 70's Leftist student movements, their Jewish roots and ringleaders, as well as foreign interests they served. In times of galloping economic growth, low unemployment, free university, safe streets, and the nullification of military rule, what were University occupiers rebelling against, and why did this happen only a month after Col. Georgios Papadopoulos rejected American demands to use Greek bases and airspace to help Israel in the Arab-Israeli war? How the long haired, bearded student radicals grew up to become todays establishment thieves and oppressors. Anti-Racist Thought Crime Law Grows New Legs - "Anti-Racist" Law the IMF appointed Venizelos-Samaras junta plans to push through protects Holocaust from historical criticism, but makes no mention of genocide(s) against Greeks. Money paid by Germany to Jews in the Holocaust racket: 13.6 billion. Money paid to Greeks by Turkey for hundreds of slavery and well-documented genocide: 0. George and Ed also talk about how this law violates the Greek constitution and is an attempt to stifle criticism of illegal immigrant violence. Greeks Forced To Spit On Their Own History: Athens Mosque- The "broke" Greek government has put aside 1.3 million dollars to build a Mosque, something the vast majority of Greeks oppose. How the beautiful Hagia Sophia was converted into a Mosque, and then into a money-making scheme by the Turkish government. Turkish violation of Population Exchange agreement through a history of thuggery. Athens As A Spy Paradise- As the Greek government searches monasteries for Golden Dawn's supposed weapon caches, Athens is home to unhindered spying by the United States, Israel, Turkey and British government. Leaked documents reveal CIA/Mossad wiretapping scandal via PASOK assets, as well as their plans to assassinate ex-Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis over an oil deal signed with Russia. British embassy in Greece caught spying red handed with no consequences. Why real national security issues are of no interest to the Greek system. New Poll Shows Golden Dawn as no. 1 Party- poll puts Golden Dawn on top with double the results of establishment polling companies. Why Zougla's research methods are superior at recording XA's real rates, and why the media which in the past saw as highly respected Zougla and accurate, prefer to use faulty polls that gave Golden Dawn only half of its real numbers prior to the May 2012 election. The European Union Myth- Why leaving the European Union will not be the apocalypse propagandists want people to believe. How Greece grew economically despite being banished by Western Europe under the Junta, and how state jobs were taken seriously under Papadopoulos while today they are little more than bribes by PASOK and New Democracy in exchange f(continued)


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