Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: Episode 14- Only We Can Free Ourselves! Samaras-Gate - George and Ed discuss Greek despot Samaras' predicament after General Secretary of the parliament Baltakos was filmed confessing that the Greek government is currently framing Golden Dawn to erase opposition. In depth discussion on high level corruption, hypocrisy, alien interests commanding Samaras' cabal, and who the real criminals in Greece are. Samaras Is A 'Putz'! How the "conspiracy theory" regarding global Zionist involvement is no longer up for debate. The veiled anger of the American Jewish Committee's press release on the subject, effectively being forced once again to come out from behind the curtain thanks to the incompetent Samaras-Venizelos 'Schmuck' junta. How the recent scandal has pulled the rug from under them and will cause them to abandon their current point-man in Greece possibly for SYRIZA. George and Ed pick apart some laughable Marxist narratives that the mainstream media has taken as a backdrop in reporting about the political persecution of Golden Dawn. Crumbling Before Our Eyes - New Democracy's massive exodus of voters for Golden Dawn is a well-documented phenomenon. Greeks sick of lying democrats who do the opposite of their campaign promises. Left-wing SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras overlap with the conservatives regarding the Memorandum/austerity, and how Leftist voters are vowing to support a Nationalist alternative. How democrats historically have bought votes in Greece, and find themselves without friends once the money runs out. "Potami"(The River) a new party that has sprouted out of nowhere with a TV personality as its head, a group that has no platform or municipal candidates, and how it's alleged popularity is a brazen media lie. Taking Back Agios Panteleimonas - How Golden Dawn led working class residents to wrestle this town's square back from violent immigrant gangs and drug dealers, then held it to the joy of the people until last September's crackdown. How the Greek government criminalizes nationalist self-defense and encourages anarchist and Marxist gangsters to attack them. A recent demonstration with 2,000 Greek nationalists came back to this Golden Dawn stronghold after anarchists (with the open funding and support of the Greek government) began declaring it for themselves. Who Are You Fighting For? - How a neighborhood that anarchists and communists declared as "liberated" after the Greek government's persecution of Golden Dawn recently hosted the global capitalist Eurozone conference. The "radical" left as a self-destructing terrorism tool of global finance who are good at bullying patriotic pensioners, shooting unarmed young men, and incinerating pregnant women, but never seem to attack any politicians. Ridiculous Greek court grants underground violent "ANTIFA" group organizational status, while banning the registered political party Golden Dawn's food distributions. Meandros Over Manhattan - George and Ed discuss Golden Dawn New York's presence at the Greek Independence Parade in New York City. 25 members of the chapter, 2/3 of them in full uniform handed out pamphlets and interacted with the crowd which was warm and friendly towards us. Media coverup of our presence and our charitable work, claiming it wasn't "newsworthy", yet these local papers have no problem printing an article a day about Golden Dawn. They Don't Represent Anyone Except Their Bank Accounts - Discussion of issues in terms of Golden Dawn -Greek-American community relations, and debunking lies from self-appointed spokesmen who represent no one. AHEPA, HALC and a certain priests (Father Alexander Karloutsos of the Hamptons) claim to speak for Hellenism, but openly serve its enemies and work as public relations experts for Samaras. Greek-American "spokesmen" who attack Golden Dawn and our New York chapter refuse to condemn the International Monetary Fund's policies causing hunger and poverty against their ki(continued)