Episode 13- Atemporal Revolution

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: EPISODE 13- THE WORKING CLASS IS AWAKE Illegitimate Greek Government Promises More Crackdowns- With Golden Dawn slated to overwhelm the political establishment in the May European and regional elections, the Greek government is now trying to sabotage the Greek people's voice. As soon as the candidate list is announced by Golden Dawn, the system moves into action to lift the immunity of 50 others. Countless tactics from political persecution to murder have failed to stop Golden dawn, why the desperation to shred the constitution if we are so "marginal"? PASOK, New Democracy, KKE all have street activists, yet this is used as "proof" Golden Dawn is a "criminal" organization". Europe Beneath The Iron Heel Of the "European" Union - EU embargoes and intimidation against Switzerland after their recent referendum to limit immigration. The ideological and economic tyranny of these elites, and how they seek to destroy all the rich cultures and peoples of Europe. Why the European Union's "success" is all smoke and mirrors and not reflecting the real opinions of the people in the countries within it. Addressing the latest trend of controlled "populist" opposition presented to the ever growing angry citizens across the West, as well as. Internal EU immigrants exploited by German monopolies, hurting both the immigrants and the German working class, and how smaller and poorer EU members can't afford to compete with the wealthier states due to expensive regulations and a locked down market. New Law Exposes Children To Homosexuality- Perverts sitting in Brussels demand the corrupt Greek government to indoctrinate children with homosexual propaganda, which was signed into law by "Conservative" New Democracy. Why the system chose a time of economic crisis to force this through and how taking E.U. "loans" means losing your right to have laws that reflect your nations mores and norms. Washington And Berlin Bring Ukraine Into Civil War- Jewish Secretary of State Nuland's confession regarding Ukraine and the geopolitical strategy to isolate and surround an up and coming Russia. How the EU angrily rejected proposals to cooperate in Ukraine together with Russia, and the increasing death toll caused by the policies of the United States and Germany. The pathetic displays of "Pussy Riot" and the CIA's 1960's style tactics for sabotage that are not giving the results in Russia they gave against the Soviet Union. Turkish and Albanian Citizens In The "Greek" Anarchist Underworld - Thugs and terrorists from the Greek deep-state have a high proportion of non-Greek, in particular Greece's traditional enemies. While Anarchists in Greece burn the Greek flag, such acts are swiftly punished in Turkey. Why Asian And Arab immigrants vote for social-democratic fools in Europe, yet support ultra-nationalist parties in their homelands. Why Turkey lobbies for mosques and minarets in Greece, while non-Islamic public displays are banned in Turkey. Israel-Palestine Peace Talks- Israel refuses to sign any peace treaty without specific recognition of Israel as a Jewish racial state, while leading members of the global Zionist movement do not believe Greece should even have a right to stop illegal immigration. The Young Turk Coup And The Bloody History Of Ataturk- Who financed Ataturk and the other perpetrators of the Greek and Armenian genocide. The Jewish founders of the modern Turkish identity and the forgotten mass murders against Greek Christians. How the average Turkish jingoist is a pawn in a greater geopolitical scheme. 20th Century Greek Nationalism And Golden Dawn - Some words on Triple Epsilon (EEE) , a social-nationalist political party founded by Greeks fleeing Turkish violence that pre-dates Hitler, yet would be called "Neo-Nazi" today. The Working Class Is Awake - A new study shows the bulk of Golden Dawn's supporters are working class, unemployed, middle class , and youth , while the Marxists(continued)