Episode 17- War of The Worlds

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: Golden Dawn, NYC Mockumentary: Billionaire Marxists, Sold out Politicians, Hucksters and Mops Connected To The Powers That Be Transcend Fake Ideological Differences : George and Ed address the massive exposure of individuals (both conservative and communist) claiming to speak for the Greek-American community, but who are actually a tiny clique of liars who staged the entire thing. Our reaction in exposing and why the media threw a temper tantrum, even going so far to say that our republishing of completely public information was violating the law. None of this is true, and the defamers and liars have been utterly. They know we're succeeding in awakening our people and they can't do anything about that. Endy Zemenides and the Hellenic American Leadership Council: Trying To Hide What Greeks Really Think- A talk about the massive censorship and purge within the impotent, Zionist owned lobby regarding multiple issues ranging from Golden Dawn to Israeli war crimes. European Union Icons In The 80's- This segment deals with various major figures in the European Union power structure (Angela Merkel, Jose Barroso and Daniel Cohn-Bendit) and their disturbing pasts, and how it exposes the hypocrisy of attacking Golden Dawn's leader for radical articles he wrote in the 1980's. Are you comfortable being ruled by East German bureaucrats, Maoist agitators, and pedophiles, Europe? Lost Generation - 60's counter culture and it's role in the destruction of the West. The "Kill Your Parents" generation, as Jerry Rubin stated, that brought us both poisons of "if it feels good do it" culture and neo-liberal capitalist economics. Politically organized homosexuality and its ultimate goal of legalizing pedophilia and bestiality are not a future slippery slope argument, it already happened in the past and the concessions they've made today are only tactical and temporary. The drug culture of the phoney opposition Left and theories connecting hallucinogenics and the typical Leftist's ignorance of reality. How sick ideas that took off with the Jewish-led 60's radicals in America and France were imported to Greece, despite in a watered down form. Updates On Michaloliakos, Kasidiaris, Pappas, etc illegal detention and coming trial- Updates on the laughable "evidence" they've been leaking, as well as the Samaras regime releasing the names of thousands of Golden Dawn supporters seized on a private computer to their murderous anarchist minions, which is a testament to their current lack of faith in the "democratic" prosecution of our movement. Greece as a historical capital of Europe- How Hellenism and Greece bridge the Latin, Germanic, and Slavic realms, and the real reasons why global Zionism want to exterminate Hellenic culture via forced illegal immigration, after failing numerous times before. When Arrogance Meets Evil - George and Ed discuss the current Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza and how Israel is purposely targeting women and children with the aims of genocide and terror. The sadism of the Jewish psychology in their perception of non-Jews embodied by Israeli's putting out lawn chairs and cheering as Palestinian children are burned alive. How Israeli tanks shelled a U.N. school in Gaza doubling as a refugee center and inflicted 16 casualties and many other maimed, the murder of 5 boys playing soccer on a beach, and countless other victims of their eternal hatred of mankind. The curious silence of "radical" leftist groups in the West, especially those like "ANTIFA" and "One People's Project" who are more concerned about containing "anti-semitism"/ global outrage at what is going while not even mentioning once the 1,060, mostly civilians, who have been murdered in cold blood in an illegal war by actual racists who are trying to exterminate this indigenous people. Are these the people who should be in charge of our economy, politics, and culture? Why do the supporters of "Operation Defensive Edge" lik(continued)