Episode 16: European Counter-Attack

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: Ep 16: Europe Awake! Topics of Discussion: -Golden Dawn's successes against all odds in the regional and municipal elections and solidifying its position as the 3rd most popular party in Greece. Also discussion as to wide scale corruption and vote rigging in the bannana republic style "democracy" of Greece. -Brief talk about the 3 MEP's Golden Dawn has elected to the European Union Parliament. -Overview of some of the other allegedly anti-EU parties that have been elected across Europe and the ideological breakthrough of nationalists continent wide. -The fall in support of mainstream parties despite all of their political and financial advantages, and how the United States government has welcomed the "radical left" SYRIZA taking the top position in politics. How Turkish government funded Muslims in Thrace are organizing in Gray Wolves affiliated parties. -Anti-Defamation League report on Greece being the most "anti-semitic" country outside of the Middle East. The Samaras-Venizelo junta's invitation to the ADL's Zionist extremist and Greek genocide denier Abraham Foxman to find ways to socially engineer the Greek people away from this. -The urgent need to awaken the people of Europe if we wish to survive into the next century.