Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Radio Golden Dawn America



 Episode 12- Eternal Recurrence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6696

Episode 12- Eternal Recurrence Anarchist Murderers Speak- On the eve of November 17th-a holiday for the Greek Left- a manifesto was released by an Anarchist para-state group bragging about the political assassination of Giorgos and Manolis, as well as promising more violence. In the 18 pages of the "radical" manifesto of the "Militant People's Fighting Force" not a single statement is made about the United States, international moneylenders, or globalists who today are oppressing the Greek people. By acting in tandem with the Greek government's political oppression of Golden Dawn, the Left-wing terrorist deep-state subscribes to the "Popular Front" approach against nationalism that Joseph Stalin established in the Spanish Civil war. The historical precedent of Anarchists, Communists, and the plutocratic establishment joining together against Patriotic forces. George and Ed also talk about how the Greek government allows Anarchists to get away with murder and how both entities are openly cooperating. Polytechneio Students And May 68: Wall Street's Janissary Corps - Ed and George debunk the myths perpetrated by the system regarding 60's and 70's Leftist student movements, their Jewish roots and ringleaders, as well as foreign interests they served. In times of galloping economic growth, low unemployment, free university, safe streets, and the nullification of military rule, what were University occupiers rebelling against, and why did this happen only a month after Col. Georgios Papadopoulos rejected American demands to use Greek bases and airspace to help Israel in the Arab-Israeli war? How the long haired, bearded student radicals grew up to become todays establishment thieves and oppressors. Anti-Racist Thought Crime Law Grows New Legs - "Anti-Racist" Law the IMF appointed Venizelos-Samaras junta plans to push through protects Holocaust from historical criticism, but makes no mention of genocide(s) against Greeks. Money paid by Germany to Jews in the Holocaust racket: 13.6 billion. Money paid to Greeks by Turkey for hundreds of slavery and well-documented genocide: 0. George and Ed also talk about how this law violates the Greek constitution and is an attempt to stifle criticism of illegal immigrant violence. Greeks Forced To Spit On Their Own History: Athens Mosque- The "broke" Greek government has put aside 1.3 million dollars to build a Mosque, something the vast majority of Greeks oppose. How the beautiful Hagia Sophia was converted into a Mosque, and then into a money-making scheme by the Turkish government. Turkish violation of Population Exchange agreement through a history of thuggery. Athens As A Spy Paradise- As the Greek government searches monasteries for Golden Dawn's supposed weapon caches, Athens is home to unhindered spying by the United States, Israel, Turkey and British government. Leaked documents reveal CIA/Mossad wiretapping scandal via PASOK assets, as well as their plans to assassinate ex-Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis over an oil deal signed with Russia. British embassy in Greece caught spying red handed with no consequences. Why real national security issues are of no interest to the Greek system. New Poll Shows Golden Dawn as no. 1 Party- poll puts Golden Dawn on top with double the results of establishment polling companies. Why Zougla's research methods are superior at recording XA's real rates, and why the media which in the past saw as highly respected Zougla and accurate, prefer to use faulty polls that gave Golden Dawn only half of its real numbers prior to the May 2012 election. The European Union Myth- Why leaving the European Union will not be the apocalypse propagandists want people to believe. How Greece grew economically despite being banished by Western Europe under the Junta, and how state jobs were taken seriously under Papadopoulos while today they are little more than bribes by PASOK and New Democracy in exchange f(continued)

 Golden Dawn New York Division releases statement on tragic double murder. | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 281

George of Golden Dawn's New York division releases a statement in regards to the cold blooded murder of two young men who were standing outside our offices tonight, the evening of November 1st 2013 in Athens Greece.

 Golden Dawn New York Division releases statement on tragic double murder. | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 281

George of Golden Dawn's New York division releases a statement in regards to the cold blooded murder of two young men who were standing outside our offices tonight, the evening of November 1st 2013 in Athens Greece.

 Episode 11- Gypsies In Suits And Ties | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5249

Samaras/Venizelos: The Gypsies In Suits And Ties Pointing 1 Finger At Patriots, And 4 At Themselves - The absurd mockery of kleptocrats and Communists coming together to accuse Golden Dawn of being a "criminal organization". Golden Dawn, the only party that redistributes parliamentary funds back to the people via social services, has its constitutionally guaranteed rights suspended. Golden Dawn tabled a law to cut funding for all parties, but the democrats choose to keep their own privileges. The Sickness Of SYRIZA - SYRIZA-affiliated "anti-racist" protesters come out to support confessed Pakistani rapist that beat a 14 year old girl into a coma. How Dendias and Karagounis tried to cover up facts from this case that Golden Dawn insisted on, with evidence released now exposing them as liars. World Health Organization and United Nations studies shows sexual violence is normal and epidemic in cultures of South Asia and Africa. Let them move into the homes of these rich Leftists! Magic Math - 10 thousand Golden Dawners are shown marching in solidarity with men imprisoned for their ideals on mainstream Greek media as pundits simultaneously insist it is only a few hundred, and grossly inflate the number of Leftist rallies. How the system down plays nationalist successes to suit their own agenda and paint a false picture. Agios Panteleimon: Anarchists Gangs Empowered By Samaras Against The Poor - "Anti-Racists" invade the humble working class neighborhood that Golden Dawn resurrected. Anarchists and Pakistanis beat and harass old people and ordinary residents. Why supposed "radicals" only attack average working class Greeks on behalf of the Greek government that can't afford to move away from the immigrant crime and never any bankers or politicians. Violence And Jail Instead Of Debate In The "Democracy" - Issues that only Golden Dawn raises resonate with the Greek people, but neither the systematic left nor right has any intelligent answer to them. Pedophiles For Human Rights - Proud sexual abusers of kindergarten children, such as Daniel Cohn Bendit, are deputies and ideological leaders in the European Union parliament leading the international propaganda attacks on Golden Dawn in the name of "human rights". The demented society-retarding values of the European Union they are trying to force on the Greek people at gun point. Netanyahu: "Anti-Racist" Law For Greece, Anti-immigrant Law For Us - The Butcher Of Gaza publicly supports new thought-crime prosecuting "anti-racist law" and imprisonment of Golden Dawn, while his country is slated to indiscriminately deport all black immigrants to Uganda. Israel is not a nationalist state, it is a racial supremacist state with its supporters actively "deconstructing" Western civilization, real nationalists support nationalism and self-determination for everyone! Why Leftists only make milquetoast criticisms of a state that has racially segregated schools, anti-miscegenation laws, strict race-based immigration policies, and commits horrific war crimes against neighbors. Oxi Day: The Real History - The real history of a Greek holiday that commemorates Ioannis Metaxas' "No" to the Italian ultimatum. Why do they go to such lengths to suppress pictures and information regarding the August 4th regime that was responsible for this? How Greek Communists refused to fight the Italian invaders due to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the USSR and the Axis, yet today have the audacity to take credit for it. What are they so afraid of? George and Ed shed light. Real European Unity - Nationalists throughout the Western world come out against the unlawful imprisonment of Golden Dawn members and how nationalist freedom fighters are the real ethical ones. Support our humanitarian work, despite the persecutions we will still get our goods to the people who need us now more than ever! Send your shirt size and 25 dollars or more in gift cards or factory(continued)

 Episode 11- Gypsies In Suits And Ties | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5249

Samaras/Venizelos: The Gypsies In Suits And Ties Pointing 1 Finger At Patriots, And 4 At Themselves - The absurd mockery of kleptocrats and Communists coming together to accuse Golden Dawn of being a "criminal organization". Golden Dawn, the only party that redistributes parliamentary funds back to the people via social services, has its constitutionally guaranteed rights suspended. Golden Dawn tabled a law to cut funding for all parties, but the democrats choose to keep their own privileges. The Sickness Of SYRIZA - SYRIZA-affiliated "anti-racist" protesters come out to support confessed Pakistani rapist that beat a 14 year old girl into a coma. How Dendias and Karagounis tried to cover up facts from this case that Golden Dawn insisted on, with evidence released now exposing them as liars. World Health Organization and United Nations studies shows sexual violence is normal and epidemic in cultures of South Asia and Africa. Let them move into the homes of these rich Leftists! Magic Math - 10 thousand Golden Dawners are shown marching in solidarity with men imprisoned for their ideals on mainstream Greek media as pundits simultaneously insist it is only a few hundred, and grossly inflate the number of Leftist rallies. How the system down plays nationalist successes to suit their own agenda and paint a false picture. Agios Panteleimon: Anarchists Gangs Empowered By Samaras Against The Poor - "Anti-Racists" invade the humble working class neighborhood that Golden Dawn resurrected. Anarchists and Pakistanis beat and harass old people and ordinary residents. Why supposed "radicals" only attack average working class Greeks on behalf of the Greek government that can't afford to move away from the immigrant crime and never any bankers or politicians. Violence And Jail Instead Of Debate In The "Democracy" - Issues that only Golden Dawn raises resonate with the Greek people, but neither the systematic left nor right has any intelligent answer to them. Pedophiles For Human Rights - Proud sexual abusers of kindergarten children, such as Daniel Cohn Bendit, are deputies and ideological leaders in the European Union parliament leading the international propaganda attacks on Golden Dawn in the name of "human rights". The demented society-retarding values of the European Union they are trying to force on the Greek people at gun point. Netanyahu: "Anti-Racist" Law For Greece, Anti-immigrant Law For Us - The Butcher Of Gaza publicly supports new thought-crime prosecuting "anti-racist law" and imprisonment of Golden Dawn, while his country is slated to indiscriminately deport all black immigrants to Uganda. Israel is not a nationalist state, it is a racial supremacist state with its supporters actively "deconstructing" Western civilization, real nationalists support nationalism and self-determination for everyone! Why Leftists only make milquetoast criticisms of a state that has racially segregated schools, anti-miscegenation laws, strict race-based immigration policies, and commits horrific war crimes against neighbors. Oxi Day: The Real History - The real history of a Greek holiday that commemorates Ioannis Metaxas' "No" to the Italian ultimatum. Why do they go to such lengths to suppress pictures and information regarding the August 4th regime that was responsible for this? How Greek Communists refused to fight the Italian invaders due to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the USSR and the Axis, yet today have the audacity to take credit for it. What are they so afraid of? George and Ed shed light. Real European Unity - Nationalists throughout the Western world come out against the unlawful imprisonment of Golden Dawn members and how nationalist freedom fighters are the real ethical ones. Support our humanitarian work, despite the persecutions we will still get our goods to the people who need us now more than ever! Send your shirt size and 25 dollars or more in gift cards or factory(continued)

 Episode 10- Prisons Can't Hold Ideals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4130

PRISONS CAN'T HOLD IDEALS Silencing of ideals that cannot be contained - In the name of "democracy", the Memorandum has arrested Golden Dawn parliament members under phoney charges. In depth analysis from George and Ed shed light on this blatant violation of the Greek constitution and slap in the face against the Greek people by real criminals. Smoke and Mirrors While Constitutional Arc Passes 3rd Memorandum- Troika economic reforms that will repeal Greece's last few labor laws are being voted on while the Greek government uses recent events as a distraction. Greece's Leading Expert On Criminal Law Condemns New Actions -A Left-leaning legal expert speaks out against Greek government's actions against Golden Dawn, and the dangerous legal precedents it sets. Virtually all political parties could be prosecuted based on the flimsy case they are building. The Violent Hypocrisy Of The Zionist Hydra Trumps The Voice Of A Million Greeks - Venizelos (the second most powerful man in Greece's ruling coalition) meets privately with 4 different Jewish organizations (AJC, WJC, B'nai B'rith, and ADL) only days before this illegal act of political repression. Now Prime Minister Samaras is also in New York, to meet with the same groups on Monday to give his bosses a debriefing. Why are Samaras and Venizelos constantly coming and going to meet with these groups, yet not even meeting with Obama, who really rules Greece? Golden Dawn Still On The Rise - Greek newspaper publishes poll taken after the propaganda campaign, showing Golden Dawn resiliently polling at 15%, prompting Communist-Capitalist junta to take more extreme measures, after their media outlets has failed to drastically change public opinion. What Do Average Greeks Really Think About This -George and Ed give an idea on how average Greeks are reacting to the audacity of the kleptocrats abusing their power for international finances interest. Murders Dendias Won't Investigate - George and Ed go over a number of unsolved murders the Greek government doesn't care about. The wife of an expecting father murdered by an illegal immigrant for his video camera comes out on Greek TV to condemn the system that totally ignored her families suffering and the social issues that caused his death. Turkish Media and ultra-Nationalists Cheering On Constitutional Arc and the Greek Left - The major newspapers are celebrating the ban on Golden Dawn, while criticizing Ataturk will get you a prison sentence for offending "Turkish identity". And much more information you can only get here! For consistent updates in English, visit Music: No Surrender- Jewropean Union Gesta Bellica - La Rivoluzione e come il vento

 Episode 10- Prisons Can't Hold Ideals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4130

PRISONS CAN'T HOLD IDEALS Silencing of ideals that cannot be contained - In the name of "democracy", the Memorandum has arrested Golden Dawn parliament members under phoney charges. In depth analysis from George and Ed shed light on this blatant violation of the Greek constitution and slap in the face against the Greek people by real criminals. Smoke and Mirrors While Constitutional Arc Passes 3rd Memorandum- Troika economic reforms that will repeal Greece's last few labor laws are being voted on while the Greek government uses recent events as a distraction. Greece's Leading Expert On Criminal Law Condemns New Actions -A Left-leaning legal expert speaks out against Greek government's actions against Golden Dawn, and the dangerous legal precedents it sets. Virtually all political parties could be prosecuted based on the flimsy case they are building. The Violent Hypocrisy Of The Zionist Hydra Trumps The Voice Of A Million Greeks - Venizelos (the second most powerful man in Greece's ruling coalition) meets privately with 4 different Jewish organizations (AJC, WJC, B'nai B'rith, and ADL) only days before this illegal act of political repression. Now Prime Minister Samaras is also in New York, to meet with the same groups on Monday to give his bosses a debriefing. Why are Samaras and Venizelos constantly coming and going to meet with these groups, yet not even meeting with Obama, who really rules Greece? Golden Dawn Still On The Rise - Greek newspaper publishes poll taken after the propaganda campaign, showing Golden Dawn resiliently polling at 15%, prompting Communist-Capitalist junta to take more extreme measures, after their media outlets has failed to drastically change public opinion. What Do Average Greeks Really Think About This -George and Ed give an idea on how average Greeks are reacting to the audacity of the kleptocrats abusing their power for international finances interest. Murders Dendias Won't Investigate - George and Ed go over a number of unsolved murders the Greek government doesn't care about. The wife of an expecting father murdered by an illegal immigrant for his video camera comes out on Greek TV to condemn the system that totally ignored her families suffering and the social issues that caused his death. Turkish Media and ultra-Nationalists Cheering On Constitutional Arc and the Greek Left - The major newspapers are celebrating the ban on Golden Dawn, while criticizing Ataturk will get you a prison sentence for offending "Turkish identity". And much more information you can only get here! For consistent updates in English, visit Music: No Surrender- Jewropean Union Gesta Bellica - La Rivoluzione e come il vento

 Special Edition: The Marxist And Capitalist Junta's Dirty War Against The Real Alternative! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3971

WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Media Created Controversy- A simultaneous media blitz signaled by the government is throwing every smear possible, no matter how ridiculous, out against Golden Dawn. Doctored polls, absurd rumors, and an untrue picture of how the Greek people are reacting to this murder is being published in all wells of disinformation as fact. Communists and Anarchists Get Green Light From Samaras And Babolas - Paramilitaries are firebombing Golden Dawn offices and mob beating people at random on the streets of Greece while the police watch and do nothing. Communist Party of Greece (KKE) General Secretary Dimitri Koutsombas calls for violence against "Fascists" in Keratsini before Leftist crowd which soon after began destroying random property in the neighborhood. No criminal penalties for this incitement were given, all while Golden Dawn offices are stormed by police who come out empty handed, and members are detained at random without any citation of crime committed. The Red-Blue-Gold Alliance - Communist and Capitalist parties within the Greek parliament are no longer hiding the fact that they are all on the same side. While the Democrats pass unconstitutional legislation against Golden Dawn from above, they unleash Anarchist and Communist thugs on the street with legal immunity. George goes over relatively high profile murders tied to "constitutional arc" parties in recent Greek history that were never controversial - New Democracy, SYRIZA, and the organized crime syndicate PASOK all have been close to and protected high profile, politically motivated murders. So why such controversy over an ex-communist, casual alleged Golden Dawn supporter that was not a real member? Are rioters regular Greeks, or the same old Commie arsonists?- Unemployed teacher that hates Golden Dawn joins "Anti-Fascist" protest in Thessaloniki, and is brutally beaten after questioning the Anarchist decision to burn the Greek flag. George and Ed demonstrate why the protests being shown on the television in Greece are not composed of regular Greeks, but rather Anarchist and Communist paramilitary groups. Those who fight corruption not welcome in parliament Golden Dawn has called repeatedly to strip legal immunity for all parliamentary parties, but the democrats only want such rules for Golden Dawn, as well as stripping away police protection. -Poll taken on Monday September 23rd shows Ilias Kasidiaris as favorite to win Athens mayor race, despite the dirty propaganda war! -Golden Dawn America vows to double or triple humanitarian aid for Greeks only if the system takes away Golden Dawn's constitution-guaranteed parliament money (the only party that redistributes it to the people) This podcast was recorded on the evening of September 23rd, a real clear picture of what happened in this incident is still not available. An update will be posted when more information is attained.

 Special Edition: The Marxist And Capitalist Junta's Dirty War Against The Real Alternative! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3971

WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Media Created Controversy- A simultaneous media blitz signaled by the government is throwing every smear possible, no matter how ridiculous, out against Golden Dawn. Doctored polls, absurd rumors, and an untrue picture of how the Greek people are reacting to this murder is being published in all wells of disinformation as fact. Communists and Anarchists Get Green Light From Samaras And Babolas - Paramilitaries are firebombing Golden Dawn offices and mob beating people at random on the streets of Greece while the police watch and do nothing. Communist Party of Greece (KKE) General Secretary Dimitri Koutsombas calls for violence against "Fascists" in Keratsini before Leftist crowd which soon after began destroying random property in the neighborhood. No criminal penalties for this incitement were given, all while Golden Dawn offices are stormed by police who come out empty handed, and members are detained at random without any citation of crime committed. The Red-Blue-Gold Alliance - Communist and Capitalist parties within the Greek parliament are no longer hiding the fact that they are all on the same side. While the Democrats pass unconstitutional legislation against Golden Dawn from above, they unleash Anarchist and Communist thugs on the street with legal immunity. George goes over relatively high profile murders tied to "constitutional arc" parties in recent Greek history that were never controversial - New Democracy, SYRIZA, and the organized crime syndicate PASOK all have been close to and protected high profile, politically motivated murders. So why such controversy over an ex-communist, casual alleged Golden Dawn supporter that was not a real member? Are rioters regular Greeks, or the same old Commie arsonists?- Unemployed teacher that hates Golden Dawn joins "Anti-Fascist" protest in Thessaloniki, and is brutally beaten after questioning the Anarchist decision to burn the Greek flag. George and Ed demonstrate why the protests being shown on the television in Greece are not composed of regular Greeks, but rather Anarchist and Communist paramilitary groups. Those who fight corruption not welcome in parliament Golden Dawn has called repeatedly to strip legal immunity for all parliamentary parties, but the democrats only want such rules for Golden Dawn, as well as stripping away police protection. -Poll taken on Monday September 23rd shows Ilias Kasidiaris as favorite to win Athens mayor race, despite the dirty propaganda war! -Golden Dawn America vows to double or triple humanitarian aid for Greeks only if the system takes away Golden Dawn's constitution-guaranteed parliament money (the only party that redistributes it to the people) This podcast was recorded on the evening of September 23rd, a real clear picture of what happened in this incident is still not available. An update will be posted when more information is attained.

 Episode 9- Race Against Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7935

IF YOU DON'T TRUST THE ONES ON TOP, UNITE WITH THE ONES AT THE BOTTOM Greeks Lobbying Against Greece- How Greek-American lobbies and networks like AHEPA and HALC do not represent the average Greek-American but instead the interests of moneyed powers. While AHEPA and virtually all other Greek lobbies take orders from Zionist lobbies that deny the Greek genocide and push for Turkish interests, they simultaneously attack the dynamic work of Golden Dawn for the little people. George and Ed also discuss the gap between the bought higher ups in the Orthodox clergy and the simple priests and nuns who see Golden Dawners as spiritual warriors. Golden Dawn America is the only unapologetic pro-Hellenic, pro-Western organization in America, and every day more Greek-Americans are seeing the truth! George and Ed also discuss the deracination of some Greek Americans creating a void filled by crass materialism, and how Golden Dawn can help them connect with their roots. Renewed Media Assault On Golden Dawn- George and Ed deconstruct two new widely circulated propaganda pieces by Nightline ABC (Zionist owned) and a not-so-ironic barrage of articles from cultural Marxist "hipster" VICE magazine ( the "alternative" outlet which recently received 70 million dollars from News Corps Zionist Rupert Murdoch). We point out the extensive sharing of propaganda by plutocratic mainstream media and the Left-wing self-proclaimed dissidents that crawl into their laps, a collaboration that exposes them both. How the media tries to dehumanize Golden Dawn supporters and activists for their political agenda, and specific rebuttals of blatantly false statements and willful misconstruction. Mao, Trotsky, And .... Samaras?- Prominent members of both New Democracy and SYRIZA are beginning to talk about creating a coalition for the specific purpose of undermining Golden Dawn in the next election, which is provoking cynicism and migration to Golden Dawn from both parties. Why the last ditch effort to save the "European Project" and international usurers has no rational benefit for the Greek people. "Progress", A Hoax Against History- A talk about those who abuse the word "progress" just because time passes by. But whose interests are really "progressing"? Systematic Left As 21st Century Inquisitors - Modern day witch hunters who spout beautiful words about "humanity" and "freedom", yet anyone who sways even slightly away from their dogma is targeted for violence and character assassination. But with the people awakening and truth no longer able to be hidden, the witch hunters are now the ones finding themselves ostracized and are kept afloat only via the unlimited well of money thrown behind them by elites, as well as monopoly of their ideology in the media. Their social engineering project is so depraved and unnatural, it cannot stand even elementary criticism. Other topics discussed -Plato's Republic Against the modern world's Machiavellian "democracy" -Goldman Sachs' close (tribal?) cooperation with Pappandreou and Simitis and their leading Role In The Greek Crisis -Heretical thought-crimes vs silly conspiracy theories -War stories on battling Anarchist paramilitaries in Greece when Golden Dawn was small, and how the "anti-authoritarians" seek help from police when their targets fight back! -Updates on the very successful Golden Dawn children's drive and a statement of gratitude to all the brothers and sisters who have shown us and the people of Greece their compassion and solidarity. -Greece as a testing ground for what's in store for the rest of Europe -And much more Music: L'effet C'est Moi- Distance Final War- That Day Cause Of Honour- I Polis Ealo Here is the website Nightline's Bill Weir implies he scared off the internet:

 Episode 9- Race Against Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7935

IF YOU DON'T TRUST THE ONES ON TOP, UNITE WITH THE ONES AT THE BOTTOM Greeks Lobbying Against Greece- How Greek-American lobbies and networks like AHEPA and HALC do not represent the average Greek-American but instead the interests of moneyed powers. While AHEPA and virtually all other Greek lobbies take orders from Zionist lobbies that deny the Greek genocide and push for Turkish interests, they simultaneously attack the dynamic work of Golden Dawn for the little people. George and Ed also discuss the gap between the bought higher ups in the Orthodox clergy and the simple priests and nuns who see Golden Dawners as spiritual warriors. Golden Dawn America is the only unapologetic pro-Hellenic, pro-Western organization in America, and every day more Greek-Americans are seeing the truth! George and Ed also discuss the deracination of some Greek Americans creating a void filled by crass materialism, and how Golden Dawn can help them connect with their roots. Renewed Media Assault On Golden Dawn- George and Ed deconstruct two new widely circulated propaganda pieces by Nightline ABC (Zionist owned) and a not-so-ironic barrage of articles from cultural Marxist "hipster" VICE magazine ( the "alternative" outlet which recently received 70 million dollars from News Corps Zionist Rupert Murdoch). We point out the extensive sharing of propaganda by plutocratic mainstream media and the Left-wing self-proclaimed dissidents that crawl into their laps, a collaboration that exposes them both. How the media tries to dehumanize Golden Dawn supporters and activists for their political agenda, and specific rebuttals of blatantly false statements and willful misconstruction. Mao, Trotsky, And .... Samaras?- Prominent members of both New Democracy and SYRIZA are beginning to talk about creating a coalition for the specific purpose of undermining Golden Dawn in the next election, which is provoking cynicism and migration to Golden Dawn from both parties. Why the last ditch effort to save the "European Project" and international usurers has no rational benefit for the Greek people. "Progress", A Hoax Against History- A talk about those who abuse the word "progress" just because time passes by. But whose interests are really "progressing"? Systematic Left As 21st Century Inquisitors - Modern day witch hunters who spout beautiful words about "humanity" and "freedom", yet anyone who sways even slightly away from their dogma is targeted for violence and character assassination. But with the people awakening and truth no longer able to be hidden, the witch hunters are now the ones finding themselves ostracized and are kept afloat only via the unlimited well of money thrown behind them by elites, as well as monopoly of their ideology in the media. Their social engineering project is so depraved and unnatural, it cannot stand even elementary criticism. Other topics discussed -Plato's Republic Against the modern world's Machiavellian "democracy" -Goldman Sachs' close (tribal?) cooperation with Pappandreou and Simitis and their leading Role In The Greek Crisis -Heretical thought-crimes vs silly conspiracy theories -War stories on battling Anarchist paramilitaries in Greece when Golden Dawn was small, and how the "anti-authoritarians" seek help from police when their targets fight back! -Updates on the very successful Golden Dawn children's drive and a statement of gratitude to all the brothers and sisters who have shown us and the people of Greece their compassion and solidarity. -Greece as a testing ground for what's in store for the rest of Europe -And much more Music: L'effet C'est Moi- Distance Final War- That Day Cause Of Honour- I Polis Ealo Here is the website Nightline's Bill Weir implies he scared off the internet:

 Episode 8- Two Sides Of The Same Coin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7262

TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN -The Left-Wing Titanic: Systematic analysts in panic at the rapid deterioration of "mainstream" plutocratic parties in Europe. The crisis in Spain, Italy, France, and especially Greece has led to the collapse of mainstream parties, but unlike the Great Depression, but to further worry the system, the controlled opposition Left is losing all of its supporters as well. So where are people politically migrating to? George and Ed analyze the situation: The Left has always betrayed the nation AND the working class! -"Conservative" Greek politician: European Union is the only way to beat "backwards" ideas of nationhood. Why Conservatives are part of the establishment and why they have disdain for nationalism. The European project is in shambles, and the social engineering Eurocrats grow more enraged at the failing of their experiment. -5 STAR ANARCHIST HOTEL : Greek establishment is turning a blind eye to citizen pettitions against Anarchist squats. Anarchist paramilitaries who do not attack any systematic figures, only Golden Dawn, are recruiting illegal immigrants to sell drugs and contraband cigarettes that they store in their squats. One of the squats was renovated by the local municipality on the tax-payers dime, only for the Anarchist thugs to move back in to continue their violent and greedy behavior. -Lazy Greeks, Corrupt Italians, Inept Spaniards, and Nazi Germans: Why the democrats of the EU are the real spreaders of racism and how the nationalists of the West are the only ones who can put an end to this global crisis. -Golden Dawn America's children drive: Greek diaspora and other Western nationalists stand up in solidarity to protest the Troikas new genocidal tax policies that specifically punish Greeks for having children. We will now be collecting diapers, baby food, formula and other relevant items to help children in Greece and spit in the face of the plans of a monstrous system. -Marxist strategy for combating "Fascism", Slowly exterminate the Greeks- Communist groups in Greece most visible on the street, such as Antarsya, have openly stated that the only way to defeat "fascism" in Greece is to racially replace/exterminate ethnic Greeks. Why are they agitating illegal immigrants to violence against native Greeks, how do they solve antagonisms within this "rainbow coalition", and are they telling the Muslims and other foreigners they recruit the whole story? Ed and George talk in depth about this malicious plot. - "Arab Spring revolution": Made on Wall Street And in Tel Aviv: Fake CIA led rebellions and civil wars in nations of strategic importance have spread like wild fire, counting thousands of dead to depose popular leaders like Libya's Qaddaffi and Syria's Assad. Egyptian military coup being supported by "democracy spreaders" in the EU and USA. And more on these fake revolutions/post-modern American/EU/Israeli backed coups and what this means for Greece. Music: Triarii- Muse In Arms No Surrender- Erase

 Episode 8- Two Sides Of The Same Coin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7262

TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN -The Left-Wing Titanic: Systematic analysts in panic at the rapid deterioration of "mainstream" plutocratic parties in Europe. The crisis in Spain, Italy, France, and especially Greece has led to the collapse of mainstream parties, but unlike the Great Depression, but to further worry the system, the controlled opposition Left is losing all of its supporters as well. So where are people politically migrating to? George and Ed analyze the situation: The Left has always betrayed the nation AND the working class! -"Conservative" Greek politician: European Union is the only way to beat "backwards" ideas of nationhood. Why Conservatives are part of the establishment and why they have disdain for nationalism. The European project is in shambles, and the social engineering Eurocrats grow more enraged at the failing of their experiment. -5 STAR ANARCHIST HOTEL : Greek establishment is turning a blind eye to citizen pettitions against Anarchist squats. Anarchist paramilitaries who do not attack any systematic figures, only Golden Dawn, are recruiting illegal immigrants to sell drugs and contraband cigarettes that they store in their squats. One of the squats was renovated by the local municipality on the tax-payers dime, only for the Anarchist thugs to move back in to continue their violent and greedy behavior. -Lazy Greeks, Corrupt Italians, Inept Spaniards, and Nazi Germans: Why the democrats of the EU are the real spreaders of racism and how the nationalists of the West are the only ones who can put an end to this global crisis. -Golden Dawn America's children drive: Greek diaspora and other Western nationalists stand up in solidarity to protest the Troikas new genocidal tax policies that specifically punish Greeks for having children. We will now be collecting diapers, baby food, formula and other relevant items to help children in Greece and spit in the face of the plans of a monstrous system. -Marxist strategy for combating "Fascism", Slowly exterminate the Greeks- Communist groups in Greece most visible on the street, such as Antarsya, have openly stated that the only way to defeat "fascism" in Greece is to racially replace/exterminate ethnic Greeks. Why are they agitating illegal immigrants to violence against native Greeks, how do they solve antagonisms within this "rainbow coalition", and are they telling the Muslims and other foreigners they recruit the whole story? Ed and George talk in depth about this malicious plot. - "Arab Spring revolution": Made on Wall Street And in Tel Aviv: Fake CIA led rebellions and civil wars in nations of strategic importance have spread like wild fire, counting thousands of dead to depose popular leaders like Libya's Qaddaffi and Syria's Assad. Egyptian military coup being supported by "democracy spreaders" in the EU and USA. And more on these fake revolutions/post-modern American/EU/Israeli backed coups and what this means for Greece. Music: Triarii- Muse In Arms No Surrender- Erase

 Episode 7- Truth Is The Best Propaganda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7110

TRUTH IS THE BEST PROPAGANDA Democrats Who Fear Democracy- Objective polls by foreign embassies find Golden Dawn is now the second largest party in Greece. Recent demands for new elections have shaken up both New Democracy's Samaras and SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras, both who have been instructed not to do so in fear of Golden Dawn. Good bye ERT- Cultural Marxists of the world gasp in agony as Greek government shuts down ERT. Despite being funded by the Greek tax payer, of whom millions are supporters of Golden Dawn, ERT essentially blocked XA parliament members from accessing its shows or defending itself from the most absurd accusations. George and Ed clarify the position on ERT: we do not support its shut down and leaving unemployed thousands of honest working men, no need to punish the innocent for the corruption of the highly paid PASOK and SYRIZA managers and script writer. A Social-National Critique of Capitalism and Bolshevism - Economics of the left and right criticized, both come from the same roots. Syria in revolt- While 90% of "radical Leftists" in the West have put their "solidarity" behind Israel, Turkey, and US State Department armed and trained Jihadist merceneries, we give a social nationalist perspective on the crisis and why Assad's victory is a serious black eye for the globalist death machine. Leftists, tools of world power- George and Ed discuss why the cultural Marxist left (including Tsipras) continues to think it is edgy and rebellious, when you can buy a Che Guevara shirt in virtually every shopping mall in America and Europe. False opposition made from scratch to fight the nationalist 3rd force. What would Che Guevara think of Alexis Tsipras and the 21st century degenerates that have co-opted his iconic face? George and Ed also deal with amusing leftist theories that Golden Dawn is the "tool of capitalism"... so why does every elite figure fiercely come out against us and for you?! Music: Boiling Blood- Soil Painted Red By Noble Blood Filopatria- Che Gue Βλάκα (Ska Parody)

 Episode 7- Truth Is The Best Propaganda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7110

TRUTH IS THE BEST PROPAGANDA Democrats Who Fear Democracy- Objective polls by foreign embassies find Golden Dawn is now the second largest party in Greece. Recent demands for new elections have shaken up both New Democracy's Samaras and SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras, both who have been instructed not to do so in fear of Golden Dawn. Good bye ERT- Cultural Marxists of the world gasp in agony as Greek government shuts down ERT. Despite being funded by the Greek tax payer, of whom millions are supporters of Golden Dawn, ERT essentially blocked XA parliament members from accessing its shows or defending itself from the most absurd accusations. George and Ed clarify the position on ERT: we do not support its shut down and leaving unemployed thousands of honest working men, no need to punish the innocent for the corruption of the highly paid PASOK and SYRIZA managers and script writer. A Social-National Critique of Capitalism and Bolshevism - Economics of the left and right criticized, both come from the same roots. Syria in revolt- While 90% of "radical Leftists" in the West have put their "solidarity" behind Israel, Turkey, and US State Department armed and trained Jihadist merceneries, we give a social nationalist perspective on the crisis and why Assad's victory is a serious black eye for the globalist death machine. Leftists, tools of world power- George and Ed discuss why the cultural Marxist left (including Tsipras) continues to think it is edgy and rebellious, when you can buy a Che Guevara shirt in virtually every shopping mall in America and Europe. False opposition made from scratch to fight the nationalist 3rd force. What would Che Guevara think of Alexis Tsipras and the 21st century degenerates that have co-opted his iconic face? George and Ed also deal with amusing leftist theories that Golden Dawn is the "tool of capitalism"... so why does every elite figure fiercely come out against us and for you?! Music: Boiling Blood- Soil Painted Red By Noble Blood Filopatria- Che Gue Βλάκα (Ska Parody)


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