Episode 7- Truth Is The Best Propaganda

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: TRUTH IS THE BEST PROPAGANDA Democrats Who Fear Democracy- Objective polls by foreign embassies find Golden Dawn is now the second largest party in Greece. Recent demands for new elections have shaken up both New Democracy's Samaras and SYRIZA's Alexis Tsipras, both who have been instructed not to do so in fear of Golden Dawn. Good bye ERT- Cultural Marxists of the world gasp in agony as Greek government shuts down ERT. Despite being funded by the Greek tax payer, of whom millions are supporters of Golden Dawn, ERT essentially blocked XA parliament members from accessing its shows or defending itself from the most absurd accusations. George and Ed clarify the position on ERT: we do not support its shut down and leaving unemployed thousands of honest working men, no need to punish the innocent for the corruption of the highly paid PASOK and SYRIZA managers and script writer. A Social-National Critique of Capitalism and Bolshevism - Economics of the left and right criticized, both come from the same roots. Syria in revolt- While 90% of "radical Leftists" in the West have put their "solidarity" behind Israel, Turkey, and US State Department armed and trained Jihadist merceneries, we give a social nationalist perspective on the crisis and why Assad's victory is a serious black eye for the globalist death machine. Leftists, tools of world power- George and Ed discuss why the cultural Marxist left (including Tsipras) continues to think it is edgy and rebellious, when you can buy a Che Guevara shirt in virtually every shopping mall in America and Europe. False opposition made from scratch to fight the nationalist 3rd force. What would Che Guevara think of Alexis Tsipras and the 21st century degenerates that have co-opted his iconic face? George and Ed also deal with amusing leftist theories that Golden Dawn is the "tool of capitalism"... so why does every elite figure fiercely come out against us and for you?! Music: Boiling Blood- Soil Painted Red By Noble Blood Filopatria- Che Gue Βλάκα (Ska Parody)