Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Image Bearers Radio Ep. 26- Vayikra “And He Called” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:55

As most of us coming from a Christian background, I largely avoided the book of Leviticus. Over the last several years of my journey learning Torah, Vayikra has become my favorite book of Torah. In this week's episode, we discuss this beautiful work of Scripture and how it is necessary for every believer.

 Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson – Are You Covenanted? Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:30

Now that you’ve learned about the relationship between salvation, faith and works, and that “saved” is not a status in the “Are You Saved” series, it makes sense to learn about the one thing that could be considered a status worth bearing–being “in covenant” or “covenanted”. In this series Rabbi Steve Berkson begins to define “covenant” as seen throughout scripture; covenants between persons and covenants between Elohim and mankind. Sometimes Yahweh makes a covenant with himself. Other times in scripture we see Yahweh making a covenant with His creation. When was the first covenant established? What’s the difference between a promise and a covenant? How is being covenanted going to affect your life? Do you understand what you’re getting into? Don't miss out on new teachings every week. For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website at http://www.mtoi.org Join us on Social media! Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mtoiworldwide We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website wwww.mtoi.org, email us at admin@mtoi.org or call us at 423-250-3020. Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE Streamed on our Main YouTube Channel every Shabbat at 1pm (EST) and every Tuesday for Torah Study Live Stream at 8pm (EST)

 Welcome to Israel’s New Religious State Government: Mystery Babylon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Brought To You By The Nascent Sanhedrin… This week’s report is written to those who are discouraged because Israel has a new government – called a “unity government” – which to some means their expectations of a Nascent Sanhedrin-led Israeli government is unfulfilled. Sometimes what we know must happen does happen but we don’t recognize it because it didn’t happen the way we thought. That an event did not unfold as we expected does not mean it isn’t fulfilled, however. Often, YHVH fulfills His will in unexpected ways. I believe Israel’s “unity government” has fulfilled the rise of Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon, a religious State governed by the Nascent Sanhedrin. Israel is no longer a secular government ruled by a political body. Israel is now a religious State ruled by a religious body using the political body to do its will. JOIN THE NEW BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, I MEAN THE RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP AND THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. I DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE! Shalom! Kimberly Rogers-Brown beastwatchnews@gmail.com Music by Mishkanim.

 Ezekiel 8-11 & Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:02

Pay Attention Watchmen & Women.  We need to be sounding the Shofar. CLICK HERE FULL VIDEO Who does YHWH tell Ezekiel are his brothers, relatives, kinsmen and all of the House of Israel? Are they only those that are in the land that judgement is about to come upon? Or are they those that are still scattered, that those in the land are telling to 'stay away' that the land has been given to them? What is the image of jealously north of the door of the north gate? Ezekiel digs into the wall of Jerusalem and is shown abominations being done in darkness or secret. What's going on in Zedekiah's Cave (also known to the Mason's as King Solomon's Quarries) under the north wall of Jerusalem? Does Zedekiah's cave possibly connect to the tunnels under the Western Wall where the underground synagogue with the gold pomegranate globe and 70 seats are? Are the stations for the Via Dolorosa biblically considered 'weeping for Tammuz'? The first station of the Via Dolorosa starts at approximately the Dome of the Rock which is north of the north gate and the Catholics tie lent (weeping for Tammuz) to the Via Dolorosa in their teachings. All of this as well as connecting the 'dots' between Ezekiel's vision, Mark Master Masons & Quantum Dot Tracking Vaccines to Revelation's Mark of the Beast in this video. Also includes video clip of Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz regarding forced vaccinations or indefinite quarantine (no participation in society at all unless you get vaccinated). Visit our website https://www.hagedornauction.com WE ARE OFFERING OUR PHYSICAL 'HIS WORD HEALS!' SCRIPTURE CDs FOR FREE!  We are just asking for $3 per CD to cover shipping via Media Mail or $8 if you would like it sooner via Priority Mail (while supplies last).  On todays program we will be playing the 'Fear Not', 'Strength' & 'Psalms 91 Warfare' tracks for you to enjoy.  We pray that His Words speaks to you in a special healing and uplifting way today.  You can also always get a free MP3 download of the entire CD FOR FREE on our website at www.HisWordHeals.com .  Click on the 'Books & CD' link and choose the Free Download link below the CD. All our videos available FREE at www.HisWordHeals.com  "Revelation Signs - 80 Years if Due to Strength" which is a two hour very detailed look at Revelation & the coming Signs in the Heavens with tons of supporting Scripture passages.  You can also watch the intro video on just the upcoming signs in the heavens as they relate to our theory of the generation that will not pass before these things come to pass being the "80 years if due to strenth" generation of Psalms 90.  This intro video is called "Revelation Signs - Teach Us to Number our Days"PLEASE LIKE OUR VIDEO ON YOUTUBE AND SHARE IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.  PLEASE JOIN WITH US IN SOUNDING THE SHOFAR. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE HEBREW NATION PODCAST &/OR OUR HIS WORD HEALS! BLOG POST EMAIL NOTIFICATION LIST SO YOU DON'T MISS ANY OF OUR FUTURE PROGRAMS, THEN IF YOU ARE BLESSED BY WHAT YOU HEAR, PLEASE ALSO DONATE BY CLICKING THE DONATE BUTTON ON THIS HEBREW NATION RADIO WEBSITE. You can also visit our website at www.hiswordheals.com FOR A FREE KINDLE DOWNLOAD OF THE BOOK ‘IF GOD CAN HEAL HIS PEOPLE, WHY IS THE CHURCH SO SICK?’ AS WELL AS A FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of our CD called ‘HIS WORD HEALS!

 Mark Call – Parsha “Bemidbar”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:01

Parsha "Bemidbar" begins the new Book with the same name ("Nunbers" in the English, which is also quite descriptive!) with instructions that Yahuah gave to Moses b'midbar, or "In the wilderness" of Sinai. It is also the first commanded "head count" in the Bible, and it's interesting that the colloquial term is a better translation of the literal Hebrew ("lift up the head") than the idea of merely taking a census. There's also an important implication in the way the text is structured that what is intended here ("by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of NAMES") is far more than just treating the many individuals among the mixed multitude simply as 'numbers'. The Erev Shabbat overview covers the specifics: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/24083337/SSM-5-22-20-Bemidbar-teaching-podcast-x.mp3 The Sabbath midrash picks up with another question about the numbers themselves, and why Scripture gives us so much detail about them. And that, in turn, should really raise some eyebrows today (interesting how His Word resonates, even in ways we don't necessarily expect!) -- because it should help us to understand TRUST. Why it matters, and where we must put it! “Bemidbar: Why the Numbers Really Matter - then and now” https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/24090810/WT-CooH-5-23-20-Why-the-Numbers-Matter-in-the-Wilderness-and-elsewhere-podcast-xx.mp3 The combined two-part teaching is here:

 Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13:18 – PART 1 of 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:53

It appears from all the signs and events we are witnessing these days; that we might, in fact, be drawing ominously near towards the fulfilment of the biblical "Mark of the Beast" End of Days prophetic words of the Bible. With many "out there" giving us teachings about the number 666, I would like to present my thoughts about the way in which we will be able to identify this "beast," though not just "him," but also to identify the movement or spirit that is pushing the 666 agenda. So, what is this "Mark of the Beast" as it is referenced for us in Revelation 13:18? Permit me to put it this way: I think it's more than just a human microchip or "tattoo" on the right hand or on the forehead. Join me for about an hour and I'll explain it as I am perceiving how all this is being fulfilled these days. This is Program episode number 020, Part 1 of 2 parts. 

 Set History Straight – Meaning of Pentecost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:09

The meaning of Pentecost.

 Flashpoint | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:01

What natural phenomenon is the cause of many of the judgments of Revelation? What do we know about this phenomenon?  Who's trial resumes on May 24?  On what charges?  What is one Mayor's plan to ensure unquestioning obedience?  Which entity is buying up riot gear?  What do they know that many do not?  What unique chip marking is contained in 5G motherboards?  Join me for a wade into the swirling waters that will soon become chaos.

 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:32

Co-hosts Mark Call and Jeff Gilbert review a week of major news events which now make it virtually impossible for those with "eyes to see" to deny that the attempt to destroy the United States is not only deliberate, but largely successful. What was once called "civil disobedience" is now simply an ability to read the Bill of Rights as written, or to understand what Scripture has prophesied. But the chasm between those who see where we are and what's coming, and those who drink the Kool-aid, wear the mandated placebo facial burkas, and behave like good little slaves, has never been wider. What is clear is that those who follow YHVH need to "come out of her," while we still can. Where Jeff and Mark seem to disagree is on whether or not getting out of the major cesspool cities -- while a necessary start -- is even remotely enough. Note: The Dr. Coffman referenced during the show as the man who exposed the UN agenda behind the so-called "Wildlands Project," and was instrumental in rejecting ratification of the "Biodiversity treaty, is the late Dr. Michael S. Coffman." Notably, his bio has been expunged from places like Wikileaks, but for now, at least, his volume of works, including over five books on topics ranging from environmental religion to how America was plundered, are still available.

 “Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:48

By now it's hopefully clear to all those with "eyes to see," that the current war on the once-free American people not only has NOTHING to do with protecting them from Covid-19 [84] but everything to do with establishing a "new world order" Tyranny that they couldn't accomplish without the total destruction of the Constitutional Republic. How do governors, bureaucrats, feckless "police," and even presidents get away with such blatant infringement of literally EVERY once-Constitutionally-protected Right, and terrorize so many sheeple into cowering subservience at the same time? Join host Mark Call for a look at where we are, what must be done, and what a "long train of abuses and usurpations, having invariably the same Object," should tell us. And they beg the one fundamental question, that was at least once, "self-evident": "Do We Have Rights from GOD, or NOT?"

 Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Daniel chapter 9 – Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:11

This week the teachers begin the study of Daniel chapter 9, and hs prayer for "kol Israel," all of the descendents of those who came out of Egypt (Mitzraim) as part of the 'mixed multitude,' and then fell into idolatry and thus exile. This one includes the idea of the "shabuim shibiym." often rendered as "seventy weeks," but there's more to it...

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

News and commentary for Thursday, 21 May, 2020.

 Living Torah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:01

Israel was brought into the wilderness to test their faith. History will repeat itself, but it will be our choice to replay the same outcome or produce a different one. May we learn from their mistakes so we do not repeat them. Joinedtohashem.org

 5.19.20~Hebrew Nation Morning Show~3Wise Guys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:44

The Wise Guys have a conversation with author & teacher Dawn Hagedorn from "His Word Heals."  In this podcast, you will hear words that will encourage you to make a stand in both your physical and spiritual world.  Tune in and find your purpose. 3wiseguys@hebrewnation.net

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Wednesday, 20May, 2020. Don't mist this one, folks! It may be one of the most important news and commentaries Mark has ever done. But it won't be easy to hear.


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