Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:13

Mark had to "go it alone" today -- Jeff's internet connection was evidently down, and perhaps that, too, is another harbinger of things to come.   There are others: tune in!  

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

News and commentary for Friday, 30 August, 2013... ...to wrap up a busy week.   No war YET - but it looks like the story is falling apart, so somebody'd better hurry.      

 Double Portion Inheritance: The Testimony of Yahuwshuwa in the Fall Feasts (08/29/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:56

In this episode, Maria illustrates how our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa fulfilled all three of the Fall Feasts at his nativity and all three of the Spring Feasts at his death, burial and resurrection. Maria explains that Yahuwshuwa fasted for forty days leading up to Yom Kippur, as he fulfilled the pattern of the “twin goats.” He also restored the office of the High Priest (Kohen Gadowl) back to Melchizedek when he emerged to read the Isaiah 61 scroll on Yom Kippur in Luke 4:14-20. How do we know that this was Yom Kippur when he read this scroll? The answer lies in the phrase “The Acceptable Year of YaHuWaH” which Maria explains in this teaching. Maria also explains that Yahuwshuwa was born on September 11th in 3 B.C. on the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishri. This day was “The Feast of Trumpets” or in Hebrew “Yom Teruw’ah.” This is the self-same day when all of the kings of Judah were ushered into their new office at their coronation. The Heavenly Father was ushering his son into the world on this feast day with the sound of trumpets! And finally, Maria discusses the Hebrew Idiom known as “The Day that No Man Knows” and how this is a metaphor for the “Feast of Trumpets” or “Yom Teruw’ah.” See Maria’s related blogs below: “Messiah’s Forty Days of Fasting Leading Up to Yom Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/messiahs-forty-days-of-fasting-leading_4090.html “When Was the Real Messiah Born & Why Does it Matter?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/messiah-of-israel-born-on-feast-of.html “Yom Teruw’ah: The Day that No Man Knows!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/yom-teruah-day-that-no-man-knows_3315.html

 1260 Report – 8/30/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

*Report: US to attack Syria on Saturday, exit by next Wednesday *Congress challenges Obama’s authority to attack Syria *BUSTED: US/UK back false flag chemical attack in Syria *Syria’s Reichstag moment *Israelis line up for gas masks as Syria strike looms *Russia and Iran give stern warnings against US intervention in Syria, possible repercussions *Syrian official: Israel will come under fire if Syria is attacked *Discussion: is this leading up to Psalm 83 being fulfilled? *Discussion: is this leading up to Gog/Magog war being fulfilled? (Ez. 38/39?) *Discussion:is this leading up to the judgment of spiritual Babylon (the U.S.) being fulfilled? (Jer 50 and 51) *US Treasury will exhaust borrowing capacity in mid October… * Is THAT why we are seeing the FEMA on HIGH ALERT and preparing for worst in Region 3? Getting ready for economic collapse? *Pentagon preparing for large scale economic breakdown *Close in prayer and scripture: Ezekiel 36:24-36

 Double Portion Inheritance: When Was the Real Messiah Born & Why Does it Matter? (08/22/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:35

In this episode, Maria explains how we can know for sure that our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa was born on September 11th in 3 B.C. on the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishri. This day was “The Feast of Trumpets” or in Hebrew “Yom Teruw’ah.” This is the self-same day when all of the kings of Judah were ushered into their new office at their coronation. The Heavenly Father was ushering his son into the world on this feast day with the sound of trumpets! Traditionally, within Messianic Judaism, it is thought that our Messiah was born on the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). If our Messiah fulfilled all three of the Spring Feasts at his death, burial and resurrection, it only makes sense that he fulfilled all three of the Fall Feasts at his nativity! Thus he fulfilled all seven of the Feasts of YaHuWaH at his first coming, but he will also fulfill them again at his second coming! See Maria’s related blogs below: “Messiah’s Forty Days of Fasting Leading Up to Yom Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/messiahs-forty-days-of-fasting-leading_4090.html “When Was the Real Messiah Born & Why Does it Matter?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/messiah-of-israel-born-on-feast-of.html

 Focus Israel Report ~ 8.28.13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

There are reports that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is losing trust with Tzipi Livni as Israel's chief peace negotiator. This report examines Livni's family background, life history and political views to help us to understand her world view in seeking to achieve a peace agreement. Is Livni's world view different from Netanyahu? The answer to this question may determine the course of the peace process in the next few month. (Part 1 of 2)

 Paradigm Shift – The Spiritual Force Forcing The Damascus Event Parts 1-3 and a video | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Isa 1:1  The vision of Yeshayahu son of Amots, which he saw concerning Yehud?ah and Yerushalayim in the days of Uzziyahu, Yotham, Ah?az, H?izqiyahu – sovereigns of Yehudah. In part two I mistakenly say that Isaiah was prophesying at the time of Ahab and Jezzy the dog. Simple Numeric Language of Secret Societies   Must Watch! Low level members, such as; entertainers, musicians, and the ley person think they know something because they can read some of the understanding of the symbols their masters create.  This is not an end all code, it's the refuse level at the base of the pyramid. Nevertheless, there is is some good understanding.   Warning some strong language, understandably expressed! Parts 1 - 3 

 Manna LIVE! ~ Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:46

Aug 28th, 2013 Possess the land and dwell in it? That doesn't sound like the passive 'don't get involved attitude' of today's post-modern Believer! In fact, it is military jargon and reminds us of the greatest conquest of the day, unsurpassed only by those of us who will drive out the modern Serpent Seed as we take back our inheritance! Don't move until the Ark - but, get ready, 'cause it's coming! Stay tuned...

 Hebrew Nation Morning Show – Cuppa Shebrews – 08/28/2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:58

Cuppa Shebrews hosted by Kimberly Rogers and Teresa Casalino had 3 guests!  Two wonderful musical talents as well as Rico Cortes (who also sings but not today).. The top of the hour started with Sherron and Johnny Hardin of Tennessee.  Sherron and Johnny met at her home during a prayer meeting.  As it turns out, these two were meant to make music together!  In 2010 Sherron wrote 10 songs that the Lord inspired her to write.  Since then the music has not stopped coming!  To debut their soon coming first album “If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments” they’ve dedicated their first song as a First Fruits Offering.  For the next two weeks, Hebrew Nation Radio will be selling the song exclusively and receiving all the proceeds through September 11, 2013.  Please stop by www.HebrewNationRadio.com to purchase the song in the store under music. Our second guests for the show were Lenny and Varda of www.LennyandVarda.com.  Lenny and Varda have 10 CD’s to choose from and their latest one promises not to fail in inspiring and lifting you up.  Listen to Lenny and Varda talk about how they met and how their walk together has taken them around the world!  “Israel Arise” is the name of their latest CD and can be found at their site or at the HNR store. Our guest for the last hour was Rico Cortes of www.WisdominTorah.com.  We talked about the Ancient Near Eastern Treaties (ANET) and how they apply to clarify and expound the Word of YHVH by illuminating the contextual backdrop relating to International Legal Code.  Why should we call no man our father?  What does it really mean to be sealed?  What do Hittite Treaties tells us about names?  What is significant about leavened cakes during the month of Nissan/Aviv?  What about Suzerains and their Vassals! To learn the answers to these questions and more, listen in! As always, thank you for joining us!

 TTRT – Apostolic Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:53

The topic of discussion is Matthew chapter 14 -- from loaves and fishes, and walking on water, to prophecy.   But this heat up when the teachers address the "hot topics" of tradition, food, and "hypocrisy".    What was the real point He was making in those "so-often-twisted" verses?    

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

News and commentary for Wednesday, 28 August, 2013.   War draws near, the propaganda intensifies, and so does the economic meltdown that ties it all together.    

 Torah Teacher’s Round Table, Torah Edition: Nitzavim & VaYelech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:27

This week we cover Torah Portion Nitavim and VaYelech and are joined by by Barry Phillips, Ephraim Judah, Kimberly Rogers, and Lee Miller .  We have some great discussions about the implications and meaning of covenant, the consequenses of rebellion as well as how to return from a state of rebellion.  A list of the resources mentioned can be found in this week's posting at  https://www.facebook.com/TorahTeachers For more information about Ryan White, you can visit the following: http://rooted-in-torah.com For more information about Lee Miller, you can visit: http://www.houseofdavidfellowship.com/ For more information about Kimberly Rogers, you can visit: http://themessianicmessage.com/ For more information about Barry Phillips, you can visit: www.thereturning.net For more information about Ephraim Judah, you can visit: http://Lionlamb.net

 Manna LIVE! ~ Tuesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:46

Aug 27th, 2013 Our inheritance lies before us and we can take possession of it with only a couple of "minor" stipulations: Drive out the inhabitants who oppose YHVH and render tribute to Him as we conquer in His Name. Yet, our traditions have us passively waiting for Yahshua or the angels to do the work for us, effectively neutering the greatest military machine in Creation - the Army of YHVH! We have tied our own hands watching in apathy as our families remain in bondage. King David remarked: "Is there not a Cause"? I ask you the same! Will you rise up and become the Warrior Abba has called you to? Stay tuned Torah fans...

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

News and commentary for Tuesday, 27 August, 2013.   While the WasteStreamMedia hypes the coming war(s) -- here's what ISN'T getting much notice...

 Hebrew Nation Morning Show ~ 8/26/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:31

What's going on in Syria? Could Isaiah chapter 17 be playing out before our eyes? Listen in as we discuss the destruction of Damascus and how it relates to the current events in Syria and much more. Is the government of Syria really to blame for the chemical weapons deaths? Were there chemical weapons in the first place? How do the experts react to the evidence seen so far? In other topics, what business does the government have in infiltrating what it deems to be "extremist" groups? What defines "extremism"? Could we be seeing government agents infiltrate churches and assemblies, with goals of disinforming, influencing, and leading believers astray?


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