Episode 11- Gypsies In Suits And Ties

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: Samaras/Venizelos: The Gypsies In Suits And Ties Pointing 1 Finger At Patriots, And 4 At Themselves - The absurd mockery of kleptocrats and Communists coming together to accuse Golden Dawn of being a "criminal organization". Golden Dawn, the only party that redistributes parliamentary funds back to the people via social services, has its constitutionally guaranteed rights suspended. Golden Dawn tabled a law to cut funding for all parties, but the democrats choose to keep their own privileges. The Sickness Of SYRIZA - SYRIZA-affiliated "anti-racist" protesters come out to support confessed Pakistani rapist that beat a 14 year old girl into a coma. How Dendias and Karagounis tried to cover up facts from this case that Golden Dawn insisted on, with evidence released now exposing them as liars. World Health Organization and United Nations studies shows sexual violence is normal and epidemic in cultures of South Asia and Africa. Let them move into the homes of these rich Leftists! Magic Math - 10 thousand Golden Dawners are shown marching in solidarity with men imprisoned for their ideals on mainstream Greek media as pundits simultaneously insist it is only a few hundred, and grossly inflate the number of Leftist rallies. How the system down plays nationalist successes to suit their own agenda and paint a false picture. Agios Panteleimon: Anarchists Gangs Empowered By Samaras Against The Poor - "Anti-Racists" invade the humble working class neighborhood that Golden Dawn resurrected. Anarchists and Pakistanis beat and harass old people and ordinary residents. Why supposed "radicals" only attack average working class Greeks on behalf of the Greek government that can't afford to move away from the immigrant crime and never any bankers or politicians. Violence And Jail Instead Of Debate In The "Democracy" - Issues that only Golden Dawn raises resonate with the Greek people, but neither the systematic left nor right has any intelligent answer to them. Pedophiles For Human Rights - Proud sexual abusers of kindergarten children, such as Daniel Cohn Bendit, are deputies and ideological leaders in the European Union parliament leading the international propaganda attacks on Golden Dawn in the name of "human rights". The demented society-retarding values of the European Union they are trying to force on the Greek people at gun point. Netanyahu: "Anti-Racist" Law For Greece, Anti-immigrant Law For Us - The Butcher Of Gaza publicly supports new thought-crime prosecuting "anti-racist law" and imprisonment of Golden Dawn, while his country is slated to indiscriminately deport all black immigrants to Uganda. Israel is not a nationalist state, it is a racial supremacist state with its supporters actively "deconstructing" Western civilization, real nationalists support nationalism and self-determination for everyone! Why Leftists only make milquetoast criticisms of a state that has racially segregated schools, anti-miscegenation laws, strict race-based immigration policies, and commits horrific war crimes against neighbors. Oxi Day: The Real History - The real history of a Greek holiday that commemorates Ioannis Metaxas' "No" to the Italian ultimatum. Why do they go to such lengths to suppress pictures and information regarding the August 4th regime that was responsible for this? How Greek Communists refused to fight the Italian invaders due to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the USSR and the Axis, yet today have the audacity to take credit for it. What are they so afraid of? George and Ed shed light. Real European Unity - Nationalists throughout the Western world come out against the unlawful imprisonment of Golden Dawn members and how nationalist freedom fighters are the real ethical ones. Support our humanitarian work, despite the persecutions we will still get our goods to the people who need us now more than ever! Send your shirt size and 25 dollars or more in gift cards or factory(continued)