Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson – Are You Covenanted? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:31

There’s only one covenant that we should be concerned about, right? What if there are more than one covenant in play, with some overlapping others, that we need to understand and be concerned about? In part 2 of this teaching on covenants, Rabbi Steve Berkson gets into more detail about Yahweh’s covenant with Noah, Abraham and Isaac. Are all covenants the same? How is a “promise” different than a “covenant”? What does the word “perfect” or “blameless” mean? (Gen 17:1) What does it mean to be “of the seed of Abraham”? Circumcision is not for today, is it? Did anyone in Acts 15 have the authority to add to, subtract from, or alter Torah? Why was Abraham picked to be in covenant with Yahweh? Don't miss out on new teachings every week. For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website at http://www.mtoi.org Join us on Social media! Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mtoiworldwide We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website wwww.mtoi.org, email us at admin@mtoi.org or call us at 423-250-3020. Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE Streamed on our Main YouTube Channel every Shabbat at 1pm (EST) and every Tuesday for Torah Study Live Stream at 8pm (EST)

 What Do Abortions Have To Do With The Mark Of The Beast? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

This week’s broadcast is an intensive study of the nature of the mark of the beast. It doesn’t identify the Antichrist but posits the idea of the mark coming from personal digital ID starting with your acceptance of a non-mark of the beast in the form of a vaccine that be enhanced later on perhaps. Even if you disagree that the mark of the beast is something digital, please listen to this rather technical, at times, broadcast. I have tried to make the technicalities easy to understand. You need to know these things, especially if you believe that 5G and the mark of the beast go hand in hand. JOIN THE NEW BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUMto discuss this and other articles and issues. DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, I MEAN THE RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP AND THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. I DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE! Shalom! Kimberly Rogers-Brown beastwatchnews@gmail.com Music by Mishkanim.

 Mark of the Beast – Revelation 13:18 – PART 2 of 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:53

It appears from all the signs and events we are witnessing these days; that we might, in fact, be drawing ominously near towards the fulfilment of the biblical "Mark of the Beast" End of Days prophetic words of the Bible. With many "out there" giving us teachings about the number 666, I would like to present my thoughts about the way in which we will be able to identify this "beast," though not just "him," but also to identify the movement or spirit that is pushing the 666 agenda. On this episode, we will look at the secret society number "A113," which is linked to the technology called "AI" - Artificial Intelligence. We will also have a look at the well-known Hollywood big screen number "322" as it links to Genesis 3:22. Plus, we'll look at the number of man, which is "45" and "311." These are all secret society codes and symbols for the New World Order and you will see how they are used to tell the world what's coming and yet what is not coming. Join me for about an hour and I'll explain things as I am perceiving them being fulfilled in these days. This is Program episode 021, Part 2 of 2 parts. 

 Mark Call – Parsha “Shavout – and a bit of Naso”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:37

This is another special week, since the regular Torah portion is -- at least somewhat! -- pre-empted by the final spring feast of Shavuot. But because it turns out to be SO apropos anyway, Mark Call decided to incorporate at least SOME of parsha "Naso" (Numbers 4:21 through chapter 6, in this case) into this week's two-part teaching. The Erev Shabbat overview and "set-up" includes both the first couple of chapters of that parsha, along with some traditional readings from Exodus chapters 19 through 20 (the giving of the Torah and 'Ten Debarim' at Mount Sinai) as well, since that was at least the FIRST part of what happened during this time, so long ago. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/30135243/SSM-5-29-20-Shavuot-and-Naso-part-1-teaching-podcast-xx.mp3 The Sabbath midrash is not only about Shavuot, this final of the three Spring feasts [moedim], but how so much of what is happening RIGHT NOW in the biggest orchestrated global economic meltdown in history, but also the explicit destruction of most of "western civilization' and the American republics as well, is literally about as much of a "proof" of the validity of Scripture as could be hoped for. How do placebo masks, the 'woman caught in adultery,' and even the Book of Ruth manage to relate SO specifically to what happened in our history, and is now unfolding all around us, and more so than ever on this special day? https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/30143936/WT-CooH-5-30-20-Shavuot-Ruth-the-Sota-and-the-Whole-Whoring-World-podcast-xx.mp3 “Shavuot, and a bit of Naso: Idolatary, Big Brother Style” The combined two-part teaching is here:

 Flashpoint | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Is the George Floyd rioting the "some people from the middle of the country start fighting the government" from the Duduman vision?  What is the end of that vision?  Who is the new Comptroller of the Treasury and why should his work history matter?  Is it "lack of faith" to prepare for the times ahead?  What shiver went through the European bank system?  I inquired of the Lord for a message of encouragement for today.  Who you like to hear the dream He gave me?  Join me for reality yet comfort as we head into our own new world order  - when the Messiah Himself will teach us and walk amongst us.

 Healing for the Nations with A Modern Day Samaritan Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:00

Sharing Your Pearls Join Laura Lee as she shares a unique perspective on step five of the twelves steps of recovery.... Tony A. Version of Step 5 as found in his book, The Laundry List We admitted to our Higher Power, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our childhood abandonment. from page 58 of The Laundry List: “Out of a searching and blameless inventory of our parents we come to see how we reacted, adapted, revolted and resisted — and ultimately abandoned ourselves.  When we review the nature of our parents’ illness, we come to see how many of their behavior patterns replaced our youthful innocence and spontaneity; we see all the desparate adaptations, frustration and flight.  Through these parent – taught mechanisms we truly abandoned ourselves. All these harmful acquired behavior patterns we adopted are truly our childhood losses.  We need to acknowledge them to our Higher Power, to ourselves and to another individual so that we can move toward a healthy self.  The intent of this step is to help us recognize how we were emotionally abandoned as children and how we abandoned ourselves and became our parents.” ACA Official Step 5 / Alanon Step 5 Admitted to God, to our selves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs Join Laura Lee for a new series on step six: We were entirely ready to begin the healing process with the aid of our Higher Power. Enjoy music by Florida's very own talented husband and wife! Mishkanim! https://www.mishkanim.com/music-samples-and-downloads                          

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:40

News, commentary, and a summary of some of the major events for the week ending Friday, 29 May, 2020.

 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:01

This week's Friday morning wrap-up of the week provided a rare treat, in addition to the warnings. Daniel Holdings, a name that will be very familiar to long-time Hebrew Nation Radio listeners, joined Mark and Jeff for a chance to catch up, look back, and look ahead.

 Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Daniel chapter 9 – continued | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:09

The Torah teachers continue the examination of the Book of Daniel, chapter 9, and the prophecy that has become so controversial: Daniel's "seventy weeks". And there are issues of 490 years, or 420, and connections to Revelation, and on and on. Certainly lots of opinions, and lots of obfuscation... NOTE: This link was bad earlier, and has now been corrected.

 “Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

Over the decade or so at this point that host Mark Call has been quoting Revelation 18:4, and advising that we take to heart the advice to "Come out of her, My people," the concept of "follow the money" - or what at least now passes for it! -- has been a frequent topic. It helps us to understand why "dishonest weights and measures," like fiat currency, are such an abomination of YHVH. But it has never been more clear, and urgent, to realize that the END of that system is at hand, and is coming apart, and DOWN, exactly as PLANNED. Don't miss this examination of what that means.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Thursday, 28 May, 2020. Minneapolis burns, social [ist] media triangulates, and the economic collapses accelerates to the point where even the tout-TV talking heads are starting to capitulate: this has gotten ugly.

 5.26.20~Hebrew Nation Morning Show~3Wise Guys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:44

Are you ready for the end of days? Do you know what is stated in the books of Joel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah?  Do you know that America and it's destruction is included in these prophetic books in the Bible? Join the Wise Guys, with Benjamin Baruch a noted author, speaker, and financial advisor who was given a message directly from Yahweh to share with His people. Please listen--it's important. 3wiseguys@hebrewnation.net

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Wednesday, 27 May, 2020.

 Does the Torah Support Forced Vaccinations? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:53

According to Trump Attorney & Netanyahu friend, Alan Dershowitz, it does... CLICK HERE FULL VIDEO   Watch this clip as Mr. Dershowitz explains why, according to the Torah and all Abrahamic religions, you do NOT have any right to a religious exemption from a mandatory Covid 19 vaccination! This just happened in the last day or two. He is doubling down here in support of the statements he made in an interview last week when he said the government has the Constitutional right to "drag you into a doctors office and plunge a needle in your arm". Its time to blow the shofar and wake everyone up. Please see also our previous video which includes the original Alan Dershowitz forced vaccination clip and ties mandatory vaccines, quantum dot tattoo vaccines, events taking place under Jerusalem, Ezekiel 8-11 and the Mark of Revelation all together! Also watch our video about Contact Tracing and many more relevant videos on our website at https://www.hiswordheals.com/videos/ News clip taken from TruNews.com specifically https://www.trunews.com/stream/noahid... and it originally came from the youtube interview video you can find here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuoM3... WE ARE OFFERING OUR PHYSICAL 'HIS WORD HEALS!' SCRIPTURE CDs FOR FREE!  We are just asking for $3 per CD to cover shipping via Media Mail or $8 if you would like it sooner via Priority Mail (while supplies last).  On todays program we will be playing the 'Fear Not', 'Strength' & 'Psalms 91 Warfare' tracks for you to enjoy.  We pray that His Words speaks to you in a special healing and uplifting way today.  You can also always get a free MP3 download of the entire CD FOR FREE on our website at www.HisWordHeals.com .  Click on the 'Books & CD' link and choose the Free Download link below the CD. All our videos available FREE at www.HisWordHeals.com  "Revelation Signs - 80 Years if Due to Strength" which is a two hour very detailed look at Revelation & the coming Signs in the Heavens with tons of supporting Scripture passages.  You can also watch the intro video on just the upcoming signs in the heavens as they relate to our theory of the generation that will not pass before these things come to pass being the "80 years if due to strenth" generation of Psalms 90.  This intro video is called "Revelation Signs - Teach Us to Number our Days"PLEASE LIKE OUR VIDEO ON YOUTUBE AND SHARE IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.  PLEASE JOIN WITH US IN SOUNDING THE SHOFAR. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE HEBREW NATION PODCAST &/OR OUR HIS WORD HEALS! BLOG POST EMAIL NOTIFICATION LIST SO YOU DON'T MISS ANY OF OUR FUTURE PROGRAMS, THEN IF YOU ARE BLESSED BY WHAT YOU HEAR, PLEASE ALSO DONATE BY CLICKING THE DONATE BUTTON ON THIS HEBREW NATION RADIO WEBSITE.

 Image Bearers Radio Ep. 27- Lessons in the Desert I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:55

"Becoming a People of the Ears I" God has chosen a new Adam once again...Israel, His first born. God lead Israel out into the desert where He gives His commandments at Mount Sinai and instructs them to build the Tabernacle. It's all a wonderful story up until now, but why the desert? What does the desert teach us that other places cannot? Today, we will begin a discussion on the "Becoming a People of the Ears".


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