“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: By now it's hopefully clear to all those with "eyes to see," that the current war on the once-free American people not only has NOTHING to do with protecting them from Covid-19 [84] but everything to do with establishing a "new world order" Tyranny that they couldn't accomplish without the total destruction of the Constitutional Republic.<br> <br> How do governors, bureaucrats, feckless "police," and even presidents get away with such blatant infringement of literally EVERY once-Constitutionally-protected Right, and terrorize so many sheeple into cowering subservience at the same time?<br> <br> Join host Mark Call for a look at where we are, what must be done, and what a "long train of abuses and usurpations, having invariably the same Object," should tell us. <br> <br> And they beg the one fundamental question, that was at least once, "self-evident":<br> <br> "Do We Have Rights from GOD, or NOT?"<br>