Episode 8- Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN -The Left-Wing Titanic: Systematic analysts in panic at the rapid deterioration of "mainstream" plutocratic parties in Europe. The crisis in Spain, Italy, France, and especially Greece has led to the collapse of mainstream parties, but unlike the Great Depression, but to further worry the system, the controlled opposition Left is losing all of its supporters as well. So where are people politically migrating to? George and Ed analyze the situation: The Left has always betrayed the nation AND the working class! -"Conservative" Greek politician: European Union is the only way to beat "backwards" ideas of nationhood. Why Conservatives are part of the establishment and why they have disdain for nationalism. The European project is in shambles, and the social engineering Eurocrats grow more enraged at the failing of their experiment. -5 STAR ANARCHIST HOTEL : Greek establishment is turning a blind eye to citizen pettitions against Anarchist squats. Anarchist paramilitaries who do not attack any systematic figures, only Golden Dawn, are recruiting illegal immigrants to sell drugs and contraband cigarettes that they store in their squats. One of the squats was renovated by the local municipality on the tax-payers dime, only for the Anarchist thugs to move back in to continue their violent and greedy behavior. -Lazy Greeks, Corrupt Italians, Inept Spaniards, and Nazi Germans: Why the democrats of the EU are the real spreaders of racism and how the nationalists of the West are the only ones who can put an end to this global crisis. -Golden Dawn America's children drive: Greek diaspora and other Western nationalists stand up in solidarity to protest the Troikas new genocidal tax policies that specifically punish Greeks for having children. We will now be collecting diapers, baby food, formula and other relevant items to help children in Greece and spit in the face of the plans of a monstrous system. -Marxist strategy for combating "Fascism", Slowly exterminate the Greeks- Communist groups in Greece most visible on the street, such as Antarsya, have openly stated that the only way to defeat "fascism" in Greece is to racially replace/exterminate ethnic Greeks. Why are they agitating illegal immigrants to violence against native Greeks, how do they solve antagonisms within this "rainbow coalition", and are they telling the Muslims and other foreigners they recruit the whole story? Ed and George talk in depth about this malicious plot. - "Arab Spring revolution": Made on Wall Street And in Tel Aviv: Fake CIA led rebellions and civil wars in nations of strategic importance have spread like wild fire, counting thousands of dead to depose popular leaders like Libya's Qaddaffi and Syria's Assad. Egyptian military coup being supported by "democracy spreaders" in the EU and USA. And more on these fake revolutions/post-modern American/EU/Israeli backed coups and what this means for Greece. Music: Triarii- Muse In Arms No Surrender- Erase