Welcome to Israel’s New Religious State Government: Mystery Babylon

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: Brought To You By The Nascent Sanhedrin…<br> <br> This week’s report is written to those who are discouraged because Israel has a new government – called a “unity government” – which to some means their expectations of a Nascent Sanhedrin-led Israeli government is unfulfilled. Sometimes what we know must happen does happen but we don’t recognize it because it didn’t happen the way we thought. That an event did not unfold as we expected does not mean it isn’t fulfilled, however. Often, YHVH fulfills His will in unexpected ways. I believe Israel’s “unity government” has fulfilled the rise of Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon, a religious State governed by the Nascent Sanhedrin.<br> <br> Israel is no longer a secular government ruled by a political body. Israel is now a religious State ruled by a religious body using the political body to do its will.<br> <br> JOIN THE NEW <a href="https://beastwatchnews.freeforums.net/">BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM</a><br> <br> DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, I MEAN THE RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP AND THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. I DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE!<br> <br> Shalom!<br> Kimberly Rogers-Brown<br> beastwatchnews@gmail.com<br> <br> Music by <a href="https://www.mishkanim.com/">Mishkanim</a>.